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Formalizing Data Processing using the Process Class

Suhas Somnath, Oak Ridge National Lab

Rajiv Giridharagopal, University of Washington

Updated: 6/12/2020

In this example, we will learn how to implement the pyUSID Process class. This method is ideal for situations where we want to parallel operate on a large dataset.


Most of code written for scientific research is in the form of single-use / one-off scripts due to a few common reasons:

  • the author feels that it is the fastest mode to accomplishing a research task

  • the author feels that they are unlikely to perform the same operation again

  • the author does not anticipate the possibility that others may need to run their code

However, more often than not, nearly all researchers have found that one or more of these assumptions fail and a lot of time is spent on fixing bugs and generalizing / formalizing code such that it can be shared or reused. Moreover, we live in an era of open science where the scientific community and an ever-increasing number of scientific journals are moving towards a paradigm where the data and code need to be made available with journal papers. Therefore, in the interest of saving time, energy, and reputation, it makes a lot more sense to formalize (parts of) one’s data analysis code.

For many researchers, formalizing data processing or analysis may seem like a daunting task due to the complexity of and the number of sub-operations that need to performed. pyUSID.Process greatly simplifies the process of formalizing code by lifting or reducing the burden of implementing important, yet tedious tasks and considerations such as:

  • memory management - reading chunks of datasets that can be processed with the available memory, something very crucial for very large datasets that cannot entirely fit into the computer’s memory

  • Scalable parallel computing -

    • On personal computers - considerate CPU usage - Process will use all but one or two CPU cores for the (parallel) computation, which allows the user to continue using the computer for other activities such as reading mail, etc.

    • New in pyUSID v. 0.0.5 - Ability to scale to multiple computers in a cluster. The Process class can scale the same scientific code written for personal computers to use multiple computers (or nodes) on a high performance computing (HPC) resource or a cloud-based cluster to dramatically reduce the computational time

  • pausing and resuming computation - interrupting and resuming the computation at a more convenient time, something that is especially valuable for lengthy computations.

  • avoiding repeated computation and returning existing results - pyUSID.Process will return existing results computed using the exact same parameters instead of re-computing and storing duplicate copies of the same results.

  • testing before computation - checking the processing / analysis on a single unit (typically a single pixel) of data before the entire data is processed. This is particularly useful for lengthy computations.

Using pyUSID.Process, the user only needs to address the following basic operations:

  1. Reading data from file

  2. Computation on a single unit of data

  3. Writing results to disk

Components of pyUSID.Process

The most important functions in the Process class are:

  • __init__() - instantiates a ‘Process’ object of this class after validating the inputs.

  • _create_results_datasets() - creates the HDF5 datasets and Group(s) to store the results.

  • _map_function() - the operation that will per be performed on each element in the dataset.

  • test() - This simple function lets the user test the map_function on a unit of data (a single pixel typically) to see if it returns the desired results. It saves a lot of computational time by allowing the user to spot-check results before computing on the entire dataset

  • _read_data_chunk() - reads the input data from one or more datasets.

  • _write_results_chunk() - writes the computed results back to the file

  • _unit_computation() - Defines how to process a chunk (multiple units) of data. This allows room for pre-processing of input data and post-processing of results if necessary. If neither are required, this function essentially applies the parallel computation on _map_function().

  • compute() - this does the bulk of the work of (iteratively) reading a chunk of data >> processing in parallel via _unit_computation() >> calling _write_results_chunk() to write data. Most sub-classes, including the one below, do not need to extend / modify this function.

See the “Flow of Functions” section near the bottom for a bit more detail.

Example problem

We will be working with a Band Excitation Piezoresponse Force Microscopy (BE-PFM) imaging dataset acquired from advanced atomic force microscopes. In this dataset, a spectra was collected for each position in a two dimensional grid of spatial locations. Thus, this is a three dimensional dataset that has been flattened to a two dimensional matrix in accordance with the USID model.

This example is based on the parallel computing primer where we searched for the peak of each spectra in a dataset. While that example focused on comparing serial and parallel computing, we will focus on demonstrating the simplicity with which such a data analysis algorithm can be formalized.

This example is a simplification of the pycroscopy.analysis.BESHOFitter class in our sister project - Pycroscopy.

Import necessary packages

from __future__ import division, print_function, absolute_import, unicode_literals

# The package for accessing files in directories, etc.:
import os

# Warning package in case something goes wrong
from warnings import warn
import subprocess
import sys

def install(package):
    subprocess.call([sys.executable, "-m", "pip", "install", package])
# Package for downloading online files:
    # This package is not part of anaconda and may need to be installed.
    import wget
except ImportError:
    warn('wget not found.  Will install with pip.')
    import pip
    import wget

# The mathematical computation package:
import numpy as np

# The package used for creating and manipulating HDF5 files:
import h5py

# Packages for plotting:
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

# import sidpy - supporting package for pyUSID:
    import sidpy
except ImportError:
    warn('sidpy not found.  Will install with pip.')
    import pip
    import sidpy

# Finally import pyUSID:
    import pyUSID as usid
except ImportError:
    warn('pyUSID not found.  Will install with pip.')
    import pip
    import pyUSID as usid
//anaconda/lib/python3.5/site-packages/pyUSID/viz/__init__.py:18: FutureWarning: Please use sidpy.viz.plot_utils instead of pyUSID.viz.plot_utils. pyUSID.plot_utils will be removed in a future release of pyUSID

Download the fitting function as a separate file

peak_func_file = 'peak_finding.py'
url = 'https://raw.githubusercontent.com/pycroscopy/pyUSID/master/notebooks/user_guide/supporting_docs/peak_finding.py'
if os.path.exists(peak_func_file):
_ = wget.download(url, peak_func_file, bar=None)
# the scientific function
from peak_finding import find_all_peaks

The goal is to find the amplitude at the peak in each spectra. Clearly, the operation of finding the peak in one spectra is independent of the same operation on another spectra. Thus, we could divide the dataset in to N parts and use N CPU cores to compute the results much faster than it would take a single core to compute the results. Such problems are ideally suited for making use of all the advanced functionalities in the Process class.

Defining the class

In order to solve our problem, we would need to implement a sub-class of pyUSID.Process or in other words - extend pyUSID.Process. As mentioned above, the pyUSID.Process class already generalizes several important components of data processing. We only need to extend this class by implementing the science-specific functionality. The rest of the capabilities will be inherited from pyUSID.Process.

Lets think about what operations need be performed for each of the core Process functions listed above.


The most important component in our new Process class is the unit computation that needs to be performed on each spectra. map_function() needs to take as input a single spectra and return the amplitude at the peak (a single value). The compute() and unit_computation() will handle the parallelization.

The scipy package has a very handy function called find_peaks_cwt() that facilitates the search for one or more peaks in a spectrum. We will be using a simplified function called find_all_peaks(). The exact methodology for finding the peaks is not of interest for this particular example. However, this function finds the index of 0 or more peaks in the spectra. We only expect one peak at the center of the spectra. Therefore, we can use the find_all_peaks() function to find the peaks and address those situations when too few or too many (> 1) peaks are found in a single spectra. Finally, we need to use the index of the peak to find the amplitude from the spectra.


_map_function() must be marked as a static method instead of the default class method. This means that _map_function() should function exactly the same if it were outside the class we are defining. In other words, it should not make any references to properties or functions of the class such as self.my_important_variable or self.some_function().


A useful test function should be able to find the peak amplitude for any single spectra in the dataset. So, given the index of a pixel (provided by the user), we should perform two operations:

  • read the spectra corresponding to that index from the HDF5 dataset

  • apply the map_function() to this spectra and return the result.

The goal here is to load the smallest necessary portion of data from the HDF5 dataset to memory and test it against the map_function()


Every Process involves a few tasks for this function:

  • the creation of a HDF5 group to hold the datasets containing the results - pyUSID.hdf_utils has a handy function that takes care of this.

  • storing any relevant metadata regarding this processing as attributes of the HDF5 group for provenance, traceability , and reproducibility.

    • last_pixel is a reserved attribute that serves as a flag indicating the last pixel that was successfully processed and written to the results dataset. This attribute is key for resuming partial computations.

  • the creation of HDF5 dataset(s) to hold the results. map_function() takes a spectra (1D array) and returns the amplitude (a single value). Thus the input dataset (position, spectra) will be reduced to (position, 1). So, we only need to create a single empty dataset to hold the results.

We just need to ensure that we have a reference to the results dataset so that we can populate it with the results.


The result of compute() will be a list of amplitude values. All we need to do is:

  • call the self._get_pixels_in_current_batch() to find out which pixels were processed in this batch

  • write the results into the HDF5 dataset

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class PeakFinder(usid.Process):

    def __init__(self, h5_main, **kwargs):
        Applies Bayesian Inference to General Mode IV (G-IV) data to extract the true current

        h5_main : h5py.Dataset object
            Dataset to process
        kwargs : dict
            Other parameters specific to the Process class and nuanced bayesian_inference parameters
        super(PeakFinder, self).__init__(h5_main, 'Peak_Finding',
                                         parms_dict={'algorithm': 'find_all_peaks'},

    def test(self, pixel_ind):
        Test the algorithm on a single pixel

        pixel_ind : uint
            Index of the pixel in the dataset that the process needs to be tested on.
        # First read the HDF5 dataset to get the spectra for this pixel
        spectra = self.h5_main[pixel_ind]
        # Next, apply the map function to the spectra. done!
        return self._map_function(spectra)

    def _create_results_datasets(self):
        Creates the datasets an Groups necessary to store the results.
        There are only THREE operations happening in this function:
        1. Creation of HDF5 group to hold results
        2. Writing relevant metadata to this HDF5 group
        3. Creation of a HDF5 dataset to hold results

        Please see examples on utilities for writing h5USID files for more information
        # 1. create a HDF5 group to hold the results
        self.h5_results_grp = usid.hdf_utils.create_results_group(self.h5_main, self.process_name)

        # 2. Write relevant metadata to the group
        sidpy.hdf_utils.write_simple_attrs(self.h5_results_grp, self.parms_dict)

        # Explicitly stating all the inputs to write_main_dataset
        # The process will reduce the spectra at each position to a single value
        # Therefore, the result is a 2D dataset with the same number of positions as self.h5_main
        results_shape = (self.h5_main.shape[0], 1)
        results_dset_name = 'Peak_Response'
        results_quantity = 'Amplitude'
        results_units = 'V'
        pos_dims = None # Reusing those linked to self.h5_main
        spec_dims = usid.Dimension('Empty', 'a. u.', 1)

        # 3. Create an empty results dataset that will hold all the results
        self.h5_results = usid.hdf_utils.write_main_dataset(self.h5_results_grp, results_shape, results_dset_name,
                                                          results_quantity, results_units, pos_dims, spec_dims,
        # Note that this function automatically creates the ancillary datasets and links them.

        print('Finished creating datasets')

    def _write_results_chunk(self):
        Write the computed results back to the H5
        In this case, there isn't any more additional post-processing required
        # Find out the positions to write to:
        pos_in_batch = self._get_pixels_in_current_batch()

        # write the results to the file
        self.h5_results[pos_in_batch, 0] = np.array(self._results)

    def _map_function(spectra, *args, **kwargs):
        This is the function that will be applied to each pixel in the dataset.
        It's job is to demonstrate what needs to be done for each pixel in the dataset.
        pyUSID.Process will handle the parallel computation and memory management

        As in typical scientific problems, the results from find_all_peaks() need to be

        In this case, the find_all_peaks() function can sometimes return 0 or more than one peak
        for spectra that are very noisy

        Knowing that the peak is typically at the center of the spectra,
        we return the central index when no peaks were found
        Or the index closest to the center when multiple peaks are found

        Finally once we have a single index, we need to index the spectra by that index
        in order to get the amplitude at that frequency.

        peak_inds = find_all_peaks(spectra, [20, 60], num_steps=30)

        central_ind = len(spectra) // 2
        if len(peak_inds) == 0:
            # too few peaks
            # set peak to center of spectra
            val = central_ind
        elif len(peak_inds) > 1:
            # too many peaks
            # set to peak closest to center of spectra
            dist = np.abs(peak_inds - central_ind)
            val = peak_inds[np.argmin(dist)]
            # normal situation
            val = peak_inds[0]
        # Finally take the amplitude of the spectra at this index
        return np.abs(spectra[val])


  • The class appears to be large mainly because of comments that explain what each line of code is doing.

  • Several functions of pyUSID.Process such as __init__() and compute() were inherited from the pyUSID.Process class.

  • In simple cases such as this, we don’t even have to implement a function to read the data from the dataset since pyUSID.Process automatically calculates how much of the data iss safe to load into memory. In this case, the dataset is far smaller than the computer memory, so the entire dataset can be loaded and processed at once.

  • In this example, we did not need any pre-processing or post-processing of results but those can be implemented too if necessary.

  • The majority of the code in this class would have to be written regardless of whether the intention is formalize the data processing or not. In fact, we would argue that more code may need to be written than what is shown below if one were not formalizing the data processing (data reading, parallel computing, memory management, etc.)

  • This is the simplest possible implementation of Process. Certain features such as checking for existing results and resuming partial computations have not been shown in this example.

Use the class

Now that the class has been written, it can be applied to an actual dataset.

Load the dataset

In order to demonstrate this Process class, we will be using a real experimental dataset that is available on the pyUSID GitHub project. First, lets download this file from Github:

[ ]:
h5_path = 'temp.h5'
url = 'https://raw.githubusercontent.com/pycroscopy/pyUSID/master/data/BELine_0004.h5'
if os.path.exists(h5_path):
_ = wget.download(url, h5_path, bar=None)

Lets open the file in an editable (r+) mode and look at the contents:

[ ]:
h5_file = h5py.File(h5_path, mode='r+')
print('File contents:\n')

The focus of this example is not on the data storage or formatting but rather on demonstrating our new Process class so lets dive straight into the main dataset that requires analysis of the spectra:

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h5_chan_grp = h5_file['Measurement_000/Channel_000']

# Accessing the dataset of interest:
h5_main = usid.USIDataset(h5_chan_grp['Raw_Data'])
print('\nThe main dataset:\n------------------------------------')

# Extract some metadata:
num_rows, num_cols = h5_main.pos_dim_sizes
freq_vec = h5_main.get_spec_values('Frequency') * 1E-3

Use the Process class


Note that the instantiation of the new PeakFinder Process class only requires that we supply the main dataset on which the computation will be performed:

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fitter = PeakFinder(h5_main)


As advised, lets test the PeakFinder on an example pixel:

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row_ind, col_ind = 103, 19
pixel_ind = col_ind + row_ind * num_cols

# Testing is as simple as supplying a pixel index
amplitude = fitter.test(pixel_ind)

Now, let’s visualize the results of the test:

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spectra = h5_main[pixel_ind]

fig, axis = plt.subplots(figsize=(4, 4))
axis.scatter(freq_vec, np.abs(spectra), c='black')
axis.axhline(amplitude, color='r', linewidth=2)
axis.set_xlabel('Frequency (kHz)', fontsize=14)
axis.set_ylabel('Amplitude (V)')
axis.set_ylim([0, 1.1 * np.max(np.abs(spectra))])
axis.set_title('PeakFinder applied to pixel\nat row: {}, col: {}'.format(row_ind, col_ind), fontsize=16);

If we weren’t happy with the results, we could tweak some parameters when initializing the PeakFinder object and try again. However, for the sake of simplicity, we don’t have any parameters we can / want to adjust in this case. So, lets proceed.


Now that we know that the PeakFinder appears to be performing as expected, we can apply the amplitude finding

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h5_results_grp = fitter.compute()

Lets take a look again at the file contents. We should be seeing a new HDF5 group called Raw_Data-Peak_Finding_000 and three datasets within the group. Among the datasets is Peak_Response that contains the peak amplitudes we are interested in.

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Lets look at this Peak_Response dataset:

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h5_peak_amps = usid.USIDataset(h5_results_grp['Peak_Response'])


Since Peak_Response is a USIDataset, we could use its built-in visualize() function:

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Clean up

Finally lets close and delete the example HDF5 file

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Flow of functions

By default, very few functions (test(), compute()) are exposed to users. This means that one of these functions calls a chain of the other functions in the class.


Instantiating the class via something like: fitter = PeakFinder(h5_main) happens in two parts:

  1. First the subclass (PeakFinder) calls the initialization function in Process to let it run some checks:

  • Check if the provided h5_main is indeed a Main dataset

  • call set_memory_and_cores() to figure out how many pixels can be read into memory at any given time

  • Initialize some basic variables

  1. Next, the subclass continues any further validation / checks / initialization - this was not implemented for PeakFinder but here are some things that can be done:

    • Find HDF5 groups which either have partial or fully computed results already for the same parameters by calling check_for_duplicates()


This function only calls the map_function() by definition


Here is how compute() works:

  • Check if you can return existing results for the requested computation and return if available by calling either:

    • get_existing_datasets() - reads all necessary parameters and gets references to the HDF5 datasets that should contain the results

    • use_partial_computation() - pick the first partially computed results group that was discovered by check_for_duplicates()

  • call create_results_datasets() to create the HDF5 datasets and group objects

  • read the first chunk of data via read_data_chunk() into self.data

  • Until the source dataset is fully read (self.data is not None), do:

    • call unit_computation() on self.data

      • By default unit_computation() just maps map_function() onto self.data

      • If you need to pass specific arguments, you may need to implement it directly. See “Advanced Examples”

    • call write_results_chunk() to write self._results into the HDF5 datasets

    • read the next chunk of data into self.data


Not used in PeakFinder but this function can be called to manually specify an HDF5 group containing partial


Tips and tricks

Here we will cover a few common use-cases that will hopefully guide you in structuring your computational problem

Advanced examples

Please see the following pycroscopy classes to learn more about the advanced functionalities such as resuming computations, checking of existing results, using unit_computation(), etc.:

These classes work on personal computers as well as a cluster of computers (e.g. - a high-performance computing cluster).

Integrating into your personal workflow

As an example of how to integrate with an outside codebase, the package FFTA implements its own Process class for parallel computation. There you can see how to pass arguments to unit_computation()

Juggling dimensions

We intentionally chose a simple example above to quickly illustrate the main components / philosophy of the Process class. The above example had two position dimensions collapsed into the first axis of the dataset and a single spectroscopic dimension (Frequency). What if the spectra were acquired as a function of other variables such as a DC bias? In other words, the dataset would now have N spectra per location. In such cases, the dataset would have 2 spectroscopic dimensions: Frequency and DC bias. We cannot therefore simply map the map_function() to the data in every pixel. This is because the map_function() expects to work over a single spectra whereas we now have N spectra per pixel. Contrary to what one would assume, we do not need to throw away all the code we wrote above. We only need to add code to juggle / move the dimensions around till the problem looks similar to what we had above.

In other words, the above problem was written for a dataset of shape (P, S) where P is the number of positions and S is the length of a single spectra. Now, we have data of shape (P, N*S) where N is the number of spectra per position. In order to use most of the code already written above, we need to reshape the data to the shape (P*N, S). Now, we can easily map the existing map_function() on this (P*N, S) dataset.

As far as implementation is concerned, we would need to add the reshaping step to _read_data_chunk() as:

def _read_data_chunk(self):
    super(PeakFinder, self)._read_data_chunk()
    # The above line causes the base Process class to read X pixels from the dataset into self.data
    # All we need to do now is reshape self.data from (X, N*S) to (X*N, S):
    # Assuming that we know N (num_spectra) through some metadata:
    self.data = self.data.reshape(self.data.shape[0]* num_spectra, -1)

Recall that _read_data_chunk() reads X pixels at a time where X is the largest number of pixels whose raw data, intermediate products, and results can simultaneously be held in memory. The dataset used for the example above is tractable enough that the entire data is loaded at once, meaning that X = P in this case.

From here, on, the computation would continue as is but as expected, the results would also consequently be of shape (P*N). We would have to reverse the reshape operation to get back the results in the form: (P, N). So we would prepend the reverse reshape operation to _write_results_chunk():

def _write_results_chunk(self):
    # Recall that the results from the computation are stored in a list called self._results
    self._results = np.array(self._results)  # convert from list to numpy array
    self._results = self._results.reshape(-1, num_spectra)
    # Now self._results is of shape (P, N) and we can store it in the HDF5 dataset as we did above.

Computing on chunks instead of mapping

In certain cases, the computation is a little more complex that the map_function() cannot directly be mapped to the data. Alternatively, in some cases the map_function() needs to mapped multiple times or different sections of the self.data. For such cases, the _unit_computation() in Process provides far more flexibility to the developer. Please see the pycroscopy.processing.SignalFilter and BGlib.gmode.analysis.GIVBayesian for examples.

By default, _unit_computation() maps the map_function() to self.data using parallel_compute() and stores the results in self._results. Recall that self.data contains data for X pixels. For example, _unit_computation() in BGlib.gmode.analysis.GIVBayesian breaks up the spectra (second axis) of self.data into two halves and computes the results separately for each half. _unit_computation() for this class calls parallel_compute() twice - to map the map_function() to each half of the data chunk. This is a functionality that is challenging to efficiently attain without _unit_computation(). Note that when the _unit_computation() is overridden, the developer is responsible for the correct usage of parallel_compute(), especially passing arguments and keyword arguments.

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