%matplotlib inline

ArrayTranslator for translating from proprietary file formats

Suhas Somnath


This document illustrates an example of extracting data out of proprietary raw data files and writing the information into a Universal Spectroscopy and Imaging Data (USID) HDF5 file (referred to as a h5USID file) using the pyUSID.ArrayTranslator

Note: The Pycroscopy ecosystem of packages are moving away from Translators and towardssidpy.Readersinstead.

We encourage users to use Translators over Readers only when it makes more sense to. Note: If your data has an N-dimensional form, considercreating a sidpy.Datasetobject and then writing the Dataset to a h5USID file usingpyUSID.hdf_utils.write_sidpy_dataset()instead.


In most scientific disciplines, commercial instruments tend to write the data and metadata out into proprietary file formats that significantly impede access to the data and metadata, thwart sharing of data and correlation of data from multiple instruments, and complicate long-term archival, among other things. One of the data wrangling steps in science is the extraction of the data and metadata out of the proprietary file formats and writing the information into files that are easier to access, share, etc. The overwhelming part of this data wrangling effort is in investigating how to extract the data and metadata into memory. Often, the data and parameters in these files are not straightforward to access. In certain cases, additional / dedicated software packages are necessary to access the data while in many other cases, it is possible to extract the necessary information from built-in numpy or similar python packages included with anaconda. Once the information is accessible in the computer memory, such as in the form of numpy arrays, scientists have a wide variety of tools to write the data out into files.

Simpler data such as images or single spectra can easily be written into plain text files. Simple or complex / large / multidimensional data can certainly be stored as numpy data files. However, there are significant drawbacks to writing data into non-standardized structures or file formats. First, while the structure of the data and metadata may be intuitive for the original author of the data, that may not be the case for another researcher. Furthermore, such formatting may change from a day-to-day basis. As a consequence, it becomes challenging to develop code that can accept such data whose format keeps changing.

One solution to these challenges is to write the data out into standardized files such as h5USID files. The USID model aims to make data access, storage, curation, etc. simply by storing the data along with all relevant parameters in a single file (HDF5 for now).

The process of copying data from the original format to h5USID files is called Translation and the classes available in pyUSID and children packages such as pycroscopy that perform these operation are called Translators.

As we alluded to earlier, the process of translation can be broken down into two basic components:

  1. Extracting data and metadata out of the proprietary file format

  2. Writing the extracted data and metadata into standardized h5USID files

This process is the same regardless of the origin, complexity, or size of the scientific data. It is not necessary that the two components be disjoint - there are many situations where both components may need to happen simultaneously especially when the data sizes are very large.

The goal of this document is to demonstrate how one would extract data and parameters from a Scanning Tunnelling Spectroscopy (STS) raw data file obtained from an Omicron Scanning Tunneling Microscope (STM) into a h5USID file. In this dataset, a spectra was collected for each position in a two-dimensional grid of spatial locations, thereby resulting in a 3D dataset. The data and metadata in this example are small enough that the translation process can indeed be separated out into two distinct components.

Import all necessary packages

There are a few setup procedures that need to be followed before any code is written. In this step, we simply load a few python packages that will be necessary in the later steps.

# Ensure python 3 compatibility:
from __future__ import division, print_function, absolute_import, unicode_literals

# The package for accessing files in directories, etc.:
import os
import zipfile

# Warning package in case something goes wrong
from warnings import warn
import subprocess
import sys

def install(package):
    subprocess.call([sys.executable, "-m", "pip", "install", package])
# Package for downloading online files:
    # This package is not part of anaconda and may need to be installed.
    import wget
except ImportError:
    warn('wget not found.  Will install with pip.')
    import pip
    import wget

# The mathematical computation package:
import numpy as np

# The package used for creating and manipulating HDF5 files:
import h5py

# Packages for plotting:
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

# import sidpy - supporting package for pyUSID:
    import sidpy
except ImportError:
    warn('sidpy not found.  Will install with pip.')
    import pip
    import sidpy

# Finally import pyUSID:
    import pyUSID as usid
except ImportError:
    warn('pyUSID not found.  Will install with pip.')
    import pip
    import pyUSID as usid

Procure the Raw Data file

Here we will download a compressed data file from Github and unpack it:

url = 'https://raw.githubusercontent.com/pycroscopy/pyUSID/master/data/STS.zip'
zip_path = 'STS.zip'
if os.path.exists(zip_path):
_ = wget.download(url, zip_path, bar=None)

zip_path = os.path.abspath(zip_path)
# figure out the folder to unzip the zip file to
folder_path, _ = os.path.split(zip_path)
zip_ref = zipfile.ZipFile(zip_path, 'r')
# unzip the file
# delete the zip file

data_file_path = 'STS.asc'

1. Extracting data and metadata from proprietary files

1.1 Explore the raw data file

Inherently, one may not know how to read these .asc files. One option is to try and read the file as a text file one line at a time.

If one is lucky, as in the case of these .asc files, the file can be read like conventional text files.

Here is how we tested to see if the asc files could be interpreted as text files. Below, we read just the first 10 lines in the file

with open(data_file_path, 'r') as file_handle:
    for lin_ind in range(10):
        print(file_handle.readline().replace('\n', ''))
# File Format = ASCII
# Created by SPIP 2016-09-22 13:32
# Original file: C:\Users\Administrator\AppData\Roaming\Omicron NanoTechnology\MATRIX\default\Results\16-Sep-2016\I(V) TraceUp Tue Sep 20 09.17.08 2016 [14-1]  STM_Spectroscopy STM
# x-pixels = 100
# y-pixels = 100
# x-length = 29.7595
# y-length = 29.7595
# x-offset = -967.807
# y-offset = -781.441
# z-points = 500

1.2 Read the contents of the file

Now that we know that these files are simple text files, we can manually go through the file to find out which lines are important, at what lines the data starts etc. Manual investigation of such .asc files revealed that these files are always formatted in the same way. Also, they contain instrument- and experiment-related parameters in the first 403 lines and then contain data which is arranged as one pixel per row.

STS experiments result in 3 dimensional datasets (X, Y, current). In other words, a 1D array of current data (as a function of excitation bias) is sampled at every location on a two dimensional grid of points on the sample. By knowing where the parameters are located and how the data is structured, it is possible to extract the necessary information from these files.

Since we know that the data sizes (<200 MB) are much smaller than the physical memory of most computers, we can start by safely loading the contents of the entire file to memory.

# Reading the entire file into memory
with open(data_file_path, 'r') as file_handle:
    string_lines = file_handle.readlines()

1.3 Extract the metadata

In the case of these .asc files, the parameters are present in the first few lines of the file. Below we will demonstrate how we parse the first 17 lines to extract some very important parameters. Note that there are several other important parameters in the next 350 or so lines. However, in the interest of brevity, we will focus only on the first few lines of the file. The interested reader is recommended to read the ASCTranslator available in pycroscopy for more complete details.

# Preparing an empty dictionary to store the metadata / parameters as key-value pairs
parm_dict = dict()

# Reading parameters stored in the first few rows of the file
for line in string_lines[3:17]:
    # Remove the hash / pound symbol, if any
    line = line.replace('# ', '')
    # Remove new-line escape-character, if any
    line = line.replace('\n', '')
    # Break the line into two parts - the parameter name and the corresponding value
    temp = line.split('=')
    # Remove spaces in the value. Remember, the value is still a string and not a number
    test = temp[1].strip()
    # Now, attempt to convert the value to a number (floating point):
        test = float(test)
        # In certain cases, the number is actually an integer, check and convert if it is:
        if test % 1 == 0:
            test = int(test)
    except ValueError:
    parm_dict[temp[0].strip()] = test

# Print out the parameters extracted
for key in parm_dict.keys():
    print(key, ':\t', parm_dict[key])
x-pixels :       100
y-pixels :       100
x-length :       29.7595
y-length :       29.7595
x-offset :       -967.807
y-offset :       -781.441
z-points :       500
z-section :      491
z-unit :         nV
z-range :        2000000000
z-offset :       1116.49
value-unit :     nA
scanspeed :      59519000000
voidpixels :     0

At this point, we recommend reformatting the parameter names to standardized nomenclature. We realize that the materials imaging community has not yet agreed upon standardized nomenclature for metadata. Therefore, we leave this as an optional, yet recommended step. For example, in pycroscopy, we may categorize the number of rows and columns in an image under grid and data sampling parameters under IO. As an example, we may rename x-pixels to positions_num_cols and y-pixels to positions_num_rows.

1.4 Extract parameters that define dimensions

Just having the metadata above and the main measurement data is insufficient to fully describe experimental data. We also need to know how the experimental parameters were varied to acquire the multidimensional dataset at hand. In other words, we need to answer how the grid of locations was defined and how the bias was varied to acquire the current information at each location. This is precisely what we will do below.

Since, we did not parse the entire list of parameters present in the file above, we will need to make some up. Please refer to the formal ASCTranslator to see how this step would have been different.

num_rows = int(parm_dict['y-pixels'])
num_cols = int(parm_dict['x-pixels'])
num_pos = num_rows * num_cols
spectra_length = int(parm_dict['z-points'])

# We will assume that data was collected from -3 nm to +7 nm on the Y-axis or along the rows
y_qty = 'Y'
y_units = 'nm'
y_vec = np.linspace(-3, 7, num_rows, endpoint=True)

# We will assume that data was collected from -5 nm to +5 nm on the X-axis or along the columns
x_qty = 'X'
x_units = 'nm'
x_vec = np.linspace(-5, 5, num_cols, endpoint=True)

# The bias was sampled from -1 to +1 V in the experiment. Here is how we generate the Bias axis:
bias_qty = 'Bias'
bias_units = 'V'
bias_vec = np.linspace(-1, 1, spectra_length)

1.5 Extract the data

We have observed that the data in these .asc files are consistently present after the first 403 lines of parameters. Using this knowledge, we need to populate a data array using data that is currently present as text lines in memory (from step 2).

These .asc file store the 3D data (X, Y, spectra) as a 2D matrix (positions, spectra). In other words, the spectra are arranged one below another. Thus, reading the 2D matrix from top to bottom, the data arranged column-by-column, and then row-by-row So, for simplicity, we will prepare an empty 2D numpy array to store the data as it exists in the raw data file.

Recall that in step 2, we were lucky enough to read the entire data file into memory given its small size. The data is already present in memory as a list of strings that need to be parsed as a matrix of numbers.

num_headers = 403

raw_data_2d = np.zeros(shape=(num_pos, spectra_length), dtype=np.float32)

# Iterate over ever measurement position:
for pos_index in range(num_pos):
    # First, get the correct (string) line corresponding to the current measurement position.
    # Recall that we would need to skip the many header lines to get to the data
    this_line = string_lines[num_headers + pos_index]
    # Each (string) line contains numbers separated by tabs (``\t``). Let us break the line into several shorter strings
    # each containing one number. We will ignore the last entry since it is empty.
    string_spectrum = this_line.split('\t')[:-1]  # omitting the new line
    # Now that we have a list of numbers represented as strings, we need to convert this list to a 1D numpy array
    # the converted array is set to the appropriate position in the main 2D array.
    raw_data_2d[pos_index] = np.array(string_spectrum, dtype=np.float32)

If the data is so large that it cannot fit into memory, we would need to read data one (or a few) position(s) at a time, process it (e.g. convert from string to numbers), and write it to the HDF5 file without keeping much or any data in memory.

The three-dimensional dataset (Y, X, Bias) is currently represented as a two-dimensional array: (X * Y, Bias). To make it easier for us to understand and visualize, we can turn it into a 3D array:

raw_data_3d = raw_data_2d.reshape(num_rows, num_cols, spectra_length)
print('Shape of 2D data: {}, Shape of 3D data: {}'.format(raw_data_2d.shape, raw_data_3d.shape))
Shape of 2D data: (10000, 500), Shape of 3D data: (100, 100, 500)

Just as we did for the parameters (X, Y, and Bias) that were varied in the experiment, we need to specify the quantity that is recorded from the sensors / detectors, units, and what the data represents:

main_data_name = 'STS'
main_qty = 'Current'
main_units = 'nA'

Visualize the extracted data

Here is a visualization of the current-voltage spectra at a few locations:

fig, axes = sidpy.plot_utils.plot_curves(bias_vec, raw_data_2d, num_plots=9,
                                        x_label=bias_qty + '(' + bias_units + ')',
                                        y_label=main_qty + '(' + main_units + ')',
                                        title='Current-Voltage Spectra at different locations',

Here is a visualization of spatial maps at different bias values

fig, axes = sidpy.plot_utils.plot_map_stack(raw_data_3d, reverse_dims=True, pad_mult=(0.15, 0.15),
                                           title='Spatial maps of current at different bias', stdevs=2,
                                           color_bar_mode='single', num_ticks=3, x_vec=x_vec, y_vec=y_vec,
                                           evenly_spaced=True, fig_mult=(3, 3), title_yoffset=0.95)

for axis, bias_ind in zip(axes, np.linspace(0, len(bias_vec), 9, endpoint=False, dtype=np.uint)):
    axis.set_title('Bias = %3.2f V' % bias_vec[bias_ind])

2. Writing information into h5USID files

So far, we have captured all the information from the .asc files. We are now ready to write the data into USID formatted HDF5 files! We will be using the pyUSID.ArrayTranslator class for this stage.

The ArrayTranslator class can be used in two different ways. We will go over both methods.

2.A ArrayTranslator as a quick file writer

Though not intended to be used in this manner, the ArrayTranslator can be used in scripts to quickly write out data into a HDF5 file. The benefit over simply saving data using numpy.save() <https://docs.scipy.org/doc/numpy/reference/generated/numpy.save.html>_ is that the data will be written in a way that it will be accessible by the pyUSID.USIDataset <./plot_usi_dataset.html>_ class that offers several handy capabilities. Such usage of the ArrayTranslator offers minimal benefits over using the pyUSID.hdf_utils.write_main_data() <../intermediate/plot_hdf_utils_write.html#write-main-dataset>_ function, upon which it is based.

2.A.1 Preparing the name of the new HDF5 file

Below, we will specify the name of the HDF5 file that we want to write the prepared data and metadata. This step would need to be performed regardless of whether one is writing data out into numpy files, text files, spreadsheets, or h5USID files (this case).

# First, let us separate the file name from the path to the folder containing the raw data file
folder_path, file_name = os.path.split(data_file_path)
# Next, we will remove the ``.asc`` extension
file_name = file_name[:-4] + '_Script'
# The new file name will share the same base name as the original file but will end with a ``.h5`` extension.
# This HDF5 or H5 file will live in the same folder as the raw data file
h5_path_1 = os.path.join(folder_path, file_name + '.h5')

Indeed, a simple replace('.asc', '.h5') might have done the same job. However, the above method is recommended

2.A.2 Preparing Dimension objects

Before the ArrayTranslator can be used, we need to formally define the dimensions that define the three-dimensional measurement in the data file. In this example, we have two Position dimensions - X and Y and one Spectroscopic dimension - Bias against which data for each spectra were collected.

In pyUSID, we formally define dimensions using simple pyUSID.Dimension <../intermediate/plot_write_utils.html#dimension>_ objects. These Dimension objects are simply descriptors of dimensions and take the name of the quantity, physical units, and the values over which the dimension was varied. Both, the Position and Spectroscopic dimensions need to be defined using Dimension objects and the Dimension objects should be arranged from fastest varying to slowest varying dimensions.

The Spectroscopic dimensions are trivial since we only have one dimension - Bias.

spec_dims = usid.Dimension(bias_qty, bias_units, bias_vec)

Given that the spectra were acquired column-by-column and then row-by-row, we would need to arrange the Position dimensions as X followed by Y.

pos_dims = [usid.Dimension(x_qty, x_units, x_vec),
            usid.Dimension(y_qty, y_units, y_vec)]

2.A.3 Reshape the Main data (if necessary)

Recall that Main datasets in USID are two dimensional in shape where all position dimensions (X, and Y in this case) are collapsed along the first axis and the spectroscopic dimensions (Bias in this case) are collapsed along the second axis. Fortunately, this is exactly how the data was already laid out in the original raw data file. So, we can use that two-dimensional array as is. We can skip this step.

2.A.4 Writing to a h5USID file

We are now ready to use the ArrayTranslator! The ArrayTranslator simplifies the creation of h5USID files. It handles the HDF5 file creation, HDF5 dataset creation and writing, creation of ancillary HDF5 datasets, group creation, writing parameters, linking ancillary datasets to the main dataset etc. With a single call to the translate() function of the ArrayTranslator, we complete the translation process:

tran = usid.ArrayTranslator()
_ = tran.translate(h5_path_1, main_data_name,
                   raw_data_2d, main_qty, main_units,
                   pos_dims, spec_dims,
/opt/hostedtoolcache/Python/3.9.18/x64/lib/python3.9/site-packages/sidpy/sid/translator.py:42: FutureWarning: Consider using sidpy.Reader instead of sidpy.Translator if possible and contribute your reader to ScopeReaders
  warn('Consider using sidpy.Reader instead of sidpy.Translator if '
/opt/hostedtoolcache/Python/3.9.18/x64/lib/python3.9/site-packages/pyUSID/io/hdf_utils/simple.py:1072: UserWarning: In the future write_ind_val_dsets will default to requiring dimensions to be arranged from slowest to fastest varying
  warn('In the future write_ind_val_dsets will default to requiring dimensions to be arranged from slowest to fastest varying')
/opt/hostedtoolcache/Python/3.9.18/x64/lib/python3.9/site-packages/pyUSID/io/hdf_utils/simple.py:1129: UserWarning: pyUSID.io.hdf_utils.simple.write_ind_val_dsets no longer createsregion references for each dimension. Please use pyUSID.io.reg_ref.write_region_references to manually create region references
  warn('pyUSID.io.hdf_utils.simple.write_ind_val_dsets no longer creates'

Verifying the newly written H5 file:

Let us perform some simple and quick verification to show that the data has indeed been translated correctly:

with h5py.File(h5_path_1, mode='r') as h5_file:
    # See if a tree has been created within the hdf5 file:
    print('Contents of the h5USID file:')
    print('Comprehensive information about the Main dataset:')
    h5_main = usid.hdf_utils.get_all_main(h5_file)[-1]
    print('Verification plots:')
    fig, axes = plt.subplots(ncols=2, figsize=(11, 5))
    spat_map = np.reshape(h5_main[:, 100], (100, 100))
    sidpy.plot_utils.plot_map(axes[0], spat_map, origin='lower')
    axes[0].set_title('Spatial map')
    axes[1].plot(np.linspace(-1.0, 1.0, h5_main.shape[1]),
    axes[1].set_title('IV curve at a single pixel')
    axes[1].set_xlabel('Tip bias [V]')
    axes[1].set_ylabel('Current [nA]')

Contents of the h5USID file:
├ Measurement_000
  ├ Channel_000
    ├ Position_Indices
    ├ Position_Values
    ├ Raw_Data
    ├ Spectroscopic_Indices
    ├ Spectroscopic_Values
Comprehensive information about the Main dataset:
<HDF5 dataset "Raw_Data": shape (10000, 500), type "<f4">
located at:
Data contains:
        Current (nA)
Data dimensions and original shape:
Position Dimensions:
        Y - size: 100
        X - size: 100
Spectroscopic Dimensions:
        Bias - size: 500
Data Type:
Verification plots:

2.B Extending the ArrayTranslator

What we have done above is essentially, write real measurement data and metadata into a standardized USID HDF5 file. As is evident above, the process of writing to the HDF5 file is rather simple because of the ArrayTranslator. However, the above code is part of a script that is susceptible to edits. Minor changes in the naming / formatting of certain strings, reshaping of the datasets can very quickly break analysis or visualization code later on. Encapsulating the data reading and writing process into a formal Translator class also makes it easier for others to use it and write data into the same consistent format. In fact, upon writing the class, proprietary data files can be translated using just two lines as we will see below. Therefore, we recommend extending the ArrayTranslator class, when possible, instead of using it independently like a function.

2. B. 1Defining the class

Writing a python class that extends the ArrayTranslator class is far less intimidating than it sounds. The code that goes into the class is virtually identical to what has been written above. In fact the code that will be written below is very similar to real Translator classes found in our sister package - pycroscopy.

class ExampleTranslator(usid.ArrayTranslator):
    The above definition of the class states that our ExampleTranslator inherits all the capabilities and
    behaviors of the ArrayTranslator class and builds on top of it

    def translate(self, input_file_path):
        Extracts the data and metadata out of proprietary formatted files and writes it into a SID formatted HDF5 file

        input_file_path : str
            Path to the input data file containing all the information

        h5_path_out_2 : str
            Path to the USID HDF5 output file

        1. Extracting data and metadata out of the proprietary file
        1.2 Read the contents of the file into memory
        with open(input_file_path, 'r') as file_handle:
            string_lines = file_handle.readlines()

        1.3 Extract all experiment and instrument related parameters
        parm_dict = dict()

        for line in string_lines[3:17]:
            line = line.replace('# ', '')
            line = line.replace('\n', '')
            temp = line.split('=')
            test = temp[1].strip()
                test = float(test)
                if test % 1 == 0:
                    test = int(test)
            except ValueError:
            parm_dict[temp[0].strip()] = test

        1.4 Extract or generate parameters that define the three dimensions

        num_rows = int(parm_dict['y-pixels'])
        num_cols = int(parm_dict['x-pixels'])
        num_pos = num_rows * num_cols
        spectra_length = int(parm_dict['z-points'])

        # We will assume that data was collected from -3 nm to +7 nm on the Y-axis or along the rows
        y_qty = 'Y'
        y_units = 'nm'
        y_vec = np.linspace(-3, 7, num_rows, endpoint=True)

        # We will assume that data was collected from -5 nm to +5 nm on the X-axis or along the columns
        x_qty = 'X'
        x_units = 'nm'
        x_vec = np.linspace(-5, 5, num_cols, endpoint=True)

        # The bias was sampled from -1 to +1 V in the experiment. Here is how we generate the Bias axis:
        bias_qty = 'Bias'
        bias_units = 'V'
        bias_vec = np.linspace(-1, 1, spectra_length)

        1.5 Extract the data
        num_headers = 403

        raw_data_2d = np.zeros(shape=(num_pos, spectra_length), dtype=np.float32)

        # Iterate over ever measurement position:
        for pos_index in range(num_pos):
            this_line = string_lines[num_headers + pos_index]
            string_spectrum = this_line.split('\t')[:-1]  # omitting the new line
            raw_data_2d[pos_index] = np.array(string_spectrum, dtype=np.float32)

        2.1 Prepare the output file path
        folder_path, file_name = os.path.split(data_file_path)
        h5_path = os.path.join(folder_path, file_name[:-4] + '_Class' + '.h5')

        2.B Writing to h5USID file using pyUSID
        2.B.2 Expressing the Position and Spectroscopic Dimensions using pyUSID.Dimension objects
        pos_dims = [usid.Dimension(x_qty, x_units, x_vec),
                    usid.Dimension(y_qty, y_units, y_vec)]
        spec_dims = usid.Dimension(bias_qty, bias_units, bias_vec)

        2.B.3 Reshape the Main data from its original N-dimensional form to the USID 2D form
            We skip this step since it is unnecessary in this case

        2.B.4 Call the translate() function of the base ArrayTranslator class
        _ = super(ExampleTranslator, self).translate(h5_path, main_data_name,
                                                     raw_data_2d, main_qty, main_units,
                                                     pos_dims, spec_dims,

        return h5_path


As you can tell from above, the vast majority of the code in the Class (and the script above it) pertain to the first phase - the extraction of data and metadata out of the proprietary file format. The parts specific to writing the data to the h5USID file are no more than 4-5 lines.

As you could tell by now, the code in this class is virtually identical to the code above. Perhaps the biggest differences between the two codes come in the definition of the class and section 2.B.4:

In section 2.A.4 above, we had instantiated the ArrayTranslator and called its translate() method:

tran = usid.ArrayTranslator()
h5_path_out_1 = tran.translate(...)

In the case of the ExampleTranslator class above, we define the class itself as an extension / child class of the ArrayTranslator in this line:

class ExampleTranslator(usid.ArrayTranslator):

This means that our ExampleTranslator class inherits all the capabilities (including our favorite - translate() function) and behaviors of the ArrayTranslator class and builds on top of it. This is why we don’t need to instantiate the ArrayTranslator in section 2.B.4. All we are doing in our translate() function is adding the intelligence that is relevant to our specific scientific example and piggybacking on the many capabilities of the ArrayTranslator class for the actual file writing. This piggybacking is visible in the last line:

h5_path_out_1 = super(ExampleTranslator, self).translate(....)

Essentially, we are asking ArrayTranslator.translate() to take over and do the rest.

Using this ExampleTranslator

What we did above is provide a template for what should happen when someone provides an input file. We have not really tried it out yet. The lines below will illustrate how easy it becomes to perform translations from now on:

# instantiate the class first:
my_tran = ExampleTranslator()
# Then call the translate function:
h5_path_2 = my_tran.translate(data_file_path)
/opt/hostedtoolcache/Python/3.9.18/x64/lib/python3.9/site-packages/sidpy/sid/translator.py:42: FutureWarning: Consider using sidpy.Reader instead of sidpy.Translator if possible and contribute your reader to ScopeReaders
  warn('Consider using sidpy.Reader instead of sidpy.Translator if '
/opt/hostedtoolcache/Python/3.9.18/x64/lib/python3.9/site-packages/pyUSID/io/hdf_utils/simple.py:1072: UserWarning: In the future write_ind_val_dsets will default to requiring dimensions to be arranged from slowest to fastest varying
  warn('In the future write_ind_val_dsets will default to requiring dimensions to be arranged from slowest to fastest varying')
/opt/hostedtoolcache/Python/3.9.18/x64/lib/python3.9/site-packages/pyUSID/io/hdf_utils/simple.py:1129: UserWarning: pyUSID.io.hdf_utils.simple.write_ind_val_dsets no longer createsregion references for each dimension. Please use pyUSID.io.reg_ref.write_region_references to manually create region references
  warn('pyUSID.io.hdf_utils.simple.write_ind_val_dsets no longer creates'

Once the class is written, translations become a two-line operation!

Verifying the newly written H5 file:

Let us perform some simple and quick verification to show that the data has indeed been translated correctly:

with h5py.File(h5_path_2, mode='r') as h5_file:
    # See if a tree has been created within the hdf5 file:
    print('Contents of the h5USID file:')
    print('Comprehensive information about the Main dataset:')
    h5_main = usid.hdf_utils.get_all_main(h5_file)[-1]
    print('Verification plots:')
    fig, axes = plt.subplots(ncols=2, figsize=(11, 5))
    spat_map = np.reshape(h5_main[:, 100], (100, 100))
    sidpy.plot_utils.plot_map(axes[0], spat_map, origin='lower')
    axes[0].set_title('Spatial map')
    axes[1].plot(np.linspace(-1.0, 1.0, h5_main.shape[1]),
    axes[1].set_title('IV curve at a single pixel')
    axes[1].set_xlabel('Tip bias [V]')
    axes[1].set_ylabel('Current [nA]')

Contents of the h5USID file:
├ Measurement_000
  ├ Channel_000
    ├ Position_Indices
    ├ Position_Values
    ├ Raw_Data
    ├ Spectroscopic_Indices
    ├ Spectroscopic_Values
Comprehensive information about the Main dataset:
<HDF5 dataset "Raw_Data": shape (10000, 500), type "<f4">
located at:
Data contains:
        Current (nA)
Data dimensions and original shape:
Position Dimensions:
        Y - size: 100
        X - size: 100
Spectroscopic Dimensions:
        Bias - size: 500
Data Type:
Verification plots:

Limits of the ArrayTranslator

The ArrayTranslator is perfect when one is dealing with a single USID Main dataset. However, if the proprietary file contained multiple such 3D hyperspectral images, one would need to use the lower-level functions that power the ArrayTranslator. pyUSID offers several functions that make it easy to handle such more involved translations.

What about the base Translator class?

The pyUSID.Translator class is a highly abstract class and does not do much. The Translator class exists only to standardize the way in which translators are operated - the instantiation of the class followed by the call to the translate() method. The ArrayTranslator is itself a child class of the Translator class and is the lowest class capable of doing something by itself while still being application-agnostic.

More information

Our sister class - BGLib, has several translators that translate popular file formats generated by nanoscale imaging instruments. Few translators extend the ArrayTranslator like we did above, while most use the low-level functions in pyUSID.hdf_utils.A single, robust Translator class can handle the finer variations / modes in the data.

We have found python packages online to open a few proprietary file formats and have written translators using these packages. If you are having trouble reading the data in your files and cannot find any packages online, consider contacting the manufacturer of the instrument which generated the data in the proprietary format for help.

Cleaning up

Remove both the original and translated files:
