Source code for pyUSID.processing.process

:class:`~pyUSID.processing.process.Process` - An abstract class for formulating scientific problems as computational

Created on 7/17/16 10:08 AM

@author: Suhas Somnath, Chris Smith

from __future__ import division, unicode_literals, print_function, \
import numpy as np
import psutil
import time as tm
import h5py
from warnings import warn
from numbers import Number
from multiprocessing import cpu_count

from .comp_utils import parallel_compute, get_MPI, \
    group_ranks_by_socket, get_available_memory
from sidpy.base.num_utils import integers_to_slices
from sidpy.base.string_utils import validate_single_string_arg, format_time, \
from sidpy.hdf.hdf_utils import write_simple_attrs, lazy_load_array

from import check_if_main, check_for_old
from import USIDataset

# TODO: internalize as many attributes as possible. Expose only those that will be required by the user

[docs] class Process(object): """ An abstract class for formulating scientific problems as computational problems. This class handles the tedious, science-agnostic, file-operations, parallel-computations, and book-keeping operations such that children classes only need to specify application-relevant code for processing the data. """ def __init__(self, h5_main, process_name, parms_dict=None, cores=None, max_mem_mb=4*1024, mem_multiplier=1.0, lazy=False, h5_target_group=None, verbose=False): """ Parameters ---------- h5_main : :class:`` The USID main HDF5 dataset over which the analysis will be performed. process_name : str Name of the process cores : uint, optional How many cores to use for the computation. Default: all available cores - 2 if operating outside MPI context max_mem_mb : uint, optional How much memory to use for the computation. Default 1024 Mb mem_multiplier : float, optional. Default = 1 mem_multiplier is the number that will be multiplied with the (byte) size of a single position in the source dataset in order to better estimate the number of positions that can be processed at any given time (how many pixels of the source and results datasets can be retained in memory). The default value of 1.0 only accounts for the source dataset. A value greater than 1 would account for the size of results datasets as well. For example, if the result dataset is the same size and precision as the source dataset, the multiplier will be 2 (1 for source, 1 for result) lazy : bool, optional. Default = False If True, read_data_chunk and write_results_chunk will operate on dask arrays. If False - everything will be in numpy. h5_target_group : h5py.Group, optional. Default = None Location where to look for existing results and to place newly computed results. Use this kwarg if the results need to be written to a different HDF5 file. By default, this value is set to the parent group containing `h5_main` verbose : bool, Optional, default = False Whether or not to print debugging statements Attributes ---------- self.h5_results_grp : :class:`h5py.Group` HDF5 group containing the HDF5 datasets that contain the results of the computation self.verbose : bool Whether or not to print debugging statements self.parms_dict : dict Dictionary of parameters for the computation self.duplicate_h5_groups : list List of :class:`h5py.Group` objects containing computational results that have been completely computed with the same set of parameters as those in self.parms_dict self.partial_h5_groups : list List of :class:`h5py.Group` objects containing computational results that have been partially computed with the same set of parameters as those in self.parms_dict self.process_name : str Name of the process. This is used for checking for existing completely and partially computed results as well as for naming the HDF5 group that will contain the results of the computation self._cores : uint Number of CPU cores to use for parallel computations. Ignored in the MPI context. Each rank gets 1 CPU core self._max_pos_per_read : uint Number of positions in the dataset to read per chunk self._status_dset_name : str Name of the HDF5 dataset that keeps track of the positions in the source dataset thave already been computed self._results : list List of objects returned as the result of computation performed by the self._map_function for each position in the current batch of positions that were processed self._h5_target_group : h5py.Group Location where existing / future results will be stored self.__resume_implemented : bool Whether or not this (child) class has implemented the self._get_existing_datasets() function self.__bytes_per_pos : uint Number of bytes used by one position of the source dataset self.mpi_comm : :class:`mpi4py.MPI.COMM_WORLD` MPI communicator. None if not running in an MPI context self.mpi_rank: uint MPI rank. Always 0 if not running in an MPI context self.mpi_size: uint Number of ranks in COMM_WORLD. 1 if not running in an MPI context self.__ranks_on_socket : uint Number of MPI ranks on a given CPU socket self.__socket_master_rank : uint Master MPI rank for a given CPU chip / socket self.__compute_jobs : array-like List of positions in the HDF5 dataset that need to be computed. This may not be a continuous list of numbers if multiple MPI workers had previously started computing and were interrupted. self.__start_pos : uint The index within self.__compute_jobs that a particular MPI rank / worker needs to start computing from. self.__rank_end_pos : uint The index within self.__compute_jobs that a particular MPI rank / worker needs to start computing till. self.__end_pos : uint The index within self.__compute_jobs that a particular MPI rank / worker needs to start computing till for the current batch of positions. self.__pixels_in_batch : array-like The positions being computed on by the current compute worker """ MPI = get_MPI() # Ensure that the file is opened in the correct comm or something if MPI is not None and h5_main.file.driver != 'mpio': warn('Code was called in MPI context but HDF5 file was not opened ' 'with the "mpio" driver. JobLib will be used instead of MPI ' 'for parallel computation') MPI = None if MPI is not None: # If we came here then, the user has intentionally asked for multi-node computation comm = MPI.COMM_WORLD self.mpi_comm = comm self.mpi_rank = comm.Get_rank() self.mpi_size = comm.Get_size() if verbose: print("Rank {} of {} on {} sees {} logical cores on the socket".format(comm.Get_rank(), comm.Get_size(), MPI.Get_processor_name(), cpu_count())) # First, ensure that cores=logical cores in node. No point being economical / considerate cores = psutil.cpu_count() # It is sufficient if just one rank checks all this. if self.mpi_rank == 0: print('Working on {} ranks via MPI'.format(self.mpi_size)) if verbose and self.mpi_rank == 0: print('Finished getting all necessary MPI information') """ # Not sure how to check for this correctly messg = None try: if h5_main.file.comm != comm: messg = 'The HDF5 file should have been opened with comm=MPI.COMM_WORLD. Currently comm={}' ''.format(h5_main.file.comm) except AttributeError: messg = 'The HDF5 file should have been opened with comm=MPI.COMM_WORLD' if messg is not None: raise TypeError(messg) """ else: if verbose: print('No mpi4py found or script was not called via mpixexec / mpirun. ' 'Assuming single node computation') self.mpi_comm = None self.mpi_size = 1 self.mpi_rank = 0 # Checking if dataset is "Main" if not check_if_main(h5_main, verbose=verbose and self.mpi_rank == 0): raise ValueError('Provided dataset is not a "Main" dataset with necessary ancillary datasets') if h5_target_group is not None: if not isinstance(h5_target_group, (h5py.Group, h5py.File)): raise TypeError("'h5_target_group' must be a h5py.Group object") else: h5_target_group = h5_main.parent self._h5_target_group = h5_target_group if h5_target_group.file.mode == 'r': raise IOError('the file meant to contain the results ' '(h5_target_group) must not be in read-only mode to ' 'write results to the file') process_name = validate_single_string_arg(process_name, 'process_name') if parms_dict is None: parms_dict = {} else: if not isinstance(parms_dict, dict): raise TypeError("Expected 'parms_dict' of type: dict") if MPI is not None: MPI.COMM_WORLD.barrier() # Not sure if we need a barrier here. if verbose and self.mpi_rank == 0: print('Rank {}: Upgrading from a regular h5py.Dataset to a USIDataset'.format(self.mpi_rank)) # Generation of N-dimensional form would break things for some reason. self.h5_main = USIDataset(h5_main) if verbose and self.mpi_rank == 0: print('Rank {}: The HDF5 dataset is now a USIDataset'.format(self.mpi_rank)) # Saving these as properties of the object: self.verbose = verbose self.__lazy = lazy self._cores = None self.__ranks_on_socket = 1 self.__socket_master_rank = 0 self._max_pos_per_read = None self.__bytes_per_pos = None # Now have to be careful here since the below properties are a function of the MPI rank self.__start_pos = None self.__rank_end_pos = None self.__end_pos = None self.__pixels_in_batch = None self.__compute_jobs = None # Determining the max size of the data that can be put into memory # all ranks go through this and they need to have this value any self._set_memory_and_cores(cores=cores, man_mem_limit=max_mem_mb, mem_multiplier=mem_multiplier) if verbose and self.mpi_rank == 0: print('Finished collecting info on memory and workers') self.duplicate_h5_groups = [] self.partial_h5_groups = [] self.process_name = process_name # Reset this in the extended classes self.parms_dict = parms_dict """ The name of the HDF5 dataset that should be present to signify which positions have already been computed This is NOT a fully private variable so that multiple processes can be run within a single group - Eg Fitter In the case of Fitter - this name can be changed from 'completed_guesses' to 'completed_fits' check_for_duplicates will be called by the Child class where they have the opportunity to change this variable before checking for duplicates """ self._status_dset_name = 'completed_positions' self._results = None self.h5_results_grp = None # Check to see if the resuming feature has been implemented: self.__resume_implemented = False try: self._get_existing_datasets() except NotImplementedError: if verbose and self.mpi_rank == 0: print('It appears that this class may not be able to resume computations') except: # NameError for variables that don't exist # AttributeError for self.var_name that don't exist # TypeError (NoneType) etc. self.__resume_implemented = True if self.mpi_rank == 0: print('Consider calling test() to check results before calling compute() which computes on the entire' ' dataset and writes results to the HDF5 file') self.duplicate_h5_groups, self.partial_h5_groups = self._check_for_duplicates() def __assign_job_indices(self): """ Sets the start and end indices for each MPI rank """ # First figure out what positions need to be computed self.__compute_jobs = np.where(self._h5_status_dset[()] == 0)[0] if self.verbose and self.mpi_rank == 0: if len(self.__compute_jobs) > 100: print('Among the {} positions in this dataset, {} positions ' 'need to be computed' '.'.format(self.h5_main.shape[0], len(self.__compute_jobs))) else: print('Among the {} positions in this dataset, the following ' 'positions need to be computed: {}' '.'.format(self.h5_main.shape[0], self.__compute_jobs)) # integer division pos_per_rank = self.__compute_jobs.size // self.mpi_size if self.verbose and self.mpi_rank == 0: print('Each rank is required to work on {} of the {} (remaining) positions in this dataset' '.'.format(pos_per_rank, self.__compute_jobs.size)) # The start and end indices now correspond to the indices in the incomplete jobs rather than the h5 dataset self.__start_pos = self.mpi_rank * pos_per_rank self.__rank_end_pos = (self.mpi_rank + 1) * pos_per_rank self.__end_pos = int(min(self.__rank_end_pos, self.__start_pos + self._max_pos_per_read)) if self.mpi_rank == self.mpi_size - 1: # Force the last rank to go to the end of the dataset self.__rank_end_pos = self.__compute_jobs.size if self.verbose: print('Rank {} will read positions {} to {} of {}'.format(self.mpi_rank, self.__start_pos, self.__rank_end_pos, self.h5_main.shape[0])) def _estimate_compute_time_per_pixel(self, *args, **kwargs): """ Estimates how long it takes to compute an average pixel's worth of data. This information should be used by the user to limit the number of pixels that will be processed per batch to make best use of check-pointing. This function is exposed to the developer of the child classes. An approximate can be derived if it is simpler Returns ------- """ chosen_pos = np.random.randint(0, high=self.h5_main.shape[0]-1, size=5) t0 = tm.time() _ = parallel_compute(self.h5_main[chosen_pos, :], self._map_function, cores=1, lengthy_computation=False, func_args=args, func_kwargs=kwargs, verbose=False) return (tm.time() - t0) / len(chosen_pos) def _get_pixels_in_current_batch(self): """ Returns the indices of the pixels that will be processed in this batch. Returns ------- pixels_in_batch : :class:`numpy.ndarray` 1D array of unsigned integers denoting the pixels that will be read, processed, and written back to """ return self.__pixels_in_batch
[docs] def test(self, **kwargs): """ Tests the process on a subset (for example a pixel) of the whole data. The class can be re-instantiated with improved parameters and tested repeatedly until the user is content, at which point the user can call :meth:`~pyUSID.processing.process.Process.compute` on the whole dataset. Notes ----- This is not a function that is expected to be called in MPI Parameters ---------- kwargs - dict, optional keyword arguments to test the process Returns ------- """ # All children classes should call super() OR ensure that they only work for self.mpi_rank == 0 raise NotImplementedError('test_on_subset has not yet been implemented')
def _check_for_duplicates(self): """ Checks for instances where the process was applied to the same dataset with the same parameters Returns ------- duplicate_h5_groups : list of h5py.Group objects List of groups satisfying the above conditions with completely computed results partial_h5_groups : list of h5py.Group objects List of groups satisfying the above conditions with partially computed results """ if self.verbose and self.mpi_rank == 0: print('Checking for duplicates:') # This list will contain completed runs only existing = check_for_old(self.h5_main, self.process_name, new_parms=self.parms_dict, h5_parent_goup=self._h5_target_group, verbose=self.verbose and self.mpi_rank == 0) partial_h5_groups = [] duplicate_h5_groups = [] # First figure out which ones are partially completed: while len(existing) > 0: curr_group = existing.pop(0) """ Earlier, we only checked the 'last_pixel' but to be rigorous we should check self._status_dset_name The last_pixel attribute check may be deprecated in the future. Note that legacy computations did not have this dataset. We can add to partially computed datasets """ # Case 1: Modern book-keeping dataset available: if self._status_dset_name in curr_group.keys(): status_dset = curr_group[self._status_dset_name] if not isinstance(status_dset, h5py.Dataset): # We should not come here if things were implemented correctly if self.mpi_rank == 0: print('Results group: {} contained an object named: {} that should have been a dataset' '.'.format(curr_group, self._status_dset_name)) continue if self.h5_main.shape[0] != status_dset.shape[0] or len(status_dset.shape) > 1 or \ status_dset.dtype != np.uint8: if self.mpi_rank == 0: print('Status dataset: {} was not of the expected shape or datatype'.format(status_dset)) continue # ##### ACTUAL COMPLETENESS TEST HERE ######### completed_positions = np.sum(status_dset[()]) if self.verbose and self.mpi_rank == 0: print('{} has results that are {} % complete' '.'.format(, int(100 * completed_positions / self.h5_main.shape[0]))) # Case 1.A: Incomplete computation? if completed_positions < self.h5_main.shape[0]: # If there are pixels uncompleted # remove from duplicates and move to partial if self.verbose and self.mpi_rank == 0: print('moving {} to partial'.format( partial_h5_groups.append(curr_group) # Let's write the legacy attribute for safety curr_group.attrs['last_pixel'] = self.h5_main.shape[0] # No further checks necessary continue # Case 1.B: Complete computation: if self.verbose and self.mpi_rank == 0: print('Moving {} to duplicate groups'.format( duplicate_h5_groups.append(curr_group) continue # Case 2: Even the legacy book-keeping is absent: elif 'last_pixel' not in curr_group.attrs.keys(): if self.mpi_rank == 0: # Should not be coming here at all print('Group: {} had neither the status HDF5 dataset or the legacy attribute: "last_pixel"' '.'.format(curr_group)) # Not sure what to do with such groups. Don't consider them continue # Case 3: Only the legacy book-keeping is available: else: last_pixel = curr_group.attrs['last_pixel'] # Creating status dataset for forward compatibility: self._h5_status_dset = curr_group.create_dataset( self._status_dset_name, dtype=np.uint8, shape=(self.h5_main.shape[0],)) if last_pixel > 0: self._h5_status_dset[:last_pixel] = 1 # Case 3.A: Partial if last_pixel < self.h5_main.shape[0]: # move to partial if self.verbose and self.mpi_rank == 0: print('moving {} to partial since computation was {} % complete' '.'.format(, int(100 * curr_group.attrs['last_pixel'] / self.h5_main.shape[0]))) partial_h5_groups.append(curr_group) continue # Case 3.B: complete: else: if self.verbose and self.mpi_rank == 0: print('Moving {} to duplicate groups'.format( duplicate_h5_groups.append(curr_group) continue if len(duplicate_h5_groups) > 0 and self.mpi_rank == 0: print('\nNote: ' + self.process_name + ' has already been performed with the same parameters before. ' 'These results will be returned by compute() by default. ' 'Set override to True to force fresh computation\n') print(duplicate_h5_groups) if len(partial_h5_groups) > 0 and self.mpi_rank == 0: print('\nNote: ' + self.process_name + ' has already been performed PARTIALLY with the same parameters. ' 'compute() will resuming computation in the last group below. ' 'To choose a different group call use_patial_computation()' 'Set override to True to force fresh computation or resume from a ' 'data group besides the last in the list.\n') print(partial_h5_groups) return duplicate_h5_groups, partial_h5_groups
[docs] def use_partial_computation(self, h5_partial_group=None): """ Extracts the necessary parameters from the provided h5 group to resume computation Parameters ---------- h5_partial_group : :class:`h5py.Group` Group containing partially computed results """ # Attempt to automatically take partial results if h5_partial_group is None: if len(self.partial_h5_groups) < 1: raise ValueError('No group was found with partial results and no such group was provided') h5_partial_group = self.partial_h5_groups[-1] else: # Make sure that this group is among the legal ones already discovered: if h5_partial_group not in self.partial_h5_groups: raise ValueError('Provided group does not appear to be in the list of discovered groups') # Unnecessary since this will be defined at init # self.parms_dict = get_attributes(h5_partial_group) self.h5_results_grp = h5_partial_group
def __set_cores(self, cores=None): """ Checks number of CPU cores and sets the recommended number of cores to be used by analysis methods. This function can work with clusters with heterogeneous core counts (e.g. CADES SHPC Condo). Parameters ---------- cores : uint, optional, Default = None (all or nearly all available) How many CPU cores to use for the computation. """ if self.mpi_comm is None: min_free_cores = 1 + int(psutil.cpu_count() > 4) if cores is None: self._cores = max(1, psutil.cpu_count() - min_free_cores) else: if not isinstance(cores, int): raise TypeError('cores should be an integer but got: {}'.format(cores)) cores = int(abs(cores)) self._cores = max(1, min(psutil.cpu_count(), cores)) self.__socket_master_rank = 0 self.__ranks_on_socket = 1 else: # user-provided input cores will simply be ignored in an effort to use the entire CPU ranks_by_socket = group_ranks_by_socket(verbose=False) self.__socket_master_rank = ranks_by_socket[self.mpi_rank] # which ranks in this socket? ranks_on_this_socket = np.where(ranks_by_socket == self.__socket_master_rank)[0] # how many in this socket? self.__ranks_on_socket = ranks_on_this_socket.size # Force usage of all available memory man_mem_limit = None self._cores = 1 # Disabling the following line since mpi4py and joblib didn't play well for Bayesian Inference # self._cores = self.__cores_per_rank = psutil.cpu_count() // self.__ranks_on_socket def _set_memory_and_cores(self, cores=None, man_mem_limit=None, mem_multiplier=1.0): """ Checks hardware limitations such as memory, number of CPU cores and sets the recommended data chunk sizes and the number of cores to be used by analysis methods. This function can work with clusters with heterogeneous memory sizes (e.g. CADES SHPC Condo). Parameters ---------- cores : uint, optional, Default = 1 How many cores to use for the computation. man_mem_limit : uint, optional, Default = None (all available memory) The amount a memory in Mb to use in the computation mem_multiplier : float, optional. Default = 1 mem_multiplier is the number that will be multiplied with the (byte) size of a single position in the source dataset in order to better estimate the number of positions that can be processed at any given time (how many pixels of the source and results datasets can be retained in memory). The default value of 1.0 only accounts for the source dataset. A value greater than 1 would account for the size of results datasets as well. For example, if the result dataset is the same size and precision as the source dataset, the multiplier will be 2 (1 for source, 1 for result) """ self.__set_cores(cores=cores) self.__set_memory(man_mem_limit=man_mem_limit, mem_multiplier=mem_multiplier) def __set_memory(self, man_mem_limit=None, mem_multiplier=1.0): """ Checks memory capabilities of each node and sets the recommended data chunk sizes to be used by analysis methods. This function can work with clusters with heterogeneous memory sizes (e.g. CADES SHPC Condo). Parameters ---------- man_mem_limit : uint, optional, Default = None (all available memory) The amount a memory in Mb to use in the computation mem_multiplier : float, optional. Default = 1 mem_multiplier is the number that will be multiplied with the (byte) size of a single position in the source dataset in order to better estimate the number of positions that can be processed at any given time (how many pixels of the source and results datasets can be retained in memory). The default value of 1.0 only accounts for the source dataset. A value greater than 1 would account for the size of results datasets as well. For example, if the result dataset is the same size and precision as the source dataset, the multiplier will be 2 (1 for source, 1 for result) """ if not isinstance(mem_multiplier, float): raise TypeError('mem_multiplier must be a floating point number') mem_multiplier = abs(mem_multiplier) if mem_multiplier < 1: raise ValueError('mem_multiplier must be at least 1') avail_mem_bytes = get_available_memory() # in bytes if self.verbose and self.mpi_rank == self.__socket_master_rank: # expected to be the same for all ranks so just use this. print('Rank {} - on socket with {} cores and {} avail. RAM shared ' 'by {} ranks each given {} cores' '.'.format(self.__socket_master_rank, psutil.cpu_count(), format_size(avail_mem_bytes), self.__ranks_on_socket, self._cores)) if man_mem_limit is None: man_mem_limit = avail_mem_bytes else: if not isinstance(man_mem_limit, int): raise TypeError('man_mem_limit must be a whole number') # Note that man_mem_limit is specified in mega bytes man_mem_limit = abs(man_mem_limit) * 1024 ** 2 # in bytes if self.verbose and self.mpi_rank == 0: print('User has requested to use no more than {} of memory' '.'.format(format_size(man_mem_limit))) max_mem_bytes = min(avail_mem_bytes, man_mem_limit) # Remember that multiple processes (either via MPI or joblib) will share this socket # This makes logical sense but there's always too much free memory and the # cores are starved. max_mem_per_worker = max_mem_bytes / (self._cores * self.__ranks_on_socket) if self.verbose and self.mpi_rank == self.__socket_master_rank: print('Rank {}: Each of the {} workers on this socket are allowed ' 'to use {} of RAM' '.'.format(self.mpi_rank, self._cores * self.__ranks_on_socket, format_size(max_mem_per_worker))) # Now calculate the number of positions OF RAW DATA ONLY that can be # stored in memory in one go PER worker self.__bytes_per_pos = self.h5_main.dtype.itemsize * self.h5_main.shape[1] if self.verbose and self.mpi_rank == 0: print('Each position in the SOURCE dataset is {} large' '.'.format(format_size(self.__bytes_per_pos))) # Now multiply this with a factor that takes into account the expected # sizes of the results (Final and intermediate) datasets. self.__bytes_per_pos *= mem_multiplier if self.verbose and self.mpi_rank == 0 and mem_multiplier > 1: print('Each position of the source and results dataset(s) is {} ' 'large.'.format(format_size(self.__bytes_per_pos))) self._max_pos_per_read = int(np.floor(max_mem_per_worker / self.__bytes_per_pos)) if self.verbose and self.mpi_rank == self.__socket_master_rank: title = 'SOURCE dataset only' if mem_multiplier > 1: title = 'source and result(s) datasets' # expected to be the same for all ranks so just use this. print('Rank {}: Workers on this socket allowed to read {} ' 'positions of the {} per chunk' '.'.format(self.mpi_rank, self._max_pos_per_read, title)) @staticmethod def _map_function(*args, **kwargs): """ The function that manipulates the data on a single instance (position). This will be used by :meth:`~pyUSID.processing.process.Process._unit_computation` to process a chunk of data in parallel Parameters ---------- args : list arguments to the function in the correct order kwargs : dict keyword arguments to the function Returns ------- object """ raise NotImplementedError('Please override the _unit_function specific to your process') def _read_data_chunk(self): """ Reads a chunk of data for the intended computation into memory """ if self.__start_pos < self.__rank_end_pos: self.__end_pos = int(min(self.__rank_end_pos, self.__start_pos + self._max_pos_per_read)) # DON'T DIRECTLY apply the start and end indices anymore to the h5 dataset. Find out what it means first self.__pixels_in_batch = self.__compute_jobs[self.__start_pos: self.__end_pos] if self.verbose: print('Rank {} will read positions: {}'.format(self.mpi_rank, self.__pixels_in_batch)) bytes_this_read = self.__bytes_per_pos * len(self.__pixels_in_batch) print('Rank {} will read {} of the SOURCE dataset' '.'.format(self.mpi_rank, format_size(bytes_this_read))) if self.mpi_rank == self.__socket_master_rank: tot_workers = self.__ranks_on_socket * self._cores print('Rank: {} available memory: {}. ' '{} workers on this socket will in total read ~ {}' '.'.format(self.mpi_rank, format_size(get_available_memory()), tot_workers, format_size(bytes_this_read * tot_workers) )) # Reading as Dask array to minimize memory copies when restructuring in child classes if self.__lazy: main_dset = lazy_load_array(self.h5_main) else: main_dset = self.h5_main = main_dset[self.__pixels_in_batch, :] # DON'T update the start position else: if self.verbose: print('Rank {} - Finished reading all data!'.format(self.mpi_rank)) = None def _write_results_chunk(self): """ Writes the computed results into appropriate datasets. This needs to be rewritten since the processed data is expected to be at least as large as the dataset """ # Now update the start position self.__start_pos = self.__end_pos # This line can remain as is raise NotImplementedError('Please override the _set_results specific to your process') def _create_results_datasets(self): """ Process specific call that will write the h5 group, guess dataset, corresponding spectroscopic datasets and also link the guess dataset to the spectroscopic datasets. It is recommended that the ancillary datasets be populated within this function. """ raise NotImplementedError('Please override the _create_results_datasets specific to your process') def __create_compute_status_dataset(self): """ Creates a dataset that keeps track of what pixels / rows have already been computed. Users are not expected to extend / modify this function. """ # Check to make sure that such a group doesn't already exist if self._status_dset_name in self.h5_results_grp.keys(): self._h5_status_dset = self.h5_results_grp[self._status_dset_name] if not isinstance(self._h5_status_dset, h5py.Dataset): raise ValueError('Provided results group: {} contains an expected object ({}) that is not a dataset' '.'.format(self.h5_results_grp, self._h5_status_dset)) if self.h5_main.shape[0] != self._h5_status_dset.shape[0] or len(self._h5_status_dset.shape) > 1 or \ self._h5_status_dset.dtype != np.uint8: if self.mpi_rank == 0: raise ValueError('Status dataset: {} was not of the expected shape or datatype' '.'.format(self._h5_status_dset)) else: self._h5_status_dset = self.h5_results_grp.create_dataset(self._status_dset_name, dtype=np.uint8, shape=(self.h5_main.shape[0],)) # Could be fresh computation or resuming from a legacy computation if 'last_pixel' in self.h5_results_grp.attrs.keys(): completed_pixels = self.h5_results_grp.attrs['last_pixel'] if completed_pixels > 0: self._h5_status_dset[:completed_pixels] = 1 def _write_source_dset_provenance(self): """ Writes path of HDF5 file and path of h5_main to the results group if results are being written to a new HDF5 file """ if self.h5_main.file == self.h5_results_grp.file: return write_simple_attrs(self.h5_results_grp, {'source_file_path': self.h5_main.file.filename, 'source_dataset_path':}) def _get_existing_datasets(self): """ The purpose of this function is to allow processes to resume from partly computed results Start with self.h5_results_grp """ raise NotImplementedError('Please override the _get_existing_datasets specific to your process') def _unit_computation(self, *args, **kwargs): """ The unit computation that is performed per data chunk. This allows room for any data pre / post-processing as well as multiple calls to parallel_compute if necessary """ # TODO: Try to use the functools.partials to preconfigure the map function # cores = number of processes / rank here if self.verbose and self.mpi_rank == 0: print("Rank {} at Process class' default _unit_computation() that " "will call parallel_compute()".format(self.mpi_rank)) self._results = parallel_compute(, self._map_function, cores=self._cores, lengthy_computation=False, func_args=args, func_kwargs=kwargs, verbose=self.verbose)
[docs] def compute(self, override=False, *args, **kwargs): """ Creates placeholders for the results, applies the :meth:`~pyUSID.processing.process.Process._unit_computation` to chunks of the dataset Parameters ---------- override : bool, optional. default = False By default, compute will simply return duplicate results to avoid recomputing or resume computation on a group with partial results. Set to True to force fresh computation. args : list arguments to the mapped function in the correct order kwargs : dict keyword arguments to the mapped function Returns ------- h5_results_grp : :class:`h5py.Group` Group containing all the results """ class SimpleFIFO(object): """ Simple class that maintains a moving average of some numbers. """ def __init__(self, length=5): """ Create a SimpleFIFO object Parameters ---------- length : unsigned integer Number of values that need to be maintained for the moving average """ self.__queue = list() if not isinstance(length, int): raise TypeError('length must be a positive integer') if length <= 0: raise ValueError('length must be a positive integer') self.__max_length = length self.__count = 0 def put(self, item): """ Adds the item to the internal queue. If the size of the queue exceeds its capacity, the oldest item is removed. Parameters ---------- item : float or int Any real valued number """ if (not isinstance(item, Number)) or isinstance(item, complex): raise TypeError('Provided item: {} is not a Number'.format(item)) self.__queue.append(item) self.__count += 1 if len(self.__queue) > self.__max_length: _ = self.__queue.pop(0) def get_mean(self): """ Returns the average of the elements within the queue Returns ------- avg : number.Number Mean of all elements within the queue """ return np.mean(self.__queue) def get_cycles(self): """ Returns the number of items that have been added to the queue in total Returns ------- count : int number of items that have been added to the queue in total """ return self.__count if not override: if len(self.duplicate_h5_groups) > 0: if self.mpi_rank == 0: print('Returned previously computed results at ' + self.duplicate_h5_groups[-1].name) self.h5_results_grp = self.duplicate_h5_groups[-1] return self.duplicate_h5_groups[-1] elif len(self.partial_h5_groups) > 0 and self.h5_results_grp is None: if self.mpi_rank == 0: print('Resuming computation in group: ' + self.partial_h5_groups[-1].name) self.use_partial_computation() resuming = False if self.h5_results_grp is None: # starting fresh if self.verbose and self.mpi_rank == 0: print('Creating HDF5 group and datasets to hold results') self._create_results_datasets() self._write_source_dset_provenance() else: # resuming from previous checkpoint resuming = True self._get_existing_datasets() self.__create_compute_status_dataset() if resuming and self.mpi_rank == 0: percent_complete = int(100 * len(np.where(self._h5_status_dset[()] == 1)[0]) / self._h5_status_dset.shape[0]) print('Resuming computation. {}% completed already'.format(percent_complete)) self.__assign_job_indices() # Not sure if this is necessary but I don't think it would hurt either if self.mpi_comm is not None: self.mpi_comm.barrier() compute_times = SimpleFIFO(5) write_times = SimpleFIFO(5) orig_rank_start = self.__start_pos if self.mpi_rank == 0 and self.mpi_size == 1: if self.__resume_implemented: print('\tThis class (likely) supports interruption and resuming of computations!\n' '\tIf you are operating in a python console, press Ctrl+C or Cmd+C to abort\n' '\tIf you are in a Jupyter notebook, click on "Kernel">>"Interrupt"\n' '\tIf you are operating on a cluster and your job gets killed, re-run the job to resume\n') else: print('\tThis class does NOT support interruption and resuming of computations.\n' '\tIn order to enable this feature, simply implement the _get_existing_datasets() function') if self.verbose and self.mpi_rank == self.__socket_master_rank: print('Rank: {} - with nothing loaded has {} free memory' ''.format(self.mpi_rank, format_size(get_available_memory()))) self._read_data_chunk() if self.mpi_comm is not None: self.mpi_comm.barrier() if self.verbose and self.mpi_rank == self.__socket_master_rank: print('Rank: {} - with only raw data loaded has {} free memory' ''.format(self.mpi_rank, format_size(get_available_memory()))) while is not None: num_jobs_in_batch = self.__end_pos - self.__start_pos t_start_1 = tm.time() self._unit_computation(*args, **kwargs) comp_time = np.round(tm.time() - t_start_1, decimals=2) # in seconds time_per_pix = comp_time / num_jobs_in_batch compute_times.put(time_per_pix) if self.verbose: print('Rank {} - computed chunk in {} or {} per pixel. Average: {} per pixel' '.'.format(self.mpi_rank, format_time(comp_time), format_time(time_per_pix), format_time(compute_times.get_mean()))) # Ranks can become memory starved. Check memory usage - raw data + results in memory at this point if self.verbose and self.mpi_rank == self.__socket_master_rank: print('Rank: {} - now holding onto raw data + results has {} free memory' ''.format(self.mpi_rank, format_size(get_available_memory()))) t_start_2 = tm.time() self._write_results_chunk() # NOW, update the positions. Users are NOT allowed to touch start and end pos self.__start_pos = self.__end_pos # Leaving in this provision that will allow restarting of processes if self.mpi_size == 1: self.h5_results_grp.attrs['last_pixel'] = self.__end_pos # Child classes don't even have to worry about flushing. Process will do it. self.h5_main.file.flush() dump_time = np.round(tm.time() - t_start_2, decimals=2) write_times.put(dump_time / num_jobs_in_batch) if self.verbose: print('Rank {} - wrote its {} pixel chunk in {}'.format(self.mpi_rank, num_jobs_in_batch, format_time(dump_time))) time_remaining = (self.__rank_end_pos - self.__end_pos) * \ (compute_times.get_mean() + write_times.get_mean()) if self.verbose or self.mpi_rank == 0: percent_complete = int(100 * (self.__end_pos - orig_rank_start) / (self.__rank_end_pos - orig_rank_start)) print('Rank {} - {}% complete. Time remaining: {}'.format(self.mpi_rank, percent_complete, format_time(time_remaining))) # All ranks should mark the pixels for this batch as completed. 'last_pixel' attribute will be updated later # Setting each section to 1 independently for curr_slice in integers_to_slices(self.__pixels_in_batch): self._h5_status_dset[curr_slice] = 1 self._read_data_chunk() if self.verbose: print('Rank {} - Finished computing all jobs!'.format(self.mpi_rank)) if self.mpi_comm is not None: self.mpi_comm.barrier() if self.mpi_rank == 0: print('Finished processing the entire dataset!') # Update the legacy 'last_pixel' attribute here: if self.mpi_rank == 0: self.h5_results_grp.attrs['last_pixel'] = self.h5_main.shape[0] return self.h5_results_grp