Lower-level and simpler USID-specific HDF5 utilities that facilitate higher-level data operations
Created on Tue Nov 3 21:14:25 2015
@author: Suhas Somnath, Chris Smith
Searches the parent h5 group to find the next available index for the group |
This function will add references to auxilliary datasets as attributes of an input dataset. |
Compares attributes in the given H5 object against those in the provided dictionary and returns True if the parameters match, and False otherwise |
Check to see if the results of a tool already exist and if they were performed with the same parameters. |
Checks the input dataset to see if it has all the necessary features to be considered a Main dataset. |
Copies the units and quantity name from one dataset to another |
Creates an empty dataset in the h5 file based on the provided dataset in the same or specified group |
Creates a group with an indexed name (eg - 'Measurement_012') under h5_parent_group using the provided base_name as a prefix for the group's name |
Creates a h5py.Group object autoindexed and named as 'DatasetName-ToolName_00x' |
Uses visit() to find all datasets with the desired name |
Finds a list of all groups containing results of the process of name tool_name being applied to the dataset |
Simple function to recursively print the contents of an hdf5 group |
Find the name of the source dataset used to create the input h5_group, so long as the source dataset is in the same HDF5 file |
Links the object references to the four position and spectroscopic datasets as attributes of h5_main |
Validates the attributes of a pair of indices and values datasets. |
Checks ancillary HDF5 datasets against shape of a main dataset. |
Checks Dimension objects against a given shape for main datasets. |
Checks to make sure that the provided object is a USID main dataset Errors in parameters will result in Exceptions |
Creates h5py.Datasets for the position OR spectroscopic indices and values of the data. |
Creates new Ancillary Indices and Values datasets from the input datasets by dropping the specified dimensions |