Source code for SciFiReaders.readers.spectroscopy.SpeReader

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
SpeReader is designed to read a single Raman spectra from a Princeton Instruments CCD camera.
The reader takes in the Princeton Instruments .SPE file and produces a sidpy dataset.

Created on Fri May 14 2020

@author: Sumner Harris

import numpy as np
import re
from sidpy import Dataset, Dimension, Reader

[docs]class RamanSpeReader(Reader):
[docs] def read(self): """ Reads a single Raman spectra from a Princeton Instruments CCD camera. Returns ------- data_set: sidpy.Dataset object wraps all the raw data and metadata from the input file into a Dataset object """ # open the .SPE file with open(self._input_file_path, 'rb') as f: lines = f.readlines() # Create an empty dictionary for the metadata metadata_dictionary = {} # Search through the file for the needed metadata metadata_dictionary['date_acquired'] ='date="(.*?)"', lines[1])[1].decode('ANSI') metadata_dictionary['width'] = int('width="(.*?)"', lines[1])[1]) metadata_dictionary['height'] = int('height="(.*?)"', lines[1])[1]) metadata_dictionary['size'] = metadata_dictionary['width']*metadata_dictionary['height'] metadata_dictionary['exposure_time'] = int('<ExposureTime type="Double">(.*?)</ExposureTime>', lines[1])[1]) metadata_dictionary['excitation_wavelength'] = float('laserLine="(.*?)"',lines[1])[1]) metadata_dictionary['center_wavelength'] = float('<CenterWavelength type="Double">(.*?)</CenterWavelength>',lines[1])[1]) metadata_dictionary['orientation'] ='orientation="(.*?)"',lines[1])[1].decode('ANSI') # Get the wavelength and intensity wavelength_string ='<Wavelength xml:space="preserve">(.*?)</Wavelength>',lines[1])[1].decode('utf-8') wavelength = np.array(wavelength_string.split(','), dtype=np.float64) intensity = np.fromfile(f,dtype=np.float32,count=metadata_dictionary['size']) raman_shift_wavenumbers = 1e7*(1/metadata_dictionary['excitation_wavelength'] - 1/wavelength) f.close() # create the sidpy dataset data_set = Dataset.from_array(intensity, name='Raman Spectra') data_set.data_type = 'spectrum' data_set.units = 'counts' data_set.quantity = 'Intensity' # set dimensions data_set.set_dimension(0, Dimension(raman_shift_wavenumbers, name='Raman Shift', units = 'cm-1', quantity='Raman shift', dimension_type='spectral')) data_set.set_dimension(1, Dimension(intensity, name='Intensity', units = 'counts', quantity='intensity', dimension_type='spectral')) data_set.metadata = metadata_dictionary return data_set
[docs] def can_read(self): """ Tests whether or not the provided file has .spe extension Returns ------- """ return super(RamanSpeReader, self).can_read(extension='spe')