# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Created on Fri Jan 22 15:48:34 2020
@author: Suhas Somnath, Sudhajit Misra, Rama Vasudevan
from __future__ import division, print_function, absolute_import, unicode_literals
import sys
import numpy as np # For array operations
import sidpy as sid
from sidpy.sid import Reader
import re
from os import path
if sys.version_info.major == 3:
unicode = str
[docs]class AscReader(Reader):
Reads Scanning Tunnelling Spectroscopy (STS) data in .asc files obtained from Omicron STMs.
These are actually compatible with Nanonis controllers for Omicron microscopes,
It seems they are probably NOT compatible with matrix controller outputs.
See the group discussion at https://groups.google.com/g/pycroscopy/c/d7lcGnlPFpo/m/UEysliC8CAAJ
TODO: At this point this AscReader does not appear to work for non-Z spec files. Needs to be fixed!
[docs] def read(self, verbose=False, parm_encoding='utf-8'):
Reads the file given in file_path into a sidpy dataset
verbose : Boolean (Optional)
Whether or not to show print statements for debugging
parm_encoding : str, optional
Codec to be used to decode the bytestrings into Python strings if
needed. Default 'utf-8'
sidpy.Dataset : List of sidpy.Dataset objects.
Multi-channel inputs are separated into individual dataset objects
file_path = self._input_file_path
folder_path, file_name = path.split(file_path)
file_name = file_name[:-4]
# Extracting the raw data into memory
file_handle = open(file_path, 'r')
string_lines = file_handle.readlines()
# Extract parameters from the first few header lines
parm_dict, num_headers = self._read_parms(string_lines)
if verbose: print(parm_dict)
num_rows = int(parm_dict['Main-y_pixels'])
num_cols = int(parm_dict['Main-x_pixels'])
num_pos = num_rows * num_cols
spectra_length = int(parm_dict['Main-z_points'])
# Extract the STS data from subsequent lines
raw_data_2d = self._read_data(string_lines, num_pos, spectra_length, num_headers)
raw_data = np.reshape(raw_data_2d, (num_rows, num_cols, spectra_length))
# Generate the x / voltage / spectroscopic axis:
volt_vec = np.linspace(parm_dict['Spectroscopy-Device_1_Start [Volt]'],
parm_dict['Spectroscopy-Device_1_End [Volt]'],
# Build row, column vectors
xvec = np.linspace(0, parm_dict['Main-x_length'], num_cols)
yvec = np.linspace(0, parm_dict['Main-y_length'], num_rows)
# now write it to the sidpy dataset object
data_set = sid.Dataset.from_array(raw_data, name='Omicron_STS')
data_set.data_type = 'spectral_image'
# Add quantity and units
data_set.units = parm_dict['Main-value_unit']
data_set.quantity = 'Current'
# Add dimension info
data_set.set_dimension(0, sid.Dimension(xvec,
data_set.set_dimension(1, sid.Dimension(yvec,
data_set.set_dimension(2, sid.Dimension(volt_vec, name='I',
units=parm_dict['Main-value_unit'], quantity='Current',
# append metadata
data_set.metadata = parm_dict
# Return the sidy dataset
return data_set
def _read_data(self, string_lines, num_pos, spectra_length, num_headers):
Reads the data from lines of the data file
string_lines : :class:`list` of str
Lines containing the data in string format, separated by tabs
num_pos : unsigned int
Number of pixels
spectra_length : unsigned int
Number of points in the spectral / voltage axis
num_headers : unsigned int
Number of header lines to ignore
raw_data_2d : 2D numpy array
Data arranged as [position x voltage points]
raw_data_2d = np.zeros(shape=(num_pos, spectra_length), dtype=np.float32)
for line_ind in range(num_pos):
this_line = string_lines[num_headers + line_ind]
string_spectrum = this_line.split('\t')[:-1] # omitting the new line
raw_data_2d[line_ind] = np.array(string_spectrum, dtype=np.float32)
return raw_data_2d
def _parse_file_path(self, input_path):
def _read_parms(string_lines):
Returns the parameters regarding the experiment as dictionary
string_lines : list of strings
Lines from the data file in string representation
parm_dict : dictionary
Dictionary of parameters regarding the experiment
# Reading parameters stored in the first few rows of the file
def parse_header(line):
# ". Aux2_V:"
match_obj = re.match(r'\. (.*):', line, re.M | re.I)
type_list = [str]
if match_obj:
raw_vals = [type_caster(match_obj.group(ind)) for ind, type_caster in
zip(range(1, 1 + len(type_list)), type_list)]
return raw_vals[0]
return None
def parse_parm(line):
# ". . Auto_Flush_Period = 0.1 Second"
match_obj = re.match(r'\. \. (.*) = (.*)', line, re.M | re.I)
type_list = [str, str]
if match_obj:
raw_vals = [type_caster(match_obj.group(ind)) for ind, type_caster in
zip(range(1, 1 + len(type_list)), type_list)]
# Some cleaning:
raw_vals[0] = raw_vals[0].replace('-', '_').strip() # We use '-' as a level separator
raw_vals[1] = raw_vals[1].replace('--', '').strip()
# often, units are on the values side, see if these can be transitioned over to the key:
vals_split = raw_vals[1].split(' ')
if len(vals_split) == 2:
raw_vals = [raw_vals[0] + ' [' + vals_split[1] + ']', vals_split[0]]
raw_vals[1] = float(raw_vals[1])
# convert those values that should be integers:
if raw_vals[1] % 1 == 0:
raw_vals[1] = int(raw_vals[1])
except ValueError:
return {raw_vals[0]: raw_vals[1]}
return None
def flatten_dict(nested_dict, separator='-'):
# From: https://codereview.stackexchange.com/questions/21033/flatten-dictionary-in-python-functional-style
def expand(outer_key, outer_value):
if isinstance(outer_value, dict):
return [(outer_key + separator + inner_key, inner_value) for inner_key, inner_value in flatten_dict(outer_value).items()]
return [(outer_key, outer_value)]
items = [item for outer_key, outer_value in nested_dict.items() for item in expand(outer_key, outer_value)]
return dict(items)
# #############################################################################################################
temp_dict = dict()
line = string_lines[1]
if line.startswith('# Created by SPIP'):
line = line.replace('# Created by SPIP ', '').replace('\n', ' ')
ind = line.index(' ')
temp_dict['SPIP_version'] = line[:ind]
temp_dict['creation_time'] = line[ind + 1:]
# #################################################################################################
line_offset = 3
for line_ind, line in enumerate(string_lines[line_offset:]):
if parse_header(line) is not None:
line_offset += line_ind
line = line.replace('# ', '')
line = line.replace('\n', '')
temp = line.split('=')
test = temp[1].strip()
test = float(test)
# convert those values that should be integers:
if test % 1 == 0:
test = int(test)
except ValueError:
except IndexError:
temp_dict[temp[0].strip().replace('-', '_')] = test
main_dict = {'Main': temp_dict.copy()}
# #################################################################################################
curr_cat_name = None
temp_dict = dict()
for ind, line in enumerate(string_lines[line_offset:]):
if line.strip().startswith('# Start of Data:'):
line_offset += ind + 1
header_name = parse_header(line)
if header_name:
if curr_cat_name is not None:
main_dict[curr_cat_name] = temp_dict.copy()
temp_dict = dict()
curr_cat_name = header_name
this_parm = parse_parm(line)
if this_parm is None:
if len(temp_dict) > 0:
main_dict[curr_cat_name] = temp_dict.copy()
# #################################################################################################
return flatten_dict(main_dict), line_offset
[docs] def can_read(self):
Tests whether or not the provided file has a .asc extension
return super(AscReader, self).can_read(extension='asc')