# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Created on Fri Mar 12 15:39:00 202`0`
@author: Rama Vasudevan
import sys
import numpy as np # For array operations
import sidpy as sid
from sidpy.sid import Reader
import re
from os import path
[docs]class NanonisDatReader(Reader):
Reads files obtained via Nanonis controllers in .dat files.
These are generally point spectroscopy measurements.
[docs] def read(self, verbose=False):
Reads the file given in file_path into a sidpy dataset
verbose : Boolean (Optional)
Whether or not to show print statements for debugging
sidpy.Dataset : List of sidpy.Dataset objects.
Multi-channel inputs are separated into individual dataset objects
file_path = self._input_file_path
folder_path, file_name = path.split(file_path)
# Extracting the raw data into memory
file_handle = open(file_path, 'r')
string_lines = file_handle.readlines()
data_start = string_lines.index('[DATA]\n')
header = string_lines[:data_start - 1]
channel_names_with_units = string_lines[data_start+1].split('\t')
channel_names = [channel_names_with_units[ind].split('(')[0] for ind in range (len(channel_names_with_units))]
channel_units = [re.search(r'\((.*?)\)',channel_names_with_units[ind]).group(1) for ind in range (len(channel_names_with_units))]
# Extract parameters from the first few header lines
parm_dict = self._read_parms(header)
if verbose:
print('Found parameters dictionary {}'.format(parm_dict))
# Extract the STS data from subsequent lines
raw_data = np.loadtxt(file_path, skiprows=data_start+2)
if verbose:
print('Read data of shape {}'.format(raw_data.shape))
# Generate the x / voltage ß/ spectroscopic axis:
volt_vec = raw_data[:,0]
if verbose:
print('Found spectroscopic vector of size {}'.format(volt_vec.shape))
print('Spectroscopy vector has title {}'.format(channel_names[0]))
print('Spectrsocopy vector values: {}'.format(volt_vec))
datasets = [] #list of sidpy datasets that will be output
# Add quantity and units
for chan_ind, chan_name in enumerate(channel_names[1:]): #start from 1 because 0th column is the spectral one
if verbose:
print('Making sidpy dataset with channel {}'.format(chan_name))
# now write it to the sidpy dataset object
data_set = sid.Dataset.from_array(raw_data[:,chan_ind+1], name=chan_name)
data_set.data_type = 'spectrum'
data_set.units = channel_units[chan_ind+1]
data_set.quantity = chan_name
# Add dimension info
data_set.set_dimension(0, sid.Dimension(volt_vec, name=chan_name,
units=channel_units[0], quantity='Voltage',
# append metadata
data_set.metadata = parm_dict
# Return the sidy dataset
return datasets
def _read_parms(header):
Returns the parameters regarding the experiment as dictionary
string_lines : list of strings
Lines from the data file in string representation
parm_dict : dictionary
Dictionary of parameters regarding the experiment
# Reading parameters stored in the first few rows of the file
# "Look through the header and create a dictionary from it"
parm_dict = {}
for line in header:
vals = line.split('\t')
key = vals[0]
if len(vals[1:-1]) == 1:
#If the key, value pair is a float, convert it
val = float(vals[1:-1][0])
except ValueError:
val = vals[1:-1][0]
elif len(vals[1:-1]) == 0:
val = []
val = vals[1:-1][0]
parm_dict[key] = val
return parm_dict
[docs] def can_read(self):
Tests whether or not the provided file has a .asc extension
return super(NanonisDatReader, self).can_read(extension='dat')