Python framework for storing N-dimensional scientific data
The N-Dimensional Spectroscopic and Imaging Data (NSID) model:
itself is a definition or specification for how to store data.
facilitates the representation of any N-dimensional data array regardless of their origin, modality, size, or dimensionality.
can be used for any N-dimensional data (scientific or otherwise), though originally designed for spectroscopic and imaging data.
simplifies downstream development of instrument- and modality- agnostic data processing and analysis algorithms.
cannot handle niche cases like spiral scans, compressed sensing, etc. given that these data do not have an N-dimensional form. However, our sister project - pyUSID was built to handle such complex scenarios
pyNSID is a python package that currently provides all io functionality:
Jump to our GitHub project
We are running weekly hackathons for pyNSID development every Friday from 3-5 PM - USA Eastern time. The requirements for participation are: knowledge of python, numpy, h5py, git, NSID rules. Please email vasudevanrk at to be added to the hackathons
As we see it, there are a few opportunities in scientific research:
- 1. Growing data sizes
Need to be able to effortlessly accommodate datasets that are kB to TB and beyond
Need: Scalable storage resources and compatible, scalable file structures
- 2. Increasing data and metadata complexity
Sophisticated imaging and spectroscopy modes resulting in 5,6,7… dimensional data
Need: Generalized data formatting and ability to store rich metadata accompanying central data
- 3. Multiple file formats
Different formats from each instrument. Proprietary in most cases
Incompatible for and impeding correlation
Need: Open, instrument-independent data format for storing and sharing data
We envision pyNSID to be a convenient package that facilitates all scientists to store and exchange data across scientific domains with ease.
This project is being led by staff members at Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL), and professors at University of Tennessee, Knoxville:
We invite anyone interested to join our team to build better and free software for the scientific community
If you are interested in integrating our data model (NSID) with your existing package, please get in touch with us.