
class sidpy.viz.dataset_viz.ImageVisualizer(dset, figure=None, image_number=0, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: object

Interactive display of image plot

The stack can be scrolled through with a mouse wheel or the slider The usual zoom effects of matplotlib apply. Works on every backend because it only depends on matplotlib.

Important: keep a reference to this class to maintain interactive properties so usage is:

>>view = plot_stack(dataset, {‘spatial’:[0,1], ‘stack’:[2]})


  • dset: NSIDask _dataset

  • figure: optional

    matplotlib figure

  • image_number optional

    if this is a stack of images we can choose which one we want.

kwargs optional

additional arguments for matplotlib and a boolean value with keyword ‘scale_bar’

plotting of data according to two axis marked as SPATIAL in the dimensions


