Simple yet handy HDF5 utilities, independent of the data model
Created on Tue Nov 3 21:14:25 2015
@author: Suhas Somnath, Chris Smith
Copy attributes from one h5object to another |
Copies the provided HDF5 dataset to the provided destination. |
Recursively copies datasets linked to the source h5 object to the destination h5 object that are in different HDF5 files. |
Uses visit() to find all datasets with the desired name |
Returns the attribute from the h5py object |
Returns attribute associated with some DataSet. |
Returns auxiliary dataset objects associated with some DataSet through its attributes. |
Given a list of H5 references and a list of names, this method returns H5 objects corresponding to the names |
Reads a hdf5 group into a nested dictionary |
Returns True if the file containing the provided h5 object is in w or r+ modes |
Loads the provided object as a dask array (h5py.Dataset or numpy.ndarray) |
Creates Dataset attributes that contain references to other Dataset Objects. |
Creates Dataset attributes that contain references to other Dataset Objects. |
Simple function to recursively print the contents of a hdf5 group |
Checks if the provided objects are in the same HDF5 file. |
Writes basic bookkeeping and posterity related attributes to groups created using sidpy such as machine id, version, timestamp. |
If the provided metadata parameter is a non-empty dictionary, this function will create a HDF5 group called group_name within the provided h5_group and write the contents of metadata into the newly created group :param h5_group: Parent group to write metadata into :type h5_group: h5py.Group :param metadata: Dictionary that needs to be written into the group :type metadata: dict :param group_name: Name of the group to write attributes into :type group_name: str |
Writes attributes to a h5py object |