Utilities for formatting strings and other input / output methods
Created on Tue Nov 3 21:14:25 2015
@author: Suhas Somnath, Chris Smith
Replaces any unicode objects within lists with their string counterparts to ensure compatibility with python 3. |
Formats the provided quantity such as time or size to appropriate strings |
Formats the provided size in bytes to kB, MB, GB, TB etc. |
Formats the provided time in seconds into seconds, minutes, or hours |
Takes a formatted string like '4.32 MHz' to 4.32 E+6. |
Returns the current date and time as a string formatted as: Year_Month_Day-Hour_Minute_Second |
Removes extra spaces (or other delimiters) between words in a line. |
Casts a single value encoded in a string to the appropriate python object. |
This function is to be used when validating and cleaning a list of strings. |
This function is to be used when validating a SINGLE string parameter for a function. |
This function is to be used when validating string parameters for a function. |