Getting Started --------------- * Follow `these instructions <./install.html>`_ to install pycroscopy * See the many `journal publications <./papers_conferences.html>`_ made possible by pycroscopy and try out the jupyter notebooks that were used for the paper * We have also compiled a list of `handy tutorials <./external_guides.html>`_ on basic / prerequisite topics such as programming in python, data analytics, machine learning, etc. * Please familiarize yourself with the `pycroscopy ecosystem <./ecosystem.html>`_ of packages so you understand the scope of each package. * If you are interested in contributing your code to pycroscopy, please look at our `guidelines <./contribution_guidelines.html>`_ * If you need detailed documentation on all our classes, functions, etc., what is where any why, please visit our `API <./api.html>`_ * Have questions? See our `FAQ <./faq.html>`_ to see if we have already answered them. * Need help or need to get in touch with us? See our `contact <./contact.html>`_ information.