Source code for BGlib.gmode.analysis.utils.giv_utils

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Utilities for performing Bayesian Inference on Current-Voltage spectroscopy data obtained from scanning probe
microscopes and visualizing results as described in
[Ultrafast Current Imaging via Bayesian Inference ](

Created on Thu Jan 12 15:31:55 2017

@author: Suhas Somnath, Kody Law, Rama K. Vasudevan

from __future__ import division, print_function, absolute_import
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from scipy.linalg import sqrtm

from sidpy.hdf.hdf_utils import get_auxiliary_datasets
from sidpy.viz.plot_utils import set_tick_font_size

[docs] def do_bayesian_inference(i_meas, bias, freq, num_x_steps=251, r_extra=110, gam=0.03, e=10.0, sigma=10., sigmaC=1., num_samples=2E3, show_plots=False, econ=False): """ this function accepts a Voltage vector and current vector and returns a Bayesian inferred result for R(V) and capacitance Used for solving the situation I = V/R(V) + CdV/dt to recover R(V) and C, where C is constant. Parameters ---------- i_meas : 1D array or list current values, should be in nA bias : 1D array or list voltage values freq : float frequency of applied waveform num_x_steps : unsigned int (Optional, Default = 251) Number of steps in x vector (interpolating V) r_extra : float (Optional, default = 220 [Ohms]) Extra resistance in the RC circuit that will provide correct current and resistance values gam : float (Optional, Default = 0.03) gamma value for reconstruction e : float (Optional, Default = 10.0) Ask Kody sigma : float (Optional, Default = 10.0) Ask Kody sigmaC : float (Optional, Default = 1.0) Ask Kody num_samples : unsigned int (Optional, Default = 1E4) Number of samples. 1E+4 is more than sufficient show_plots : Boolean (Optional, Default = False) Whether or not to show plots econ : Boolean (Optional, Default = False) Whether or not extra datasets are returned. Turn this on when running on multiple datasets Returns ------- results_dict : Dictionary Dictionary iterms are 'x' : 1D float array. Voltage vector interpolated with num_samples number of points 'm' : Ask Kody 'mR' : 1D float array. Bayesian inference of the resistance. This is the one you want 'vR' : 2D float array. varaiance ? of inferred resistance 'Irec' : 1D array or float. Reconstructed current without capacitance 'Sigma' : Ask Kody 'cValue' : float. Capacitance value 'm2R' : Ask Kody 'SI' : Ask Kody Written by Kody J. Law (Matlab) and translated to Python by Rama K. Vasudevan """ num_samples = int(num_samples) num_x_steps = int(num_x_steps) if num_x_steps % 2 == 0: num_x_steps += 1 # Always keep it odd # Organize, set up the problem t_max = 1. / freq t = np.linspace(0, t_max, len(bias)) dt = t[2] - t[1] dv = np.diff(bias) / dt dv = np.append(dv, dv[-1]) max_volts = max(bias) # num_x_steps = int(round(2 * round(max_volts / dx, 1) + 1, 0)) x = np.linspace(-max_volts, max_volts, num_x_steps) dx = x[1] - x[0] # M = len(x) num_volt_points = len(bias) # Build A A = np.zeros(shape=(num_volt_points, num_x_steps + 1)) for j in range(num_volt_points): ix = int(round(np.floor((bias[j] + max_volts) / dx) + 1)) ix = min(ix, len(x) - 1) ix = max(ix, 1) A[j, ix] = bias[j] * (bias[j] - x[ix - 1]) / (x[ix] - x[ix - 1]) A[j, ix - 1] = bias[j] * (1. - (bias[j] - x[ix - 1]) / (x[ix] - x[ix - 1])) A[:, num_x_steps] = dv + r_extra * bias # generate simulated observations Lapt = (-1. * np.diag((t[:-1]) ** 0, -1) - np.diag(t[:-1] ** 0, 1) + 2. * np.diag(t ** 0, 0)) / dt / dt Lapt[0, 0] = 1. / dt / dt Lapt[-1, -1] = 1. / dt / dt O = (1. / gam ** 2) * (np.eye(num_volt_points)) # noise_term = np.linalg.lstsq(sqrtm(O),np.random.randn(N,1))[0] # y = IV_point # Itrue + noise_term.ravel() Lap = (-1. * np.diag((x[:-1]) ** 0, -1) - np.diag(x[:-1] ** 0, 1) + 2. * np.diag(x ** 0, 0)) / dx / dx Lap[0, 0] = 1. / dx / dx Lap[-1, -1] = 1. / dx / dx m0 = 3. * np.ones((num_x_steps, 1)) m0 = np.append(m0, 0) P0 = np.zeros(shape=(num_x_steps + 1, num_x_steps + 1)) P0[:num_x_steps, :num_x_steps] = 1. / sigma ** 2 * (1. * np.eye(num_x_steps) + np.linalg.matrix_power(Lap, 3)) P0[num_x_steps, num_x_steps] = 1. / sigmaC ** 2 Sigma = np.linalg.inv(,, A)) + P0) m =, (,, i_meas)) +, m0))) # Reconstructed current Irec =, m) # This includes the capacitance # Draw samples from S # SI = (np.matlib.repmat(m[:M], num_samples, 1).T) +[:M, :M]), np.random.randn(M, num_samples)) SI = np.tile(m[:num_x_steps], (num_samples, 1)).T +[:num_x_steps, :num_x_steps]), np.random.randn(num_x_steps, num_samples)) # approximate mean and covariance of R mR = 1. / num_samples * np.sum(1. / SI, 1) m2R = 1. / num_samples * / SI, (1. / SI).T) # m2R=1./num_samples*(1./SI)*(1./SI).T #,mR.T) vR = m2R - mR * mR.T cValue = m[-1] if econ: results_dict = {'x': x, 'mR': mR, 'vR': np.diag(vR), 'Irec': Irec, 'cValue': cValue} else: results_dict = {'x': x, 'm': m, 'mR': mR, 'vR': vR, 'Irec': Irec, 'Sigma': Sigma, 'cValue': cValue, 'm2R': m2R, 'SI': SI} if show_plots: # Do some plotting plt.figure(101) plt.plot(x, mR, 'b', linewidth=3) plt.plot(x, mR + np.sqrt(np.diag(vR)), 'r-', linewidth=3) plt.plot(x, mR - np.sqrt(np.diag(vR)), 'r-', linewidth=3) plt.xlabel('Voltage (V)') plt.ylabel('Resistance (GOhm)') plt.title('R(V)') plt.legend(('R(V)', 'R(V)+sigma', 'R(V)-sigma'), loc='best') # plt.ylim((0,3)) plt.xlim((-max_volts, max_volts)) plt.figure(102) plt.plot(bias, i_meas) plt.plot(x, x / mR) plt.xlabel('Voltage') plt.ylabel('Current') plt.legend(('measured current', 'reconstructed I (no C)'), loc='best') plt.figure(103) plt.plot(bias, Irec) plt.plot(bias, i_meas) plt.legend(('I$_{rec}$', 'I$_{true}$'), loc='best') plt.figure(104) cx = np.arange(0, 2, 0.01) dens_cx = 1. / np.sqrt(Sigma[num_x_steps, num_x_steps] * 2 * np.pi) * np.exp( -(cx - m[num_x_steps]) ** 2 / 2 / Sigma[num_x_steps, num_x_steps]) plt.plot(cx, dens_cx) plt.ylabel('p(C)') plt.xlabel('C') print("The value of the capacitance is ", str(round(m[-1] * 1E3, 2)) + "pF") return results_dict
[docs] def bayesian_inference_on_period(i_meas, excit_wfm, ex_freq, r_extra=110, num_x_steps=500, show_plots=False, r_max=None, **kwargs): """ Performs Bayesian Inference on a single I-V curve. The excitation waveform must be a single period of a sine wave. This algorithm splits the curve into the forward and reverse sections, performs inference on each of the sections, stitches the results back again, and corrects the resistance which is not handled in the main bayesian function. Parameters ---------- i_meas : array-like Current corresponding to a single period of sinusoidal excitation bias excit_wfm : array-like Single period of the sinusoidal excitation waveform ex_freq : float Frequency of the excitation waveform r_extra : float (Optional, default = 220 [Ohms]) Extra resistance in the RC circuit that will provide correct current and resistance values num_x_steps : uint (Optional, default = 500) Number of steps for the inferred results. Note: this may be different from what is specified. show_plots : Boolean (Optional, Default = False) Whether or not to show plots r_max : float (Optional, Default = None) Maximum limit of the resistance plots. kwargs : dict Other parameters that will be passed on to the do_bayesian_inference function Returns ------- results : dictionary Dictionary iterms are 'cValue' : array-like - 2 elements Capacitance on the forward and reverse sections 'x' : array-like Interpolated bias from bayesian inference of length num_x_steps 'mR' : array-like Resistance of sample infered by Bayesian Inference of length num_x_steps 'vR' : array-like Variance of the inferred resistance of length num_x_steps 'IcorrSine' : array-like Measured current with the capacitance correctly subtracted. 'Irec' : array-like Current reconstructed via Bayesian Inference """ roll_val = -0.25 num_v_steps = excit_wfm.size cos_omega_t = np.roll(excit_wfm, int(num_v_steps * roll_val)) y_val = np.roll(i_meas, int(num_v_steps * roll_val)) half_x_steps = num_x_steps // 2 rev_results = do_bayesian_inference(y_val[:int(0.5 * num_v_steps)] * -1, cos_omega_t[:int(0.5 * num_v_steps)] * -1, ex_freq, num_x_steps=half_x_steps, econ=True, show_plots=False, r_extra=r_extra, **kwargs) forw_results = do_bayesian_inference(y_val[int(0.5 * num_v_steps):], cos_omega_t[int(0.5 * num_v_steps):], ex_freq, num_x_steps=half_x_steps, econ=True, show_plots=False, r_extra=r_extra, **kwargs) # putting the split inference together: full_results = dict() for item in ['cValue']: full_results[item] = np.hstack((forw_results[item], rev_results[item])) # Capacitance is always doubled - halve it now: full_results['cValue'] *= 0.5 cap_val = np.mean(full_results['cValue']) # Compensating the resistance.. # omega = 2 * np.pi * ex_freq """t_max = 1. / ex_freq t = np.linspace(0, t_max, len(excit_wfm)) dt = t[2] - t[1]""" # dt = period time / points per period dt = 1 / (ex_freq * excit_wfm.size) dv = np.diff(excit_wfm) / dt dv = np.append(dv, dv[-1]) i_cap = cap_val * dv i_extra = r_extra * 2 * cap_val * excit_wfm i_corr_sine = i_meas - i_cap - i_extra full_results['IcorrSine'] = i_corr_sine # by default Bayesian inference will sort bias in ascending order rev_results['x'] *= -1 rev_results['Irec'] *= -1 for item in ['x', 'mR', 'vR', 'Irec']: full_results[item] = np.hstack((forw_results[item], rev_results[item])) # print(item, full_results[item].shape) full_results['Irec'] = np.roll(full_results['Irec'], int(num_v_steps * roll_val)) # Plot to make sure things are indeed correct: if show_plots: fig, axis = plt.subplots(figsize=(8, 8)) axis.plot(excit_wfm, i_meas, color='green', label='Meas') axis.plot(excit_wfm, i_corr_sine, color='k', label='Sine corr') # should not be able to see this. axis.plot(excit_wfm, i_extra, '--', color='grey', label='I extra') axis.plot(excit_wfm, full_results['Irec'], '--', color='orange', label='I rec') axis.plot(forw_results['x'], forw_results['x'] / forw_results['mR'], color='blue', label='Bayes corr F') axis.plot(rev_results['x'], rev_results['x'] / rev_results['mR'], color='red', label='Bayes corr R') axis.set_xlabel('Bias (V)') axis.set_ylabel('Current') axis.legend() axis.axhline(y=0, xmin=np.min(excit_wfm), xmax=np.max(excit_wfm), ls=':') fig.tight_layout() def _plot_resistance(axis, bias_triang, res_vec, variance_vec, forward=True): st_dev = np.sqrt(variance_vec) good_pts = np.where(st_dev < 10)[0] good_pts = good_pts[np.where(good_pts < forw_results['x'].size)[0]] pos_limits = res_vec + st_dev neg_limits = res_vec - st_dev if forward: cols_set = ['blue', 'cyan'] else: cols_set = ['red', 'orange'] axis.plot(bias_triang[good_pts], res_vec[good_pts], color=cols_set[0], label='R(V)') axis.fill_between(bias_triang[good_pts], pos_limits[good_pts], neg_limits[good_pts], alpha=0.25, color=cols_set[1], label='R(V)+-$\sigma$') fig, axes = plt.subplots(ncols=2, nrows=1, figsize=(10, 5)) for axis, res_vec, variance_vec, name, direction in zip(axes.flat, [forw_results['mR'], rev_results['mR']], [forw_results['vR'], rev_results['vR']], ['Forw', 'Rev'], [True, False, ]): _plot_resistance(axis, forw_results['x'], res_vec, variance_vec, forward=direction) y_lims = axis.get_ylim() if r_max is not None: axis.set_ylim([0, min(r_max, y_lims[1])]) else: axis.set_ylim([0, y_lims[1]]) axis.set_title(name) axis.set_xlabel('Bias (V)') axis.set_ylabel('Resistance') axis.legend() fig.tight_layout() return full_results
[docs] def plot_bayesian_spot_from_h5(h5_bayesian_grp, h5_resh, pix_ind, **kwargs): """ Plots the basic Bayesian Inference results for a specific pixel Parameters ---------- h5_bayesian_grp : h5py.Datagroup reference Group containing the Bayesian Inference results h5_resh : h5py.Dataset reference Dataset containing the raw / filtered measured current split by pixel pix_ind : unsigned int Integer index of the desired pixel Returns ------- fig : matplotlib.pyplot figure handle Handle to figure """ bias_triang = np.squeeze(h5_bayesian_grp['Spectroscopic_Values'][()]) h5_resistance = h5_bayesian_grp['Resistance'] h5_r_variance = h5_bayesian_grp['R_variance'] h5_i_corrected = h5_bayesian_grp['Corrected_Current'] i_meas = np.squeeze(h5_resh[pix_ind]) orig_bias = np.squeeze(get_auxiliary_datasets(h5_resh, aux_dset_name=['Spectroscopic_Values'])[0]) h5_pos = get_auxiliary_datasets(h5_resh, aux_dset_name=['Position_Indices'])[0] resistance = h5_resistance[pix_ind] i_correct = h5_i_corrected[pix_ind] r_variance = h5_r_variance[pix_ind] return plot_bayesian_results(orig_bias, i_meas, i_correct, bias_triang, resistance, r_variance, pix_pos=h5_pos[pix_ind], **kwargs)
[docs] def plot_bayesian_results(bias_sine, i_meas, i_corrected, bias_triang, resistance, r_variance, i_recon=None, pix_pos=[0, 0], broken_resistance=True, r_max=None, res_scatter=False, **kwargs): """ Plots the basic Bayesian Inference results for a specific pixel Parameters ---------- bias_sine : 1D float numpy array Original bias vector used for experiment i_meas : 1D float numpy array Current measured from experiment i_corrected : 1D float numpy array current with capacitance and R extra compensated i_recon : 1D float numpy array Reconstructed current bias_triang : 1D float numpy array Interpolated bias resistance : 1D float numpy array Inferred resistance r_variance : 1D float numpy array Variance of the resistance pix_pos : list of two numbers Pixel row and column positions or values broken_resistance : bool, Optional Whether or not to break the resistance plots into sections so as to avoid plotting areas with high variance r_max : float, Optional Maximum value of resistance to plot res_scatter : bool, Optional Use scatter instead of line plots for resistance Returns ------- fig : matplotlib.pyplot figure handle Handle to figure """ font_size_1 = 14 font_size_2 = 16 half_x_ind = int(0.5 * bias_triang.size) ex_amp = np.max(bias_triang) colors = [['red', 'orange'], ['blue', 'cyan']] syms = [['-', '--', '--'], ['-', ':', ':']] names = ['Forward', 'Reverse'] cos_omega_t = np.roll(bias_sine, int(-0.25 * bias_sine.size)) orig_half_pt = int(0.5 * bias_sine.size) i_correct_rolled = np.roll(i_corrected, int(-0.25 * bias_sine.size)) st_dev = np.sqrt(r_variance) tests = [st_dev < 10, resistance > 0] if r_max is not None: tests.append(resistance < r_max) good_pts = np.ones(resistance.shape, dtype=bool) for item in tests: good_pts = np.logical_and(good_pts, item) good_pts = np.where(good_pts)[0] good_forw = good_pts[np.where(good_pts < half_x_ind)[0]] good_rev = good_pts[np.where(good_pts >= half_x_ind)[0]] pos_limits = resistance + st_dev neg_limits = resistance - st_dev fig, axes = plt.subplots(ncols=3, figsize=(15, 5)) # fig.subplots_adjust(wspace=3.5) axes[0].set_ylabel('Resistance (G$\Omega$)', fontsize=font_size_2) pts_to_plot = [good_forw, good_rev] for type_ind, axis, pts_list, cols_set, sym_set, set_name in zip(range(len(names)), axes[:2], pts_to_plot, colors, syms, names): axis.set_title('$R(V)$ ' + set_name + ' at Row = ' + str(pix_pos[1]) + ' Col =' + str(pix_pos[0]), fontsize=font_size_2) single_plot = not broken_resistance if broken_resistance: diff = np.diff(pts_list) jump_inds = np.argwhere(diff > 4) + 1 if jump_inds.size < 1: single_plot = True if not single_plot: jump_inds = np.append(np.append(0, jump_inds), pts_list[-1]) for ind in range(1, jump_inds.size): cur_range = pts_list[jump_inds[ind - 1]:jump_inds[ind]] if res_scatter: axis.scatter(bias_triang[cur_range], resistance[cur_range], color=cols_set[0], s=30) else: axis.plot(bias_triang[cur_range], resistance[cur_range], cols_set[0], linestyle=sym_set[0], linewidth=3) axis.fill_between(bias_triang[cur_range], pos_limits[cur_range], neg_limits[cur_range], alpha=0.25, color=cols_set[1]) if ind == 1: axis.legend(['R(V)', 'R(V)+-$\sigma$'], loc='upper center', fontsize=font_size_1) else: if res_scatter: axis.scatter(bias_triang[pts_list], resistance[pts_list], color=cols_set[0], s=30) else: axis.plot(bias_triang[pts_list], resistance[pts_list], cols_set[0], linestyle=sym_set[0], linewidth=3, label='R(V)') axis.fill_between(bias_triang[pts_list], pos_limits[pts_list], neg_limits[pts_list], alpha=0.25, color=cols_set[1], label='R(V)+-$\sigma$') axis.legend(loc='upper center', fontsize=font_size_1) axis.set_xlabel('Voltage (V)', fontsize=font_size_2) axis.set_xlim((-ex_amp, ex_amp)) # ################### CURRENT PLOT ########################## axes[2].plot(bias_sine, i_meas, 'green', linewidth=3, label='I$_{meas}$') if i_recon is not None: axes[2].plot(bias_sine, i_recon, 'c--', linewidth=3, label='I$_{recon}$') axes[2].plot(cos_omega_t[orig_half_pt:], i_correct_rolled[orig_half_pt:], 'blue', linewidth=3, label='I$_{Bayes} Forw$') axes[2].plot(cos_omega_t[:orig_half_pt], i_correct_rolled[:orig_half_pt], 'red', linewidth=3, label='I$_{Bayes} Rev$') # axes[2].legend(loc='upper right', bbox_to_anchor=(-.1, 0.30), fontsize=font_size_1) axes[2].legend(loc='best', fontsize=font_size_1) axes[2].set_xlabel('Voltage(V)', fontsize=font_size_2) axes[2].set_title('$I(V)$ at row ' + str(pix_pos[0]) + ', col ' + str(pix_pos[1]), fontsize=font_size_2) axes[2].set_ylabel('Current (nA)', fontsize=font_size_2) set_tick_font_size(axes, font_size_1) fig.tight_layout() return fig