Source code for

Created on Apr 20, 2016

@author: Chris Smith --

import sys
import numpy as np
import h5py
from import loadmat

[docs] def loadDataFunc(filePath, **kwargs): """ Function to load the N-D data from a .mat file Output: N-D numpy data array, Nx2 x-vector array array indices are (Step, #rows, #cols, cycle#) """ data = loadmat(filePath) data_mat = data['loop_mat'] data_mat = data_mat[:, :, :, :] data_mat[np.where(data_mat > 1E-1)] = 0 # Presumably, this will not be requried. data_mat[np.where(data_mat < -1E-1)] = 0 # Otherwise we will have to write smoothing/cleaning functions data_mat = np.transpose(data_mat, (3, 0, 1, 2)) xvec = data['VV'].ravel() return data_mat, xvec
[docs] def readData(h5_path, dset_name='SHO_Fit_Guess'): """ Reads the hdf5 data file and calls appropriate reader based on data type Input: h5_path -- the absolute file path to the hdf5 file to be read in. dset_name -- the name of the main dataset Outputs: data_mat -- the transformed data read to be plotted xvec -- numpy array containing the possible plot data of the slice viewer xvec_labs -- numpy array of labels and units for the xvec array """ h5_file = h5py.File(h5_path, 'r') exp_type = h5_file.attrs['data_type'] h5_group = h5_file['Measurement_000'] data_type = h5_group.attrs['VS_mode'] if data_type == 'DC modulation mode': return readDCData(h5_group) elif data_type == 'AC modulation mode with time reversal': return readACData(h5_group)
# return readDataGen(h5_group['SHO_Fit_Results'])
[docs] def readDCData(h5_group): """ Reads the data for DC modulation experiments Inputs: h5_group -- hdf5 group holding the SHO_Fit Data for the chosen Measurement group Outputs: data_guess -- the transformed data to be plotted xvec -- numpy array containing the possible plot data of the slice viewer xvec_labs -- numpy array of labels and units for the xvec array """ h5_chan = h5_group['Channel_000'] h5_main = h5_chan['Raw_Data'] h5_file = h5_main.file h5_specv = h5_file[h5_main.attrs['Spectroscopic_Values']] h5_bins = h5_file[h5_main.attrs['Bin_Frequencies']] h5_shogroup = h5_chan['Raw_Data-SHO_Fit_000'] h5_guess = h5_shogroup['Guess'] h5_data_labels = h5_specv.attrs['labels'] h5_sho_specv = h5_file[h5_guess.attrs['Spectroscopic_Values']] h5_indices = h5_file[h5_guess.attrs['Spectroscopic_Indices']] h5_pos = h5_file[h5_main.attrs['Position_Indices']] num_rows, num_cols = __getPos(h5_pos) num_pos = num_rows * num_cols ndims = len(np.where(np.array(h5_pos.shape) > 1)[0]) num_cycles = h5_group.attrs['VS_number_of_cycles'] num_steps = len(np.unique(h5_indices[:, 1])) num_bins = len(np.unique(h5_bins)) data_xvec = h5_sho_specv[h5_sho_specv.attrs['DC_Offset']].flatten() field_type = h5_group.attrs['VS_measure_in_field_loops'] ''' Separate data into cycles ''' data_guess = np.reshape(h5_guess, [num_pos, num_cycles, -1]) data_guess = np.transpose(data_guess, [1, 2, 0]) data_xvec = np.reshape(data_xvec, [num_cycles, -1]) data_main = np.reshape(h5_main, [num_pos, num_cycles, -1]) data_main = np.transpose(data_main, [1, 2, 0]) pt_xvec = np.tile(np.arange(data_xvec.shape[1]), [num_cycles, 1]) if field_type == 'in and out-of-field': ''' Seperate out in-field and out-of-field values ''' data_guess = np.array([data_guess[:, slice(0, None, 2), :], data_guess[:, slice(1, None, 2), :]]) data_guess = np.reshape(data_guess, (2, num_cycles, -1, num_rows, num_cols)) data_xvec = np.array([data_xvec[:, slice(0, None, 2)], data_xvec[:, slice(1, None, 2)]]) pt_xvec = np.array([pt_xvec[:, slice(0, None, 2)], pt_xvec[:, slice(1, None, 2)]]) data_main = np.reshape(data_main, (num_cycles, -1, num_bins, num_rows, num_cols)) data_main = np.array([data_main[:, slice(0, None, 2), :, :, :], data_main[:, slice(1, None, 2), :, :, :]]) data_parts = ['In-field', 'Out-of-field'] elif field_type == 'in-field': data_guess = np.reshape(data_guess, (1, num_cycles, -1, num_rows, num_cols)) data_xvec = data_xvec.reshape(1, num_cycles, -1) pt_xvec = pt_xvec.reshape(1, num_cycles, -1) data_main = np.reshape(data_main, (1, num_cycles, -1, num_bins, num_rows, num_cols)) data_parts = ['In-field'] elif field_type == 'out-of-field': data_guess = np.reshape(data_guess, (1, num_cycles, -1, num_rows, num_cols)) data_xvec = data_xvec.reshape(1, num_cycles, -1) pt_xvec = pt_xvec.reshape(1, num_cycles, -1) data_main = np.reshape(data_main, (1, num_cycles, -1, num_bins, num_rows, num_cols)) data_parts = ['Out-of-field'] else: raise ValueError('Unknown field type in data. Cannot parse') ''' Repeat steps for reading guess on the results if present ''' try: h5_results = h5_shogroup['Fit'] data_results = np.reshape(h5_results, [num_pos, num_cycles, -1]) data_results = np.transpose(data_results, [1, 2, 0]) if field_type == 'in and out-of-field': data_results = np.array([data_results[:, slice(0, None, 2), :], data_results[:, slice(1, None, 2), :]]) data_results = np.reshape(data_results, (2, num_cycles, -1, num_rows, num_cols)) elif field_type == 'in-field': data_results = np.reshape(data_results, (1, num_cycles, -1, num_rows, num_cols)) elif field_type == 'out-of-field': data_results = np.reshape(data_results, (1, num_cycles, -1, num_rows, num_cols)) except KeyError: data_results = None xvec = np.array([data_xvec, pt_xvec]) xvec_labs = np.array([['Voltage', 'V'], ['UDVS Step', '']]) data_labs = h5_data_labels data_units = list() for label in data_labs: if label == 'Amplitude': data_units.append('V') elif label == 'Frequency': data_units.append('Hz') elif label == 'Quality Factor': data_units.append('') elif label == 'Phase': data_units.append('rad') # xaxis = {'XData':data_xvec, # 'XData Name':'Voltage', # 'XData Unit':'V', # 'XStep':pt_xvec, # 'XStep Name':'UDVS Step', # 'XStep Unit':''} # yaxis = dict([(data_labs[i],data_units[i]) for i in xrange(4)]) # elements = {'Field':data_parts, # 'Parameters':yaxis, # 'Cycles':num_cycles, # 'Steps':num_steps, # 'X positions':num_rows, # 'Y positions':num_cols} # # data_pack = {'Guess':data_guess, # 'Fit':data_results, # 'Raw':data_main, # 'Data Elements':elements, # 'X-axis':xaxis, # 'Y-axis':yaxis, # 'Num Cycles':num_cycles, # 'Groups':data_parts, # 'Dims':ndims, # 'Bins':h5_bins.value} return data_guess, data_results, xvec, xvec_labs, data_parts, ndims, data_main, np.unique(h5_bins.value)
[docs] def readACData(h5_group): """ Reads the data for AC modulation experiments Inputs: h5_group -- hdf5 group holding the SHO_Fit Data for the chosen Measurement group Outputs: data_guess -- the transformed data to be plotted xvec -- numpy array containing the possible plot data of the slice viewer xvec_labs -- numpy array of labels and units for the xvec array """ h5_chan = h5_group['Channel_000'] h5_main = h5_chan['Raw_Data'] h5_specv = h5_chan['Spectroscopic_Values'] h5_bins = h5_chan['Bin_Frequencies'] h5_shogroup = h5_chan['Raw_Data-SHO_Fit_000'] h5_guess = h5_shogroup['Guess'] h5_data_labels = h5_specv.attrs['labels'] h5_sho_specv = h5_shogroup['Spectroscopic_Values'] h5_indices = h5_shogroup['Spectroscopic_Indices'] h5_pos = h5_chan['Position_Indices'] num_rows, num_cols = __getPos(h5_pos) num_pos = num_rows * num_cols ndims = len(np.where(np.array(h5_pos.shape) > 1)[0]) num_cycles = h5_group.attrs['VS_number_of_cycles'] num_steps = len(np.unique(h5_indices[:, 1])) num_bins = len(np.unique(h5_bins)) data_xvec = h5_sho_specv[h5_sho_specv.attrs['AC_Amplitude']].flatten() direction = h5_specv[h5_specv.attrs['Direction']].flatten() direction = h5_sho_specv[h5_sho_specv.attrs['Direction']].flatten() ''' Separate data into cycles ''' data_guess = np.reshape(h5_guess, [num_pos, num_cycles, -1]) data_guess = np.transpose(data_guess, [1, 2, 0]) data_xvec = np.reshape(data_xvec, [num_cycles, -1]) data_main = np.reshape(h5_main, [num_pos, num_cycles, -1]) data_main = np.transpose(data_main, [1, 2, 0]) pt_xvec = np.tile(np.arange(data_xvec.shape[1]), [num_cycles, 1]) ''' Seperate out forward and reverse values ''' for_dir = np.where(direction == 1.0)[0] rev_dir = np.where(direction == -1.0)[0] data_guess = np.array([data_guess[:, for_dir, :], data_guess[:, rev_dir, :]]) data_guess = np.reshape(data_guess, (2, num_cycles, -1, num_rows, num_cols)) data_main = np.reshape(data_main, (num_cycles, -1, num_bins, num_rows, num_cols)) data_main = np.array([data_main[:, for_dir, :, :, :], data_main[:, rev_dir, :, :, :]]) data_xvec = np.array([data_xvec[:, for_dir], data_xvec[:, rev_dir]]) pt_xvec = np.array([pt_xvec[:, for_dir], pt_xvec[:, rev_dir]]) data_parts = ['Forward', 'Reverse'] # ''' # Get the mean and standard deviation of each variable # Then use these to set upper and lower bounds # ''' # for var in xrange(data_guess.shape[0]): # for cycle in xrange(data_guess.shape[1]): # mean_data, std_data = getGoodLims(data_guess[var,cycle,:,:]) # max_data = mean_data+3*std_data # min_data = mean_data-3*std_data # np.clip(data_guess[var,cycle,:,:],min_data,max_data,data_guess[var,cycle,:,:]) xvec = np.array([data_xvec, pt_xvec]) xvec_labs = np.array([['AC Current', 'A'], ['UDVS Step', '']]) ''' Repeat steps for reading guess on the results if present ''' try: h5_results = h5_shogroup['Fit'] data_results = np.reshape(h5_results, [num_pos, num_cycles, -1]) data_results = np.transpose(data_results, [1, 2, 0]) data_results = np.array([data_results[:, for_dir, :], data_results[:, rev_dir, :]]) data_results = np.reshape(data_results, (2, num_cycles, -1, num_rows, num_cols)) except KeyError: data_results = None except: raise data_labs = h5_data_labels data_units = list() for label in data_labs: if label == 'Amplitude': data_units.append('V') elif label == 'Frequency': data_units.append('Hz') elif label == 'Quality Factor': data_units.append('') elif label == 'Phase': data_units.append('rad') # xaxis = {'XData':data_xvec, # 'XData Name':'Voltage', # 'XData Unit':'V', # 'XStep':pt_xvec, # 'XStep Name':'UDVS Step', # 'XStep Unit':''} # yaxis = dict([(data_labs[i],data_units[i]) for i in xrange(4)]) # elements = {'Field':data_parts, # 'Parameters':yaxis, # 'Cycles':num_cycles, # 'Steps':num_steps, # 'X positions':num_rows, # 'Y positions':num_cols} # # data_pack = {'Guess':data_guess, # 'Fit':data_results, # 'Raw':data_main, # 'Data Elements':elements, # 'X-axis':xaxis, # 'Y-axis':yaxis, # 'Num Cycles':num_cycles, # 'Groups':data_parts, # 'Dims':ndims, # 'Bins':h5_bins.value} return data_guess, data_results, xvec, xvec_labs, data_parts, ndims, data_main, np.unique(h5_bins.value)
[docs] def getSpectralData(point, data_mat): """ This function accepts a tuple (x,y) and extracts the spectra from matrix (data) at that point, and returns an Nx2 vector Inputs: point -- (x,y) position to be retrieved from data_mat data_mat -- matrix to retrieve data from Outputs: """ spec_ydata = data_mat[:, int(np.round(point[0])), int(np.round(point[1]))] return spec_ydata.ravel()
def __getPos(h5_pos): """ Return the number of rows and columns in the dataset """ num_rows = len(np.unique(h5_pos[:, 0])) try: num_cols = len(np.unique(h5_pos[:, 1])) except ValueError: num_cols = 1 return num_rows, num_cols def __findDataset(h5_file, ds_name): """ Uses visit() to find all datasets with the desired name """ print('Finding all instances of', ds_name) ds = [] def __findName(name, obj): if name.split('/')[-1] == ds_name and isinstance(obj, h5py.Dataset): ds.append([name, obj]) return h5_file.visititems(__findName) return ds