Source code for

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Utilities for static and interactive visualization of Band Excitation Scanning Probe Microscopy datasets

Created on Thu Jan 05 13:29:12 2017

@author: Chris R. Smith, Suhas Somnath
from __future__ import division, print_function, absolute_import, unicode_literals

import os
from warnings import warn

import ipywidgets as widgets
import numpy as np
from IPython.display import display
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt

from sidpy.viz.plot_utils import plot_curves, plot_map_stack, get_cmap_object, plot_map, set_tick_font_size, \
from sidpy.viz.jupyter_utils import save_fig_filebox_button
from sidpy.hdf.hdf_utils import get_auxiliary_datasets, get_attr

from import reshape_to_n_dims, get_sort_order, \
    get_dimensionality, get_source_dataset
from pyUSID import USIDataset

from ..analysis.utils.be_loop import loop_fit_function
from ..analysis.utils.be_sho import SHOfunc

[docs] def visualize_sho_results(h5_main, save_plots=True, show_plots=True, cmap=None, expt_type=None, meas_type=None, field_mode=None): """ Plots some loops, amplitude, phase maps for BE-Line and BEPS datasets.\n Note: The file MUST contain SHO fit gusses at the very least Parameters ---------- h5_main : HDF5 Dataset dataset to be plotted save_plots : (Optional) Boolean Whether or not to save plots to files in the same directory as the h5 file show_plots : (Optional) Boolean Whether or not to display the plots on the screen cmap : String, or matplotlib.colors.LinearSegmentedColormap object (Optional) Requested color map expt_type : str, Optional Type of data. This is an attribute written to the HDF5 file at the root level by either the translator or the acquisition software. Accepted values are: 'BEPSData', 'BELineData', 'BERelaxData', 'cKPFMData' Default - this function will attempt to extract this metadata from the HDF5 file meas_type: str, Optional Type of measurement. Accepted values are: 'AC modulation mode with time reversal' or 'DC modulation mode' This is an attribute embedded under the "Measurement" group with the following key: 'VS_mode'. Default - this function will attempt to extract this metadata from the HDF5 file field_mode : str, Optional Mode in which measurements were made. Accepted values are: 'in and out-of-field', This is an attribute at the "Measurement" group under the following key: 'VS_measure_in_field_loops'. Default - this function will attempt to extract this metadata from the HDF5 file Returns ------- None """ # TODO: This function needs to be cleaned up and modularized, not perform as many hard checks for attributes; rather accept attributes as kwargs; return the figure object instead of writing to file, etc. cmap = get_cmap_object(cmap) def __plot_loops_maps(ac_vec, resp_mat, grp_name, win_title, spec_var_title, meas_var_title, save_plots, folder_path, basename, num_rows, num_cols): if isinstance(grp_name, str): grp_name = grp_name + '_' else: grp_name = '' plt_title = grp_name + win_title + '_Loops' fig, ax = plot_curves(ac_vec, resp_mat, evenly_spaced=True, num_plots=25, x_label=spec_var_title, y_label=meas_var_title, subtitle_prefix='Position', title=plt_title) if save_plots: fig.savefig(os.path.join(folder_path, basename + '_' + plt_title + '.png'), format='png', dpi=300) plt_title = grp_name + '_' + win_title + '_Snaps' fig, axes = plot_map_stack(resp_mat.reshape(num_rows, num_cols, resp_mat.shape[1]), color_bar_mode="each", evenly_spaced=True, subtitle='UDVS Step #', title=plt_title, cmap=cmap) if save_plots: fig.savefig(os.path.join(folder_path, basename + '_' + plt_title + '.png'), format='png', dpi=300) return fig print('Creating plots of SHO Results from {}.'.format( h5_file = h5_main.file if not isinstance(expt_type, str): expt_type = get_attr(h5_file, 'data_type') if expt_type not in ['BEPSData', 'BELineData', 'BERelaxData', 'cKPFMData']: warn('Unsupported data format') return isBEPS = expt_type != 'BELineData' (folder_path, basename) = os.path.split(h5_file.filename) basename, _ = os.path.splitext(basename) # This is OK sho_grp = h5_main.parent # TODO: This makes too many assumptions about the file structure chan_grp = h5_file['/'.join([1:].split('/')[:2])] meas_grp = chan_grp.parent # TODO: This makes too many assumptions about the file structure grp_name = None if meas_type is None and field_mode is None: grp_name = '_'.join([1:].split('/')) grp_name = '_'.join([grp_name,'/')[-1].split('-')[0],'/')[-1]]) try: h5_pos = h5_main.h5_pos_inds except KeyError: print('No Position_Indices found as attribute of {}'.format( print('Rows and columns will be calculated from dataset shape.') num_rows = int(np.floor((np.sqrt(h5_main.shape[0])))) num_cols = int(np.reshape(h5_main, [num_rows, -1, h5_main.shape[1]]).shape[1]) else: num_rows, num_cols = h5_main.pos_dim_sizes try: h5_spec_vals = h5_file[get_attr(h5_main, 'Spectroscopic_Values')] except Exception: raise # Assume that there's enough memory to load all the guesses into memory amp_mat = h5_main['Amplitude [V]'] * 1000 # convert to mV ahead of time freq_mat = h5_main['Frequency [Hz]'] / 1000 q_mat = h5_main['Quality Factor'] phase_mat = h5_main['Phase [rad]'] rsqr_mat = h5_main['R2 Criterion'] fig_list = list() if isBEPS: if not isinstance(meas_type, str): meas_type = meas_grp.attrs['VS_mode'] # basically 3 kinds for now - DC/current, AC, UDVS - lets ignore this if meas_type == 'load user defined VS Wave from file': warn('Not handling custom experiments for now') # h5_file.close() return # Plot amplitude and phase maps at one or more UDVS steps if meas_type == 'AC modulation mode with time reversal': center = int(h5_spec_vals.shape[1] * 0.5) ac_vec = np.squeeze(h5_spec_vals[h5_spec_vals.attrs['AC_Amplitude']][:, 0:center]) forw_resp = np.squeeze(amp_mat[:, slice(0, center)]) rev_resp = np.squeeze(amp_mat[:, slice(center, None)]) for win_title, resp_mat in zip(['Forward', 'Reverse'], [forw_resp, rev_resp]): fig_list.append(__plot_loops_maps(ac_vec, resp_mat, grp_name, win_title, 'AC Amplitude', 'Amplitude', save_plots, folder_path, basename, num_rows, num_cols)) else: # plot loops at a few locations dc_vec = np.squeeze(h5_spec_vals[h5_spec_vals.attrs['DC_Offset']]) if not isinstance(field_mode, str): field_mode = meas_grp.attrs['VS_measure_in_field_loops'] if field_mode == 'in and out-of-field': dc_vec = np.squeeze(dc_vec[slice(0, None, 2)]) in_phase = np.squeeze(phase_mat[:, slice(0, None, 2)]) in_amp = np.squeeze(amp_mat[:, slice(0, None, 2)]) out_phase = np.squeeze(phase_mat[:, slice(1, None, 2)]) out_amp = np.squeeze(amp_mat[:, slice(1, None, 2)]) for win_title, resp_mat in zip(['In_Field', 'Out_of_Field'], [in_phase * in_amp, out_phase * out_amp]): fig_list.append(__plot_loops_maps(dc_vec, resp_mat, grp_name, win_title, 'DC Bias', 'Piezoresponse (a.u.)', save_plots, folder_path, basename, num_rows, num_cols)) else: fig_list.append(__plot_loops_maps(dc_vec, phase_mat * amp_mat, grp_name, '', 'DC Bias', 'Piezoresponse (a.u.)', save_plots, folder_path, basename, num_rows, num_cols)) else: # BE-Line can only visualize the amplitude and phase maps: amp_mat = amp_mat.reshape(num_rows, num_cols) freq_mat = freq_mat.reshape(num_rows, num_cols) q_mat = q_mat.reshape(num_rows, num_cols) phase_mat = phase_mat.reshape(num_rows, num_cols) rsqr_mat = rsqr_mat.reshape(num_rows, num_cols) fig_ms, ax_ms = plot_map_stack(np.dstack((amp_mat, freq_mat, q_mat, phase_mat, rsqr_mat)).T, num_comps=5, color_bar_mode='each', title=grp_name, subtitle=['Amplitude (mV)', 'Frequency (kHz)', 'Quality Factor', 'Phase (deg)', 'R^2 Criterion'], cmap=cmap) fig_list.append(fig_ms) if save_plots: if grp_name is None: grp_name = '' else: grp_name = grp_name + '_' plt_path = os.path.join(folder_path, basename + '_' + grp_name + 'Maps.png') fig_ms.savefig(plt_path, format='png', dpi=300) if show_plots: return fig_list
[docs] def plot_loop_guess_fit(vdc, ds_proj_loops, ds_guess, ds_fit, title=''): """ Plots the loop guess, fit, source projected loops for a single cycle Parameters ---------- vdc - 1D float numpy array DC offset vector (unshifted) ds_proj_loops - 2D numpy array Projected loops arranged as [position, vdc] ds_guess - 1D compound numpy array Loop guesses arranged as [position] ds_fit - 1D compound numpy array Loop fits arranged as [position] title - (Optional) String / unicode Title for the figure Returns ---------- fig - matplotlib.pyplot.figure object Figure handle axes - 2D array of matplotlib.pyplot.axis handles handles to axes in the 2d figure """ shift_ind = int(-1 * len(vdc) / 4) vdc_shifted = np.roll(vdc, shift_ind) loops_shifted = np.roll(ds_proj_loops, shift_ind, axis=1) num_plots = np.min([5, int(np.sqrt(ds_proj_loops.shape[0]))]) fig, axes = plt.subplots(nrows=num_plots, ncols=num_plots, figsize=(18, 18)) positions = np.linspace(0, ds_proj_loops.shape[0] - 1, num_plots ** 2, for ax, pos in zip(axes.flat, positions): ax.plot(vdc_shifted, loops_shifted[pos, :], 'k', label='Raw') ax.plot(vdc_shifted, loop_fit_function(vdc_shifted, np.array(list(ds_guess[pos]))), 'g', label='guess') ax.plot(vdc_shifted, loop_fit_function(vdc_shifted, np.array(list(ds_fit[pos]))), 'r--', label='Fit') ax.set_xlabel('V_DC (V)') ax.set_ylabel('PR (a.u.)') ax.set_title('Position ' + str(pos)) ax.legend() fig.suptitle(title) fig.tight_layout() return fig, axes
[docs] def jupyter_visualize_beps_sho(pc_sho_dset, step_chan, resp_func=None, resp_label='Response', cmap=None, verbose=False): """ Jupyer notebook ONLY function. Sets up an interactive visualizer for viewing SHO fitted BEPS data. Currently, this is limited to DC and AC spectroscopy datasets. Parameters ---------- pc_sho_dset : USIDataset dataset to be plotted step_chan : string / unicode Name of the channel that forms the primary spectroscopic axis (eg - DC offset) resp_func : function (optional) Function to apply to the spectroscopic data. Currently, DC spectroscopy uses A*cos(phi) and AC spectroscopy uses A resp_label : string / unicode (optional) Label for the response (y) axis. cmap : String, or matplotlib.colors.LinearSegmentedColormap object (Optional) Requested color map verbose : bool, optional Whether or not to print logs for debugging. Default = False """ cmap = get_cmap_object(cmap) h5_sho_spec_inds = pc_sho_dset.h5_spec_inds h5_sho_spec_vals = pc_sho_dset.h5_spec_vals spec_nd, _ = reshape_to_n_dims(h5_sho_spec_inds, h5_spec=h5_sho_spec_inds, verbose=verbose) sho_spec_dims = pc_sho_dset.spec_dim_sizes sho_spec_labels = pc_sho_dset.spec_dim_labels h5_pos_inds = pc_sho_dset.h5_pos_inds pos_nd, _ = reshape_to_n_dims(h5_pos_inds, h5_pos=h5_pos_inds, verbose=verbose) pos_dims = pc_sho_dset.pos_dim_sizes pos_labels = pc_sho_dset.pos_dim_labels # reshape to X, Y, step, all others spec_step_dim_ind = sho_spec_labels.index(step_chan) step_dim_ind = len(pos_dims) + spec_step_dim_ind # move the step dimension to be the first after all position dimensions rest_sho_dim_order = list(range(len(pos_dims), len(pc_sho_dset.n_dim_sizes))) rest_sho_dim_order.remove(step_dim_ind) new_order = list(range(len(pos_dims))) + [step_dim_ind] + rest_sho_dim_order # Transpose the 3D dataset to this shape: guess_nd_data = pc_sho_dset.get_n_dim_form() guess_nd_data = np.transpose(guess_nd_data, new_order) # Now move the step dimension to the front for the spec labels as well new_spec_order = list(range(len(sho_spec_labels))) new_spec_order.remove(spec_step_dim_ind) new_spec_order = [spec_step_dim_ind] + new_spec_order # new_spec_labels = sho_spec_labels[new_spec_order] new_spec_dims = np.array(sho_spec_dims)[new_spec_order] # Now collapse all additional dimensions final_guess_shape = pos_dims + [new_spec_dims[0]] + [-1] sho_dset_collapsed = np.reshape(guess_nd_data, final_guess_shape).squeeze() # Get the bias matrix: bias_mat, _ = reshape_to_n_dims(h5_sho_spec_vals, h5_spec=h5_sho_spec_inds, verbose=verbose) bias_mat = np.transpose(bias_mat[spec_step_dim_ind], new_spec_order).reshape(sho_dset_collapsed.shape[len(pos_dims):]) if bias_mat.ndim == 1: bias_mat = np.atleast_2d(bias_mat).T # This is just the visualizer: sho_quantity = 'Amplitude [V]' step_ind = 0 row_ind = 1 col_ind = 1 def dc_spectroscopy_func(resp_vec): return resp_vec['Amplitude [V]'] * np.cos(resp_vec['Phase [rad]']) * 1E+3 def ac_spectroscopy_func(resp_vec): return resp_vec['Amplitude [V]'] if resp_func is None: if step_chan == 'DC_Offset': resp_func = dc_spectroscopy_func resp_label = 'A cos($\phi$) (a. u.)' else: resp_func = ac_spectroscopy_func resp_label = 'Amplitude (a. u.)' not_step_chan = sho_spec_labels.copy() not_step_chan.remove(step_chan) spatial_dict = {step_chan: [step_ind]} resp_dict = {pos_labels[-1]: row_ind, pos_labels[-2]: col_ind} for key in pos_labels[:-2]: spatial_dict[key] = 0 resp_dict[key] = 0 if not_step_chan is not None: for key in not_step_chan: spatial_dict[key] = 0 if verbose: print('Starting slicing dictionary for spatial plot: {}'.format(spatial_dict)) print('Starting slicing dictionary for spectroscopic plot: {}'.format(resp_dict)) spatial_map = pc_sho_dset.slice(spatial_dict, as_scalar=False, verbose=verbose)[0][sho_quantity].squeeze() resp_vec = resp_func(pc_sho_dset.slice(resp_dict, as_scalar=False, verbose=verbose)[0].reshape(bias_mat.shape)) fig = plt.figure(figsize=(12, 8)) ax_bias = plt.subplot2grid((3, 2), (0, 0), colspan=1, rowspan=1) ax_map = plt.subplot2grid((3, 2), (1, 0), rowspan=2) ax_loop = plt.subplot2grid((3, 2), (0, 1), colspan=1, rowspan=3) ax_bias.plot(bias_mat[:, 0]) ax_bias.set_xlabel('Bias Step') ax_bias.set_ylabel(step_chan.replace('_', ' ') + ' (V)') bias_slider = ax_bias.axvline(x=step_ind, color='r') img_map, img_cmap = plot_map(ax_map, spatial_map.T, show_xy_ticks=True, cmap=cmap) map_title = '{} - {}={}'.format(sho_quantity, step_chan, bias_mat[step_ind][0]) ax_map.set_xlabel(pos_labels[-1]) ax_map.set_ylabel(pos_labels[-2]) ax_map.set_title(map_title) crosshair = ax_map.plot(row_ind, col_ind, 'k+')[0] ax_loop.axvline(x=0, color='gray', linestyle='--') ax_loop.axhline(y=0, color='gray', linestyle='--') line_handles = ax_loop.plot(bias_mat, resp_vec) ax_loop.set_xlabel(step_chan.replace('_', ' ') + ' (V)') ax_loop.set_ylabel(resp_label) fig.tight_layout() # Build sliders for any extra Position Dimensions pos_sliders = dict() for ikey, key in enumerate(pos_labels[:-2]): pos_sliders[key] = widgets.IntSlider(value=0, min=0, max=pos_dims[ikey] - 1, step=1, description='{} Step:'.format(key), continuous_update=False) def update_sho_plots(sho_quantity, step_ind): bias_slider.set_xdata((step_ind, step_ind)) spatial_dict[step_chan] = step_ind if verbose: print('Updating spatial dict as: {}'.format(spatial_dict)) spatial_map = pc_sho_dset.slice(spatial_dict, as_scalar=False, verbose=verbose)[0][sho_quantity].squeeze() map_title = '{} - {}={}'.format(sho_quantity, step_chan, bias_mat[step_ind][0]) ax_map.set_title(map_title) img_map.set_data(spatial_map.T) spat_mean = np.mean(spatial_map) spat_std = np.std(spatial_map) img_map.set_clim(vmin=spat_mean - 3 * spat_std, vmax=spat_mean + 3 * spat_std) def update_resp_plot(resp_dict): if verbose: print('Updating spectroscopic dict as: {}'.format(resp_dict)) resp_vec = resp_func(pc_sho_dset.slice(resp_dict, as_scalar=False, verbose=verbose)[0].reshape(bias_mat.shape)).T for line_handle, data in zip(line_handles, resp_vec): line_handle.set_ydata(data) ax_loop.relim() ax_loop.autoscale_view() def pos_picker(event): if not img_map.axes.in_axes(event): return xdata = int(round(event.xdata)) ydata = int(round(event.ydata)) resp_dict[pos_labels[-1]] = xdata resp_dict[pos_labels[-2]] = ydata crosshair.set_xdata(xdata) crosshair.set_ydata(ydata) update_resp_plot(resp_dict) fig.canvas.draw() def pos_slider_update(slider): for key in pos_labels[:-2]: spatial_dict[key] = pos_sliders[key].value resp_dict[key] = pos_sliders[key].value step = bias_step_picker.value sho_quantity = sho_quantity_picker.value update_resp_plot(resp_dict) update_sho_plots(sho_quantity, step) fig.canvas.draw() slider_dict = dict() slider_dict['Bias Step'] = (0, bias_mat.shape[0] - 1, 1) sho_quantity_picker = widgets.Dropdown(options=list(sho_dset_collapsed.dtype.names[:-1]), description='SHO Quantity') bias_step_picker = widgets.IntSlider(min=0, max=bias_mat.shape[0] - 1, step=1, description='Bias Step') fig_filename, _ = os.path.splitext(pc_sho_dset.file.filename) display(save_fig_filebox_button(fig, fig_filename + '.png')) for key, slider in pos_sliders.items(): widgets.interact(pos_slider_update, slider=slider) cid = img_map.figure.canvas.mpl_connect('button_press_event', pos_picker) widgets.interact(update_sho_plots, sho_quantity=sho_quantity_picker, step_ind=bias_step_picker) return fig
[docs] def jupyter_visualize_be_spectrograms(pc_main, cmap=None): """ Jupyer notebook ONLY function. Sets up a simple visualzier for visualizing raw BE data. Sliders for position indices can be used to visualize BE spectrograms (frequency, UDVS step). In the case of 2 spatial dimensions, a spatial map will be provided as well Parameters ---------- pc_main : USIDataset Raw Band Excitation dataset cmap : String, or matplotlib.colors.LinearSegmentedColormap object (Optional) Requested color map """ cmap = get_cmap_object(cmap) h5_pos_inds = pc_main.h5_pos_inds pos_dims = pc_main.pos_dim_sizes pos_labels = pc_main.pos_dim_labels h5_spec_vals = pc_main.h5_spec_vals h5_spec_inds = pc_main.h5_spec_inds spec_dims = pc_main.spec_dim_sizes spec_labels = pc_main.spec_dim_labels ifreq = spec_labels.index('Frequency') freqs_nd = reshape_to_n_dims(h5_spec_vals, h5_spec=h5_spec_inds)[0][ifreq].squeeze() freqs_2d = freqs_nd.reshape(freqs_nd.shape[0], -1) / 1000 # Convert to kHz num_udvs_steps = int([spec_dims[idim] for idim in range(len(spec_dims)) if idim != ifreq])) if len(pos_dims) >= 2: # Build initial slice dictionaries spatial_slice_dict = {'X': slice(None), 'Y': slice(None)} for key in pos_labels: if key in spatial_slice_dict.keys(): continue else: spatial_slice_dict[key] = [0] spectrogram_slice_dict = {key: [0] for key in pos_labels} spatial_slice, _ = pc_main._get_pos_spec_slices(slice_dict=spatial_slice_dict) x_size = pos_dims[-1] y_size = pos_dims[-2] spatial_map = np.abs(np.reshape(pc_main[spatial_slice, 0], (y_size, x_size))) spectrogram = np.reshape(pc_main[0], (num_udvs_steps, -1)) fig, axes = plt.subplots(ncols=3, figsize=(12, 4), subplot_kw={'adjustable': 'box'}) spatial_img, spatial_cbar = plot_map(axes[0], np.abs(spatial_map), cmap=cmap) axes[0].set_aspect('equal') axes[0].set_xlabel(pos_labels[-1]) axes[0].set_ylabel(pos_labels[-2]) xdata = int(0.5 * x_size) ydata = int(0.5 * y_size) crosshair = axes[0].plot(xdata, ydata, 'k+')[0] if len(spec_dims) > 1: amp_img, amp_cbar = plot_map(axes[1], np.abs(spectrogram), show_xy_ticks=True, cmap=cmap, extent=[freqs_2d[0, 0], freqs_2d[-1, 0], 0, num_udvs_steps]) phase_img, phase_cbar = plot_map(axes[2], np.angle(spectrogram), show_xy_ticks=True, cmap=cmap, extent=[freqs_2d[0, 0], freqs_2d[-1, 0], 0, num_udvs_steps]) phase_img.set_clim(vmin=-np.pi, vmax=np.pi) for axis in axes[1:3]: axis.set_ylabel('BE step') axis.axis('tight') x0, x1 = (freqs_2d[0, 0], freqs_2d[-1, 0]) y0, y1 = (0, num_udvs_steps) axis.set_aspect(np.abs(x1 - x0) / np.abs(y1 - y0)) else: # BE-Line axes[1].set_ylabel('Amplitude (a. u.)') axes[2].set_ylabel('Phase (rad)') spectrogram = np.squeeze(spectrogram) amp_img = axes[1].plot(np.abs(spectrogram))[0] phase_img = axes[2].plot(np.angle(spectrogram))[0] amp_full = np.abs(pc_main[()]) amp_mean = np.mean(amp_full) amp_std = np.std(amp_full) st_devs = 4 axes[1].set_ylim([0, amp_mean + st_devs * amp_std]) axes[2].set_ylim([-np.pi, np.pi]) pos_heading = pos_labels[-1] + ': ' + str(xdata) + ', ' + \ pos_labels[-2] + ': ' + str(ydata) + ', ' for dim_name in pos_labels[-3::-1]: pos_heading += dim_name + ': ' + str(spatial_slice_dict[dim_name]) + ', ' axes[1].set_title('Amplitude \n' + pos_heading) axes[1].set_xlabel('Frequency (kHz)') axes[2].set_title('Phase \n' + pos_heading) axes[2].set_xlabel('Frequency (kHz)') fig.tight_layout() fig_filename, _ = os.path.splitext(pc_main.file.filename) display(save_fig_filebox_button(fig, fig_filename + '.png')) # Build sliders for any extra Position Dimensions pos_sliders = dict() for ikey, key in enumerate(pos_labels[:-2]): pos_sliders[key] = widgets.IntSlider(value=0, min=0, max=pos_dims[ikey] - 1, step=1, description='{} Step:'.format(key), continuous_update=False) def get_spatial_slice(): xdata, ydata = crosshair.get_xydata().squeeze() spatial_slice_dict[pos_labels[-1]] = [int(xdata)] spatial_slice_dict[pos_labels[-2]] = [int(ydata)] for key in pos_labels[:-2]: spatial_slice_dict[key] = [pos_sliders[key].value] spatial_slice, _ = pc_main._get_pos_spec_slices(slice_dict=spatial_slice_dict) return spatial_slice def spec_index_unpacker(step): spatial_slice_dict[pos_labels[-1]] = slice(None) spatial_slice_dict[pos_labels[-2]] = slice(None) for key in pos_labels[:-2]: spatial_slice_dict[key] = [pos_sliders[key].value] spatial_slice, _ = pc_main._get_pos_spec_slices(slice_dict=spatial_slice_dict) spatial_map = np.abs(np.reshape(pc_main[spatial_slice, step], (x_size, y_size))) spatial_img.set_data(spatial_map) spat_mean = np.mean(spatial_map) spat_std = np.std(spatial_map) spatial_img.set_clim(vmin=spat_mean - 3 * spat_std, vmax=spat_mean + 3 * spat_std) spec_heading = '' for dim_ind, dim_name in enumerate(spec_labels): spec_heading += dim_name + ': ' + str(h5_spec_vals[dim_ind, step]) + ', ' axes[0].set_title(spec_heading[:-2]) fig.canvas.draw() def pos_picker(event): if not spatial_img.axes.in_axes(event): return xdata = int(round(event.xdata)) ydata = int(round(event.ydata)) crosshair.set_xdata(xdata) crosshair.set_ydata(ydata) spatial_slice = get_spatial_slice() pos_heading = pos_labels[-1] + ': ' + str(xdata) + ', ' + \ pos_labels[-2] + ': ' + str(ydata) + ', ' for dim_name in pos_labels[-3::-1]: pos_heading += dim_name + ': ' + str(spatial_slice_dict[dim_name]) + ', ' axes[1].set_title('Amplitude \n' + pos_heading) axes[2].set_title('Phase \n' + pos_heading) spectrogram = np.reshape(pc_main[spatial_slice, :], (num_udvs_steps, -1)) if len(spec_dims) > 1: amp_map = np.abs(spectrogram) amp_img.set_data(np.abs(spectrogram)) phase_img.set_data(np.angle(spectrogram)) amp_mean = np.mean(amp_map) amp_std = np.std(amp_map) amp_img.set_clim(vmin=amp_mean - 3 * amp_std, vmax=amp_mean + 3 * amp_std) else: amp_img.set_ydata(np.abs(spectrogram)) phase_img.set_ydata(np.angle(spectrogram)) amp_cbar.changed() phase_cbar.changed() fig.canvas.draw() def pos_slider_update(slider): spatial_slice = get_spatial_slice() step = spec_index_slider.value spec_index_unpacker(step) pos_heading = pos_labels[-1] + ': ' + str(xdata) + ', ' + \ pos_labels[-2] + ': ' + str(ydata) + ', ' for dim_name in pos_labels[-3::-1]: pos_heading += dim_name + ': ' + str(spatial_slice_dict[dim_name]) + ', ' axes[1].set_title('Amplitude \n' + pos_heading) axes[2].set_title('Phase \n' + pos_heading) spectrogram = np.reshape(pc_main[spatial_slice, :], (num_udvs_steps, -1)) if len(spec_dims) > 1: amp_img.set_data(np.abs(spectrogram)) phase_img.set_data(np.angle(spectrogram)) else: amp_img.set_ydata(np.abs(spectrogram)) phase_img.set_ydata(np.angle(spectrogram)) amp_cbar.changed() phase_cbar.changed() fig.canvas.draw() spec_index_slider = widgets.IntSlider(value=0, min=0, max=pc_main.shape[1], step=1, description='Step') cid = spatial_img.figure.canvas.mpl_connect('button_press_event', pos_picker) widgets.interact(spec_index_unpacker, step=spec_index_slider) for key, slider in pos_sliders.items(): widgets.interact(pos_slider_update, slider=slider) # else: def plot_spectrogram(data, freq_vals): fig, axes = plt.subplots(ncols=2, figsize=(9, 5), sharey=True) im_handles = list() im_handles.append(axes[0].imshow(np.abs(data), cmap=cmap, extent=[freqs_2d[0, 0], freqs_2d[-1, 0], data.shape[0], 0], interpolation='none')) axes[0].set_title('Amplitude') axes[0].set_ylabel('BE step') im_handles.append(axes[1].imshow(np.angle(data), cmap=cmap, extent=[freqs_2d[0, 0], freqs_2d[-1, 0], data.shape[0], 0], interpolation='none')) axes[1].set_title('Phase') axes[0].set_xlabel('Frequency index') axes[1].set_xlabel('Frequency index') for axis in axes: axis.axis('tight') axis.set_ylim(0, data.shape[0]) fig.tight_layout() return fig, axes, im_handles fig, axes, im_handles = plot_spectrogram(np.reshape(pc_main[0], (num_udvs_steps, -1)), freqs_2d) def position_unpacker(**kwargs): pos_dim_vals = range(len(pos_labels)) for pos_dim_ind, pos_dim_name in enumerate(pos_labels): pos_dim_vals[pos_dim_ind] = kwargs[pos_dim_name] pix_ind = pos_dim_vals[0] for pos_dim_ind in range(1, len(pos_labels)): pix_ind += pos_dim_vals[pos_dim_ind] * pos_dims[pos_dim_ind - 1] spectrogram = np.reshape(pc_main[pix_ind], (num_udvs_steps, -1)) im_handles[0].set_data(np.abs(spectrogram)) im_handles[1].set_data(np.angle(spectrogram)) display(fig) pos_dict = dict() for pos_dim_ind, dim_name in enumerate(pos_labels): pos_dict[dim_name] = (0, pos_dims[pos_dim_ind] - 1, 1) widgets.interact(position_unpacker, **pos_dict) display(fig) return fig
[docs] def jupyter_visualize_beps_loops(h5_projected_loops, h5_loop_guess, h5_loop_fit, step_chan='DC_Offset', cmap=None): """ Interactive plotting of the BE Loops Parameters ---------- h5_projected_loops : h5py.Dataset Dataset holding the loop projections h5_loop_guess : h5py.Dataset Dataset holding the loop guesses h5_loop_fit : h5py.Dataset Dataset holding the loop fits step_chan : str, optional The name of the Spectroscopic dimension to plot versus. Needs testing. Default 'DC_Offset' cmap : String, or matplotlib.colors.LinearSegmentedColormap object (Optional) Requested color map Returns ------- None """ cmap = get_cmap_object(cmap) # Prepare some variables for plotting loops fits and guesses # Plot the Loop Guess and Fit Results proj_nd, _ = reshape_to_n_dims(h5_projected_loops) guess_nd, _ = reshape_to_n_dims(h5_loop_guess) fit_nd, _ = reshape_to_n_dims(h5_loop_fit) h5_projected_loops = h5_loop_guess.parent['Projected_Loops'] h5_proj_spec_inds = get_auxiliary_datasets(h5_projected_loops, aux_dset_name='Spectroscopic_Indices')[-1] h5_proj_spec_vals = get_auxiliary_datasets(h5_projected_loops, aux_dset_name='Spectroscopic_Values')[-1] h5_pos_inds = get_auxiliary_datasets(h5_projected_loops, aux_dset_name='Position_Indices')[-1] pos_nd, _ = reshape_to_n_dims(h5_pos_inds, h5_pos=h5_pos_inds) pos_dims = list(pos_nd.shape[:h5_pos_inds.shape[1]]) pos_labels = get_attr(h5_pos_inds, 'labels') # reshape the vdc_vec into DC_step by Loop spec_nd, _ = reshape_to_n_dims(h5_proj_spec_vals, h5_spec=h5_proj_spec_inds) loop_spec_dims = np.array(spec_nd.shape[1:]) loop_spec_labels = get_attr(h5_proj_spec_vals, 'labels') spec_step_dim_ind = np.where(loop_spec_labels == step_chan)[0][0] # # move the step dimension to be the first after all position dimensions rest_loop_dim_order = list(range(len(pos_dims), len(proj_nd.shape))) rest_loop_dim_order.pop(spec_step_dim_ind) new_order = list(range(len(pos_dims))) + [len(pos_dims) + spec_step_dim_ind] + rest_loop_dim_order new_spec_order = np.array(new_order[len(pos_dims):], dtype=np.uint32) - len(pos_dims) # Also reshape the projected loops to Positions-DC_Step-Loop final_loop_shape = pos_dims + [loop_spec_dims[spec_step_dim_ind]] + [-1] proj_nd2 = np.moveaxis(proj_nd, spec_step_dim_ind + len(pos_dims), len(pos_dims)) proj_nd_3 = np.reshape(proj_nd2, final_loop_shape) # Do the same for the guess and fit datasets guess_3d = np.reshape(guess_nd, pos_dims + [-1]) fit_3d = np.reshape(fit_nd, pos_dims + [-1]) # Get the bias vector: spec_nd2 = np.moveaxis(spec_nd[spec_step_dim_ind], spec_step_dim_ind, 0) bias_vec = np.reshape(spec_nd2, final_loop_shape[len(pos_dims):]) # Shift the bias vector and the loops by a quarter cycle shift_ind = int(-1 * bias_vec.shape[0] / 4) bias_shifted = np.roll(bias_vec, shift_ind, axis=0) proj_nd_shifted = np.roll(proj_nd_3, shift_ind, axis=len(pos_dims)) # This is just the visualizer: loop_field_names = fit_nd.dtype.names loop_field = loop_field_names[0] loop_ind = 0 row_ind = 0 col_ind = 0 # Initial plot data spatial_map = fit_3d[:, :, loop_ind][loop_field] proj_data = proj_nd_shifted[col_ind, row_ind, :, loop_ind] bias_data = bias_shifted[:, loop_ind] guess_data = loop_fit_function(bias_data, np.array(list(guess_3d[col_ind, row_ind, loop_ind]))) fit_data = loop_fit_function(bias_data, np.array(list(fit_3d[col_ind, row_ind, loop_ind]))) fig = plt.figure(figsize=(12, 8)) ax_map = plt.subplot2grid((1, 2), (0, 0), colspan=1, rowspan=1) ax_loop = plt.subplot2grid((1, 2), (0, 1), colspan=1, rowspan=1) im_map, im_cbar = plot_map(ax_map, spatial_map.T, x_vec=np.arange(spatial_map.shape[0]), y_vec=np.arange(spatial_map.shape[1]), cmap=cmap) ax_map.set_xlabel('X') ax_map.set_ylabel('Y') ax_map.set_title('{} - Loop {}'.format(loop_field, loop_ind)) crosshair = ax_map.plot(row_ind, col_ind, 'k+')[0] ax_loop.plot(bias_data, proj_data, 'k', label='Projection') ax_loop.plot(bias_data, guess_data, 'g', label='Guess') ax_loop.plot(bias_data, fit_data, 'r--', label='Fit') line_handles = ax_loop.get_lines() ax_loop.tick_params(labelleft=False, labelright=True) ax_loop.yaxis.set_label_position('right') ax_loop.set_ylabel('PR (a.u.)') ax_loop.set_xlabel('V_DC (V)') ax_loop.set_title('Position ({},{})'.format(col_ind, row_ind)) ax_loop.legend() fig.tight_layout() fig_filename, _ = os.path.splitext(h5_projected_loops.file.filename) display(save_fig_filebox_button(fig, fig_filename + '.png')) loop_slider = widgets.IntSlider(min=0, max=bias_vec.shape[1] - 1, description='Loop Number') def update_loop_plots(loop_field, loop_ind): spatial_map = fit_3d[:, :, loop_ind][loop_field] im_map.set_data(spatial_map.T) spat_mean = np.mean(spatial_map) spat_std = np.std(spatial_map) im_map.set_clim(vmin=spat_mean - 3 * spat_std, vmax=spat_mean + 3 * spat_std) ax_map.set_title('{} - Loop {}'.format(loop_field, loop_ind)) xdata, ydata = crosshair.get_xydata().flatten().astype('int') proj_data = proj_nd_shifted[xdata, ydata, :, loop_ind] bias_data = bias_shifted[:, loop_ind] guess_data = loop_fit_function(bias_data, np.array(list(guess_3d[xdata, ydata, loop_ind]))) fit_data = loop_fit_function(bias_data, np.array(list(fit_3d[xdata, ydata, loop_ind]))) for line_handle, data in zip(line_handles, [proj_data, guess_data, fit_data]): line_handle.set_ydata(data) ax_loop.set_title('Position ({},{})'.format(xdata, ydata)) ax_loop.relim() ax_loop.autoscale_view() fig.canvas.draw() def pos_picker(event): if not im_map.axes.in_axes(event): return xdata = int(round(event.xdata)) ydata = int(round(event.ydata)) current_pos = {pos_labels[0]: xdata, pos_labels[1]: ydata} pos_dim_vals = list(range(len(pos_labels))) for pos_dim_ind, pos_dim_name in enumerate(pos_labels): pos_dim_vals[pos_dim_ind] = current_pos[pos_dim_name] crosshair.set_xdata(xdata) crosshair.set_ydata(ydata) loop_ind = loop_slider.value proj_data = proj_nd_shifted[xdata, ydata, :, loop_ind] bias_data = bias_shifted[:, loop_ind] guess_data = loop_fit_function(bias_data, np.array(list(guess_3d[xdata, ydata, loop_ind]))) fit_data = loop_fit_function(bias_data, np.array(list(fit_3d[xdata, ydata, loop_ind]))) for line_handle, data in zip(line_handles, [proj_data, guess_data, fit_data]): line_handle.set_ydata(data) ax_loop.set_title('Position ({},{})'.format(xdata, ydata)) ax_loop.relim() ax_loop.autoscale_view() fig.canvas.draw() cid = im_map.figure.canvas.mpl_connect('button_press_event', pos_picker) widgets.interact(update_loop_plots, loop_field=list(fit_nd.dtype.names), loop_ind=loop_slider) return fig
[docs] def jupyter_visualize_parameter_maps(h5_loop_parameters, cmap=None, **kwargs): """ Interactive plot of the spatial maps of the loop parameters for all cycles. Parameters ---------- h5_loop_parameters : h5py.Dataset The dataset containing the loop parameters to be visualized cmap : str or matplotlib.colors.Colormap Returns ------- None """ if not isinstance(h5_loop_parameters, USIDataset): h5_loop_parameters = USIDataset(h5_loop_parameters) # Get the position and spectroscopic datasets pos_dims = h5_loop_parameters.pos_dim_sizes num_cycles = h5_loop_parameters.shape[1] parameter_names = h5_loop_parameters.dtype.names parameter_map_stack = np.reshape(h5_loop_parameters[parameter_names[0]], [pos_dims[0], pos_dims[1], -1]) parameter_map_stack = np.moveaxis(parameter_map_stack, -1, 0) loop_spec_labs = h5_loop_parameters.spec_dim_labels kwargs.update({'cmap': get_cmap_object(cmap)}) map_titles = list() for icycle in range(num_cycles): title_list = list() for label in loop_spec_labs: val = h5_loop_parameters.get_spec_values(label) title_list.append('{}: {}'.format(label, val)) map_titles.append(' - '.join(title_list)) fig, axes = plot_map_stack(parameter_map_stack, num_comps=num_cycles, color_bar_mode='each', subtitle=map_titles, title='Maps of Loop Parameter {}'.format(parameter_names[0]), **kwargs) def update_loop_maps(parameter_name): parameter_map_stack = np.reshape(h5_loop_parameters[parameter_name], [pos_dims[0], pos_dims[1], -1]) parameter_map_stack = np.moveaxis(parameter_map_stack, -1, 0) print('parameter map stack size is ', parameter_map_stack.shape) fig.suptitle('Maps of Loop Parameter {}'.format(parameter_name)) # Loop over all axes for icycle, ax_cycle in enumerate(axes[:num_cycles]): image = ax_cycle.get_images()[0] image.set_data(parameter_map_stack[icycle,:, :]) image.set_clim(vmin=np.min(parameter_map_stack[icycle, :, :]), vmax=np.max(parameter_map_stack[icycle, :, :])) fig.canvas.draw() fig_filename, _ = os.path.splitext(h5_loop_parameters.file.filename) display(save_fig_filebox_button(fig, fig_filename + '.png')) widgets.interact(update_loop_maps, parameter_name=list(parameter_names)) return fig
[docs] def jupyter_visualize_loop_sho_raw_comparison(h5_loop_parameters, cmap=None): """ Parameters ---------- h5_loop_parameters cmap : str or matplotlib.colors.Colormap Returns ------- """ # Find the precursor datasets used to calculate these parameters h5_loop_grp = h5_loop_parameters.parent h5_loop_projections = h5_loop_grp['Projected_Loops'] h5_loop_fit = h5_loop_grp['Fit'] h5_loop_guess = h5_loop_grp['Guess'] h5_sho_grp = h5_loop_grp.parent h5_sho_fit = h5_sho_grp['Fit'] h5_sho_guess = h5_sho_grp['Guess'] h5_main = get_source_dataset(h5_sho_grp) # Now get the needed ancillary datasets for each main dataset h5_pos_inds = get_auxiliary_datasets(h5_loop_parameters, 'Position_Indices')[0] h5_pos_vals = get_auxiliary_datasets(h5_loop_parameters, 'Position_Values')[0] pos_order = get_sort_order(np.transpose(h5_pos_inds)) pos_dims = get_dimensionality(np.transpose(h5_pos_inds), pos_order) pos_labs = get_attr(h5_pos_inds, 'labels') h5_loop_spec_inds = get_auxiliary_datasets(h5_loop_parameters, 'Spectroscopic_Indices')[0] h5_loop_spec_vals = get_auxiliary_datasets(h5_loop_parameters, 'Spectroscopic_Values')[0] loop_spec_order = get_sort_order(h5_loop_spec_inds) loop_spec_dims = get_dimensionality(h5_loop_spec_inds, loop_spec_order) loop_spec_labs = get_attr(h5_loop_spec_inds, 'labels') h5_sho_spec_inds = h5_sho_fit.h5_spec_inds h5_sho_spec_vals = h5_sho_fit.h5_spec_vals sho_spec_order = get_sort_order(h5_sho_spec_inds) sho_spec_dims = get_dimensionality(h5_sho_spec_inds, sho_spec_order) sho_spec_labs = get_attr(h5_sho_spec_inds, 'labels') h5_main_spec_inds = h5_main.h5_spec_inds h5_main_spec_vals = h5_main.h5_spec_vals main_spec_order = get_sort_order(h5_main_spec_inds) main_spec_dims = get_dimensionality(h5_main_spec_inds, main_spec_order) main_spec_labs = get_attr(h5_main_spec_inds, 'labels') ''' Select the initial plotting slices ''' loop_parameter_names = h5_loop_parameters.dtype.names loop_num_cycles = h5_loop_parameters.shape[1] loop_parameter_spec_labs = get_attr(h5_loop_spec_vals, 'labels') sho_bias_dim = np.argwhere(sho_spec_labs[sho_spec_order] == 'DC_Offset').squeeze() steps_per_loop = sho_spec_dims[sho_bias_dim] main_bias_dim = np.argwhere(main_spec_labs[main_spec_order] == 'DC_Offset').squeeze() selected_loop_parm = loop_parameter_names[0] selected_loop_cycle = 0 selected_loop_ndims = np.unravel_index(selected_loop_cycle, loop_spec_dims, order='F') selected_loop_pos = int(pos_dims[0] / 2), int(pos_dims[1] / 2) selected_step = int(steps_per_loop / 2) ''' Get the bias vector to be plotted against ''' loop_bias_vec = h5_sho_spec_vals[get_attr(h5_sho_spec_vals, 'DC_Offset')].squeeze() shift_ind = int(-1 * steps_per_loop / 4) loop_bias_vec = loop_bias_vec.reshape(sho_spec_dims) loop_bias_vec = np.moveaxis(loop_bias_vec, sho_bias_dim, 0).reshape(sho_spec_dims[sho_bias_dim], -1) loop_bias_vec = np.roll(loop_bias_vec.reshape(steps_per_loop, -1), shift_ind, axis=0) ''' Get the frequency vector to be plotted against ''' full_w_vec = h5_main_spec_vals[h5_main_spec_vals.attrs['Frequency']] full_w_vec, _ = reshape_to_n_dims(full_w_vec, h5_spec=h5_main_spec_inds) full_w_vec = full_w_vec.squeeze() ''' Define functions to get the data ''' def _get_loop_map(selected_loop_parm, selected_loop_cycle): # Build the map of the chosen loop parameter loop_parameter_map = np.reshape(h5_loop_parameters[selected_loop_parm, :, selected_loop_cycle], [pos_dims[0], pos_dims[1]]) # Also create the title string for the map loop_map_title = list() for label in loop_parameter_spec_labs: val = h5_loop_spec_vals[get_attr(h5_loop_spec_vals, label)].squeeze()[selected_loop_cycle] loop_map_title.append('{}: {}'.format(label, val)) return loop_parameter_map, loop_map_title def _get_loops(selected_loop_cycle, selected_loop_pos): selected_loop_ndims = np.unravel_index(selected_loop_cycle, loop_spec_dims, order='F') # Now build the loop plot for the selected position in the loop map selected_loop_bias_vec = loop_bias_vec[:, selected_loop_cycle] pos_ind = np.ravel_multi_index(selected_loop_pos, pos_dims) loop_proj_vec = h5_loop_projections[pos_ind].reshape(sho_spec_dims[::-1]) loop_proj_vec = np.moveaxis(loop_proj_vec, sho_bias_dim, -1)[selected_loop_ndims] loop_proj_vec = np.roll(loop_proj_vec, shift_ind) loop_guess_vec = loop_fit_function(selected_loop_bias_vec, h5_loop_guess[pos_ind, selected_loop_cycle].tolist()) loop_fit_vec = loop_fit_function(selected_loop_bias_vec, h5_loop_fit[pos_ind, selected_loop_cycle].tolist()) return selected_loop_bias_vec, loop_proj_vec, loop_guess_vec, loop_fit_vec def _get_sho(selected_loop_pos, selected_step, selected_loop_cycle): selected_loop_ndims = np.unravel_index(selected_loop_cycle, loop_spec_dims, order='F') # get the SHO Guess and Fit and Raw Data for the selected position, cycle, and step pos_ind = np.ravel_multi_index(selected_loop_pos, pos_dims) # Get the frequency vector for the selected step w_vec = np.moveaxis(full_w_vec, main_bias_dim - len(pos_dims), -1)[selected_step][selected_loop_ndims] # Get the slice of the sho guess and fit sho_guess = h5_sho_guess[pos_ind].reshape(sho_spec_dims[::-1]) sho_guess = np.moveaxis(sho_guess, sho_bias_dim, -1)[selected_loop_ndims][selected_step] sho_guess = SHOfunc(sho_guess, w_vec) sho_fit = h5_sho_fit[pos_ind].reshape(sho_spec_dims[::-1]) sho_fit = np.moveaxis(sho_fit, sho_bias_dim, -1)[selected_loop_ndims][selected_step] sho_fit = SHOfunc(sho_fit, w_vec) # Get the slice of the Raw Data raw_data_vec, _ = reshape_to_n_dims(np.atleast_2d(h5_main[pos_ind]), h5_spec=h5_main_spec_inds) raw_data_vec = np.moveaxis(raw_data_vec.squeeze(), main_bias_dim - len(pos_dims), -1)[selected_step][selected_loop_ndims] return w_vec, sho_guess, sho_fit, raw_data_vec ''' Get the starting values ''' loop_parm_map, loop_map_title = _get_loop_map(selected_loop_parm, selected_loop_cycle) current_loop_bias_vec, current_loop_proj_vec, current_loop_guess_vec, current_loop_fit_vec = \ _get_loops(selected_loop_cycle, selected_loop_pos) current_w_vec, current_sho_guess, current_sho_fit, current_raw_data = _get_sho(selected_loop_pos, selected_step, selected_loop_cycle) cmap = get_cmap_object(cmap) ''' Build the figure ''' fig, axes = plt.subplots(nrows=2, ncols=2, figsize=(17, 17)) ax_loop_map = axes.flatten()[0] ax_loop_pgf = axes.flatten()[1] ax_sho_amp = axes.flatten()[2] ax_sho_phase = axes.flatten()[3] # Plot the map of the loop parameters plt_loop_map, loop_cbar = plot_map(ax_loop_map, loop_parm_map, cmap=cmap) loop_vert_line = ax_loop_map.axvline(x=pos_dims[0], color='k') loop_horz_line = ax_loop_map.axhline(y=pos_dims[1], color='k') ax_loop_map.set_title(loop_map_title) # Plot the Loops plt_loop_proj = ax_loop_pgf.plot(current_loop_bias_vec, current_loop_proj_vec, 'k', label='Loop Projection') plt_loop_guess = ax_loop_pgf.plot(current_loop_bias_vec, current_loop_guess_vec, 'g', label='Loop Guess') plt_loop_fit = ax_loop_pgf.plot(current_loop_bias_vec, current_loop_fit_vec, 'r--', label='Loop Fit') ax_loop_pgf.legend() # Plot the amplitude of the SHO Guess, SHO Fit, and Raw Data plt_raw_data_amp = ax_sho_amp.plot(current_w_vec, np.abs(current_raw_data), 'k', label='Raw Data') plt_sho_guess_amp = ax_sho_amp.plot(current_w_vec, np.abs(current_sho_guess), 'g', label='SHO Guess') plt_sho_fit_amp = ax_sho_amp.plot(current_w_vec, np.abs(current_sho_fit), 'r--', label='SHO Fit') ax_sho_amp.legend() # Plot the phase of the SHO Guess, SHO Fit, and Raw Data plt_raw_data_phase = ax_sho_phase.plot(current_w_vec, np.angle(current_raw_data), 'k', label='Raw Data') plt_sho_guess_phase = ax_sho_phase.plot(current_w_vec, np.angle(current_sho_guess), 'g', label='SHO Guess') plt_sho_fit_phase = ax_sho_phase.plot(current_w_vec, np.angle(current_sho_fit), 'r--', label='SHO Fit') ax_sho_phase.legend() fig.tight_layout() def _update_loop_map(parameter_name, selected_cycle): loop_parm_map, loop_map_title = _get_loop_map(parameter_name, selected_cycle) plt_loop_map.set_data(loop_parm_map) ax_loop_map.set_title(loop_map_title) def _update_crosshairs(x_pos, y_pos): loop_vert_line.set_xdata(x_pos) loop_horz_line.set_ydata(y_pos) def _update_loop_plots(selected_loop_cycle, x_pos, y_pos): current_loop_bias_vec, current_loop_proj_vec, current_loop_guess_vec, current_loop_fit_vec = \ _get_loops(selected_loop_cycle, [x_pos, y_pos]) # Update the bias vectors plt_loop_proj.set_xdata(current_loop_bias_vec) plt_loop_guess.set_xdata(current_loop_bias_vec) plt_loop_fit.set_xdata(current_loop_bias_vec) # Update the ploted data plt_loop_proj.set_xdata(current_loop_proj_vec) plt_loop_guess.set_xdata(current_loop_guess_vec) plt_loop_fit.set_xdata(current_loop_fit_vec) def _update_sho_plots(selected_loop_cycle, x_pos, y_pos, selected_step): current_w_vec, current_sho_guess, current_sho_fit, current_raw_data = _get_sho([x_pos, y_pos], selected_step, selected_loop_cycle) # Update x-date with new w_vec plt_raw_data_amp.set_xdata(current_w_vec) plt_raw_data_phase.set_xdata(current_w_vec) plt_sho_guess_amp.set_xdata(current_w_vec) plt_sho_guess_phase.set_xdata(current_w_vec) plt_sho_fit_amp.set_xdata(current_w_vec) plt_sho_fit_phase.set_xdata(current_w_vec) # Update the y-data plt_raw_data_amp.set_ydata(np.amp(current_raw_data)) plt_raw_data_phase.set_ydata(np.angle(current_raw_data)) plt_sho_guess_amp.set_ydata(np.amp(current_sho_guess)) plt_sho_guess_phase.set_ydata(np.angle(current_sho_guess)) plt_sho_fit_amp.set_ydata(np.amp(current_sho_fit)) plt_sho_fit_phase.set_ydata(np.angle(current_sho_fit)) fig_filename, _ = os.path.splitext(h5_loop_parameters.file.filename) display(save_fig_filebox_button(fig, fig_filename + '.png')) display(fig) x_pos_widget = widgets.FloatSlider(min=0.0, max=float(pos_dims[0]), step=pos_dims[0] / 100, value=selected_loop_pos[0]) y_pos_widget = widgets.FloatSlider(min=0.0, max=float(pos_dims[1]), step=pos_dims[1] / 100, value=selected_loop_pos[1]) loop_cycle_widget = widgets.IntSlider(min=0, max=loop_num_cycles, step=1, value=selected_loop_cycle) spec_step_widget = widgets.IntSlider(min=0, max=steps_per_loop, step=1, value=selected_step) widgets.interact(_update_loop_map, parameter_name=list(loop_parameter_names), selected_cycle=loop_cycle_widget) widgets.interact(_update_crosshairs, x_pos=x_pos_widget, y_pos=y_pos_widget) widgets.interact(_update_loop_plots, selected_loop_cycle=loop_cycle_widget, x_pos=x_pos_widget, y_pos=y_pos_widget) widgets.interact(_update_sho_plots, selected_loop_cycle=loop_cycle_widget, x_pos=x_pos_widget, y_pos=y_pos_widget, selected_step=spec_step_widget) return fig
[docs] def plot_loop_sho_raw_comparison(h5_loop_parameters, h5_sho_grp, h5_raw_dset, selected_loop_parm=None, selected_loop_cycle=0, selected_loop_pos=[0, 0], selected_step=0, tick_font_size=14, cmap='viridis', step_chan='DC_Offset'): """ Parameters ---------- h5_loop_parameters : h5py.Dataset Dataset containing the loop parameters h5_sho_grp : h5py.Group Group containing the SHO fitting results, based on which the loop fit was performed h5_raw_dset : h5py.Dataset Dataset containing the raw BE measurement, that was used to get h5_sho_grp selected_loop_parm : str The initial loop parameter to be plotted selected_loop_cycle : int The initial loop cycle to be plotted selected_loop_pos : array-like of two ints The initial position to be plotted selected_step : int The initial bias step to be plotted tick_font_size : int Font size for the axes tick labels cmap : str or matplotlib.colors.Colormap Colormap to be used in plotting the parameter map step_chan : str Name of spectral dimension loops were fit over Returns ------- None """ if not isinstance(h5_loop_parameters, USIDataset): h5_loop_parameters = USIDataset(h5_loop_parameters) # Find the precursor datasets used to calculate these parameters h5_loop_grp = h5_loop_parameters.parent h5_loop_projections = USIDataset(h5_loop_grp['Projected_Loops'], sort_dims=False) h5_loop_fit = USIDataset(h5_loop_grp['Fit'], sort_dims=False) h5_loop_guess = USIDataset(h5_loop_grp['Guess'], sort_dims=False) h5_sho_fit = USIDataset(h5_sho_grp['Fit'], sort_dims=False) h5_sho_guess = USIDataset(h5_sho_grp['Guess'], sort_dims=False) h5_main = h5_raw_dset # h5_main.toggle_sorting() # Now get the needed ancillary datasets for each main dataset pos_dims = h5_loop_parameters.pos_dim_sizes pos_labs = h5_loop_parameters.pos_dim_labels # h5_loop_spec_inds = h5_loop_parameters.h5_spec_inds h5_loop_spec_vals = h5_loop_parameters.h5_spec_vals # loop_spec_order = get_sort_order(h5_loop_spec_inds) loop_spec_dims = h5_loop_parameters.spec_dim_sizes loop_spec_labs = h5_loop_parameters.spec_dim_labels h5_sho_spec_inds = h5_sho_fit.h5_spec_inds h5_sho_spec_vals = h5_sho_fit.h5_spec_vals # sho_spec_order = get_sort_order(h5_sho_spec_inds) sho_spec_dims = h5_sho_fit.spec_dim_sizes sho_spec_labs = h5_sho_fit.spec_dim_labels h5_main_spec_inds = h5_main.h5_spec_inds h5_main_spec_vals = h5_main.h5_spec_vals # main_spec_order = get_sort_order(h5_main_spec_inds) main_spec_dims = h5_main.spec_dim_sizes main_spec_labs = h5_main.spec_dim_labels ''' Select the initial plotting slices ''' loop_parameter_names = h5_loop_parameters.dtype.names loop_num_cycles = h5_loop_parameters.shape[1] # loop_parameter_spec_labs = h5_loop_parameters.spec_dim_labels sho_bias_dim = sho_spec_labs.index(step_chan) steps_per_loop = sho_spec_dims[sho_bias_dim] main_bias_dim = main_spec_labs.index(step_chan) main_freq_dim = main_spec_labs.index('Frequency') if selected_loop_parm is None: selected_loop_parm = loop_parameter_names[0] selected_loop_ndims = np.unravel_index(selected_loop_cycle, loop_spec_dims, order='F') ''' Get the bias vector to be plotted against ''' loop_bias_vec = h5_sho_spec_vals[get_attr(h5_sho_spec_vals, step_chan)].squeeze() shift_ind = int(-1 * steps_per_loop / 4) loop_bias_vec = loop_bias_vec.reshape(sho_spec_dims[::-1]) loop_bias_vec = np.moveaxis(loop_bias_vec, len(loop_bias_vec.shape) - sho_bias_dim - 1, 0) loop_bias_vec = np.reshape(loop_bias_vec, [sho_spec_dims[sho_bias_dim], -1]) loop_bias_vec = np.roll(loop_bias_vec.reshape(steps_per_loop, -1), shift_ind, axis=0) ''' Get the frequency vector to be plotted against ''' full_w_vec = h5_main_spec_vals[h5_main_spec_vals.attrs['Frequency']] full_w_vec, _ = reshape_to_n_dims(full_w_vec, h5_spec=h5_main_spec_inds) full_w_vec = full_w_vec.squeeze() ''' Define functions to get the data ''' def _get_loop_map(selected_loop_parm, selected_loop_cycle): # Build the map of the chosen loop parameter loop_parameter_map = np.reshape(h5_loop_parameters[selected_loop_parm, :, selected_loop_cycle], [pos_dims[0], pos_dims[1]]) # Also create the title string for the map loop_map_title = list() for label in loop_spec_labs: val = h5_loop_spec_vals[get_attr(h5_loop_spec_vals, label)].squeeze()[selected_loop_cycle] loop_map_title.append('{}: {}'.format(label, val)) loop_map_title = ' - '.join(loop_map_title) return loop_parameter_map, loop_map_title def _get_loops(selected_loop_cycle, selected_loop_pos): selected_loop_ndims = np.unravel_index(selected_loop_cycle, loop_spec_dims, order='F') # Now build the loop plot for the selected position in the loop map selected_loop_bias_vec = loop_bias_vec[:, selected_loop_cycle] pos_ind = np.ravel_multi_index(selected_loop_pos, pos_dims) slice_dict = dict() for pos_dim, dim_ind in zip(pos_labs, selected_loop_pos): slice_dict[pos_dim] = dim_ind for spec_dim, dim_ind in zip(loop_spec_labs, selected_loop_ndims): slice_dict[spec_dim] = dim_ind loop_proj_vec, _ = h5_loop_projections.slice(slice_dict, as_scalar=False) loop_proj_vec2 = np.roll(loop_proj_vec.squeeze(), shift_ind) loop_guess_slice, _ = h5_loop_guess.slice(slice_dict, as_scalar=True) loop_fit_slice, _ = h5_loop_fit.slice(slice_dict, as_scalar=True) loop_guess_vec = loop_fit_function(selected_loop_bias_vec, loop_guess_slice.squeeze().tolist()) loop_fit_vec = loop_fit_function(selected_loop_bias_vec, loop_fit_slice.squeeze().tolist()) return selected_loop_bias_vec, loop_proj_vec2, loop_guess_vec, loop_fit_vec def _get_sho(selected_loop_pos, selected_step, selected_loop_cycle): selected_loop_ndims = np.unravel_index(selected_loop_cycle, loop_spec_dims, order='F') # get the SHO Guess and Fit and Raw Data for the selected position, cycle, and step pos_ind = np.ravel_multi_index(selected_loop_pos, pos_dims) # Get the slice of the sho guess and fit sho_slice = {key: int(val) for key, val in zip(pos_labs, selected_loop_pos)} sho_slice[sho_spec_labs[sho_bias_dim]] = selected_step for key, val in zip(loop_spec_labs, selected_loop_ndims): sho_slice[key] = int(val) # Get the slice of the Raw Data raw_data_vec = h5_main.slice(sho_slice)[0] # Get the frequency vector for the selected step w_vec = np.moveaxis(full_w_vec, main_freq_dim, len(main_spec_dims) - 1) # Move frequency to the end w_vec2 = np.rollaxis(w_vec, main_bias_dim - 1, 0)[selected_step][selected_loop_ndims] sho_guess = h5_sho_guess.slice(sho_slice)[0].tolist() sho_guess = SHOfunc(sho_guess, w_vec2) sho_fit = h5_sho_fit.slice(sho_slice)[0].tolist() sho_fit = SHOfunc(sho_fit, w_vec2) return w_vec2, sho_guess, sho_fit, raw_data_vec ''' Get the starting values ''' loop_parm_map, loop_map_title = _get_loop_map(selected_loop_parm, selected_loop_cycle) current_loop_bias_vec, current_loop_proj_vec, current_loop_guess_vec, current_loop_fit_vec = \ _get_loops(selected_loop_cycle, selected_loop_pos) current_w_vec, current_sho_guess, current_sho_fit, current_raw_data = _get_sho(selected_loop_pos, selected_step, selected_loop_cycle) ''' Build the figure ''' fig, axes = plt.subplots(nrows=2, ncols=2, figsize=(17, 17)) ax_loop_map = axes.flatten()[0] ax_loop_pgf = axes.flatten()[1] ax_sho_amp = axes.flatten()[2] ax_sho_phase = axes.flatten()[3] # Plot the map of the loop parameters loop_map, loop_map_cbar = plot_map(ax_loop_map, loop_parm_map) crosshair = ax_loop_map.plot(selected_loop_pos[0], selected_loop_pos[1], 'k+')[0] ax_loop_map.set_title(loop_map_title) ax_loop_map.set_xlabel('X Position') ax_loop_map.set_ylabel('Y Position') # Plot the Loops loop_proj_plot = ax_loop_pgf.plot(current_loop_bias_vec, current_loop_proj_vec, 'k', label='Loop Projection')[0] loop_guess_plot = ax_loop_pgf.plot(current_loop_bias_vec, current_loop_guess_vec, 'g', label='Loop Guess')[0] loop_fit_plot = ax_loop_pgf.plot(current_loop_bias_vec, current_loop_fit_vec, 'r--', label='Loop Fit')[0] ax_loop_pgf.legend() loop_pgf_title = ' - '.join(['Position: ({}, {})'.format(selected_loop_pos[0], selected_loop_pos[1]), loop_map_title]) ax_loop_pgf.set_title(loop_pgf_title) ax_loop_pgf.set_ylabel('PR (a.u.)') ax_loop_pgf.set_xlabel('V_DC (V)') ax_loop_pgf.axis('tight') # Plot the amplitude of the SHO Guess, SHO Fit, and Raw Data raw_amp_plot = ax_sho_amp.plot(current_w_vec, np.abs(current_raw_data), 'k*', label='Raw Data Amplitude')[0] guess_amp_plot = ax_sho_amp.plot(current_w_vec, np.abs(current_sho_guess), 'g', label='SHO Guess Amplitude')[0] fit_amp_plot = ax_sho_amp.plot(current_w_vec, np.abs(current_sho_fit), 'r:', label='SHO Fit Amplitude')[0] ax_sho_amp.legend() sho_title = ' - '.join(['Bias Step: {}'.format(selected_step), loop_pgf_title]) ax_sho_amp.set_title(sho_title) ax_sho_amp.set_ylabel('Amplitude (V)') ax_sho_amp.set_xlabel('Frequency (Hz)') ax_sho_amp.axis('tight') # Plot the phase of the SHO Guess, SHO Fit, and Raw Data raw_phase_plot = ax_sho_phase.plot(current_w_vec, np.angle(current_raw_data), 'k*', label='Raw Data Phase')[0] guess_phase_plot = ax_sho_phase.plot(current_w_vec, np.angle(current_sho_guess), 'g', label='SHO Guess Phase')[0] fit_phase_plot = ax_sho_phase.plot(current_w_vec, np.angle(current_sho_fit), 'r:', label='SHO Fit Phase')[0] ax_sho_phase.legend() ax_sho_phase.set_title(sho_title) ax_sho_phase.set_ylabel('Amplitude (V)') ax_sho_phase.set_xlabel('Frequency (Hz)') ax_sho_phase.axis('tight') for axis in [ax_loop_pgf, ax_sho_amp, ax_sho_phase]: set_tick_font_size(axis, tick_font_size) axis.ticklabel_format(axis='both', style='sci', scilimits=(-2, 2)) # Make some widgets now so we can reference them in updates loop_parm_widget = widgets.Dropdown(options=loop_parameter_names, value=selected_loop_parm) loop_cycle_widget = widgets.IntSlider(min=0, max=loop_num_cycles - 1, step=1, value=selected_loop_cycle) spec_step_widget = widgets.IntSlider(min=0, max=steps_per_loop - 1, step=1, value=selected_step) def _update_loop_plots(selected_loop_cycle, xdata, ydata): # Get new data current_loop_bias_vec, current_loop_proj_vec, current_loop_guess_vec, current_loop_fit_vec = \ _get_loops(selected_loop_cycle, (xdata, ydata)) # Update loop plots loop_proj_plot.set_xdata(current_loop_bias_vec) loop_proj_plot.set_ydata(current_loop_proj_vec) loop_guess_plot.set_xdata(current_loop_bias_vec) loop_guess_plot.set_ydata(current_loop_guess_vec) loop_fit_plot.set_xdata(current_loop_bias_vec) loop_fit_plot.set_ydata(current_loop_fit_vec) loop_map_title = ax_loop_map.get_title() loop_pgf_title = ' - '.join(['Position: ({}, {})'.format(xdata, ydata), loop_map_title]) ax_loop_pgf.set_title(loop_pgf_title) loop_min = np.min([current_loop_proj_vec, current_loop_guess_vec, current_loop_fit_vec]) loop_max = np.max([current_loop_proj_vec, current_loop_guess_vec, current_loop_fit_vec]) loop_min *= (1 - np.sign(loop_min) * 0.5) loop_max *= (1 + np.sign(loop_max) * 0.5) ax_loop_pgf.set_ylim([loop_min, loop_max]) def _update_sho_plots(selected_loop_cycle, selected_step, xdata, ydata): # Get the updated data current_w_vec, current_sho_guess, current_sho_fit, current_raw_data = _get_sho((xdata, ydata), selected_step, selected_loop_cycle) # Update SHO/Raw plots loop_pgf_title = ax_loop_pgf.get_title() sho_title = ' - '.join(['Bias Step: {}'.format(selected_step), loop_pgf_title]) raw_amp_plot.set_xdata(current_w_vec) raw_amp_plot.set_ydata(np.abs(current_raw_data)) guess_amp_plot.set_xdata(current_w_vec) guess_amp_plot.set_ydata(np.abs(current_sho_guess)) fit_amp_plot.set_xdata(current_w_vec) fit_amp_plot.set_ydata(np.abs(current_sho_fit)) ax_sho_amp.set_title(sho_title) ax_sho_amp.set_ylim([np.min(np.abs([current_raw_data, current_sho_guess, current_sho_fit])) * 0.95, np.max(np.abs([current_raw_data, current_sho_guess, current_sho_fit])) * 1.05]) raw_phase_plot.set_xdata(current_w_vec) raw_phase_plot.set_ydata(np.angle(current_raw_data)) guess_phase_plot.set_xdata(current_w_vec) guess_phase_plot.set_ydata(np.angle(current_sho_guess)) fit_phase_plot.set_xdata(current_w_vec) fit_phase_plot.set_ydata(np.angle(current_sho_fit)) ax_sho_phase.set_title(sho_title) def pos_picker(event): # Allow for picking a new position. if not ax_loop_map.axes.in_axes(event): return selected_loop_cycle = loop_cycle_widget.value selected_step = spec_step_widget.value xdata = int(round(event.xdata)) ydata = int(round(event.ydata)) current_pos = {pos_labs[0]: xdata, pos_labs[1]: ydata} pos_dim_vals = list(range(len(pos_labs))) for pos_dim_ind, pos_dim_name in enumerate(pos_labs): pos_dim_vals[pos_dim_ind] = current_pos[pos_dim_name] crosshair.set_xdata(xdata) crosshair.set_ydata(ydata) _update_loop_plots(selected_loop_cycle, xdata, ydata) _update_sho_plots(selected_loop_cycle, selected_step, xdata, ydata) fig.canvas.draw() def _update_loop_parm(selected_loop_parm): loop_parm_map, loop_map_title = _get_loop_map(selected_loop_parm, loop_cycle_widget.value) loop_map.set_data(loop_parm_map) loop_map.set_clim(vmin=np.min(loop_parm_map), vmax=np.max(loop_parm_map)) ax_loop_map.set_title(loop_map_title) fig.canvas.draw() def _update_loop_cycle(selected_loop_cycle): selected_step = spec_step_widget.value xdata, ydata = crosshair.get_xydata().flatten().astype('int') # Update the loop map loop_parm_map, loop_map_title = _get_loop_map(loop_parm_widget.value, selected_loop_cycle) loop_map.set_data(loop_parm_map) loop_map.set_clim(vmin=np.min(loop_parm_map), vmax=np.max(loop_parm_map)) ax_loop_map.set_title(loop_map_title) # Update the linet plots _update_loop_plots(selected_loop_cycle, xdata, ydata) _update_sho_plots(selected_loop_cycle, selected_step, xdata, ydata) fig.canvas.draw() def _update_spec_step(selected_step): selected_loop_cycle = loop_cycle_widget.value xdata, ydata = crosshair.get_xydata().flatten().astype('int') _update_sho_plots(selected_loop_cycle, selected_step, xdata, ydata) fig.canvas.draw() cid = loop_map.figure.canvas.mpl_connect('button_press_event', pos_picker) fig_filename, _ = os.path.splitext(h5_loop_projections.file.filename) display(save_fig_filebox_button(fig, fig_filename + '.png')) widgets.interact(_update_loop_parm, selected_loop_parm=loop_parm_widget) widgets.interact(_update_loop_cycle, selected_loop_cycle=loop_cycle_widget) widgets.interact(_update_spec_step, selected_step=spec_step_widget) return fig
def _add_loop_parameters(axes, switching_coef_vec): """ Add the loop parameters for the given loop to a list of axes Parameters ---------- axes : list of matplotlib.pyplo.axes Plot axes to add the coeffients to switching_coef_vec : 1D numpy.ndarray Array of loop parameters arranged by position Returns ------- axes : list of matplotlib.pyplo.axes """ positions = np.linspace(0, switching_coef_vec.shape[0] - 1, len(axes.flat), for ax, pos in zip(axes.flat, positions): ax.axvline(switching_coef_vec[pos]['V+'], c='k', label='V+') ax.axvline(switching_coef_vec[pos]['V-'], c='r', label='V-') ax.axvline(switching_coef_vec[pos]['Nucleation Bias 1'], c='k', ls=':', label='Nucleation Bias 1') ax.axvline(switching_coef_vec[pos]['Nucleation Bias 2'], c='r', ls=':', label='Nucleation Bias 2') ax.axhline(switching_coef_vec[pos]['R+'], c='k', ls='-.', label='R+') ax.axhline(switching_coef_vec[pos]['R-'], c='r', ls='-.', label='R-') return axes
[docs] def plot_1d_spectrum(data_vec, freq, title, **kwargs): """ Plots the Step averaged BE response Parameters ------------ data_vec : 1D numpy array Response of one BE pulse freq : 1D numpy array BE frequency that serves as the X axis of the plot title : String Plot group name Returns --------- fig : Matplotlib.pyplot figure Figure handle axes : Matplotlib.pyplot axis Axis handle """ if len(data_vec) != len(freq): raise ValueError('Incompatible data sizes! spectrum: ' + str(len(data_vec)) + ', frequency: ' + str(freq.shape)) freq *= 1E-3 # to kHz title = title + ': mean UDVS, mean spatial response' fig, axes = plot_complex_spectra(np.expand_dims(data_vec, axis=0), freq, title=title, subtitle_prefix='', num_comps=1, x_label='Frequency (kHz)', figsize=(5, 3), amp_units='V', **kwargs) return fig, axes
[docs] def plot_2d_spectrogram(mean_spectrogram, freq, title=None, **kwargs): """ Plots the position averaged spectrogram Parameters ------------ mean_spectrogram : 2D numpy complex array Means spectrogram arranged as [frequency, UDVS step] freq : 1D numpy float array BE frequency that serves as the X axes of the plot title : str, optional Plot group name Returns --------- fig : Matplotlib.pyplot figure Figure handle axes : Matplotlib.pyplot axes Axis handle """ if mean_spectrogram.shape[1] != freq.size: if mean_spectrogram.shape[0] == freq.size: mean_spectrogram = mean_spectrogram.T else: raise ValueError('plot_2d_spectrogram: Incompatible data sizes!!!! spectrogram: ' + str(mean_spectrogram.shape) + ', frequency: ' + str(freq.shape)) fig, axes = plot_complex_spectra(np.expand_dims(mean_spectrogram, axis=0), num_comps=1, title=title, x_label='Frequency (kHz)', y_label='UDVS step', subtitle_prefix='', figsize=(5, 3), origin='lower', stdevs=None, amp_units='V', **kwargs) # Changing the X axis labels x_ticks = np.linspace(0, mean_spectrogram.shape[1] - 1, 5, dtype=int) x_tick_labs = [str(np.round(freq[ind], 2)) for ind in x_ticks] for axis in axes: axis.set_xticks(x_ticks) axis.set_xticklabels(x_tick_labs) return fig, axes
[docs] def plot_histograms(p_hist, p_hbins, title, figure_path=None): """ Plots the position averaged spectrogram Parameters ------------ p_hist : 2D numpy array histogram data arranged as [physical quantity, frequency bin] p_hbins : 1D numpy array BE frequency that serves as the X axis of the plot title : String Plot group name figure_path : String / Unicode Absolute path of the file to write the figure to Returns --------- fig : Matplotlib.pyplot figure Figure handle """ base_fig_size = 7 h_fig = base_fig_size w_fig = base_fig_size * 4 fig = plt.figure(figsize=(w_fig, h_fig)) fig.suptitle(title) iplot = 0 p_Nx, p_Ny = np.amax(p_hbins, axis=1) + 1 p_hist = np.reshape(p_hist, (4, p_Ny, p_Nx)) iplot += 1 p_plot_title = 'Spectral BEHistogram Amp (log10 of counts)' p_plot = fig.add_subplot(1, 4, iplot, title=p_plot_title) p_im = p_plot.imshow(np.rot90(np.log10(p_hist[0])), interpolation='nearest') p_plot.axis('tight') fig.colorbar(p_im, fraction=0.1) iplot += 1 p_plot_title = 'Spectral BEHistogram Phase (log10 of counts)' p_plot = fig.add_subplot(1, 4, iplot, title=p_plot_title) p_im = p_plot.imshow(np.rot90(np.log10(p_hist[1])), interpolation='nearest') p_plot.axis('tight') fig.colorbar(p_im, fraction=0.1) iplot += 1 p_plot_title = 'Spectral BEHistogram Real (log10 of counts)' p_plot = fig.add_subplot(1, 4, iplot, title=p_plot_title) p_im = p_plot.imshow(np.rot90(np.log10(p_hist[2])), interpolation='nearest') p_plot.axis('tight') fig.colorbar(p_im, fraction=0.1) iplot += 1 p_plot_title = 'Spectral BEHistogram Imag (log10 of counts)' p_plot = fig.add_subplot(1, 4, iplot, title=p_plot_title) p_im = p_plot.imshow(np.rot90(np.log10(p_hist[3])), interpolation='nearest') p_plot.axis('tight') fig.colorbar(p_im, fraction=0.1) if figure_path: plt.savefig(figure_path, format='png') return fig
[docs] def show(img, cmap = 'plasma', colorbar = True): """Displays image with colorbar.""" imgstd = img.std() imgmean = img.mean() ll = imgmean - (2*imgstd) ul = imgmean + (2*imgstd) # for i in range(img.shape[0]): # for j in range(img.shape[1]): # if np.logical_or((img[i, j] < ll), (img[i, j] > ul)): # img[i, j] = imgmean # img = np.array(img) fig = plt.imshow(img, cmap=cmap) plt.clim(ll,ul) fig.axes.get_xaxis().set_visible(False) fig.axes.get_yaxis().set_visible(False) if colorbar == True: plt.colorbar() return
[docs] def SHOfunc(parms, w_vec): """ Generates the SHO response over the given frequency band Parameters ----------- parms : list or tuple SHO parae=(A,w0,Q,phi) w_vec : 1D numpy array Vector of frequency values """ return parms[0] * np.exp(1j * parms[3]) * parms[1] ** 2 / \ (w_vec ** 2 - 1j * w_vec * parms[1] / parms[2] - parms[1] ** 2)
[docs] def viz_berelaxfit(berelaxfit, bias_ind =0, t_time=0 , x_col=0, h_row=0, sensitivity=1, phase_offset=0, starts_with="write", fit_method='Exponential'): """ :param berelaxfit: dataset from berelaxfit fit process class :param bias_ind: bias step within relaxation measurement, integer :param t_time: time step within relaxation measurement, integer :param x_col: display relaxation spectrum at this x index :param h_row: display relaxation spectrum at this y index :param sensitivity: tip sensitivity for converting signal to pm :param phase_offset: phase offset for measurement :param starts_with: 'write' or 'read' step :param fit_method: can be 'Exponential' 'Double_Exp' or 'Logistic' :return: along with widgets will produce an interactive graphic to explore data; see jupyter notebook for example shows raw PFM data along with fit, bias as function of time, SHO fitted phase + amplitude, Raw phase + amplitude, and fitted time constant and amplitude. """ # experimental parameters needed for visualization fit_method = fit_method raw_data = USIDataset(berelaxfit.parent.parent.parent['Raw_Data']) no_freq = raw_data.spec_dim_sizes[0] # freq_vals = raw_data.get_spec_values('Frequency') #seems there is a bug in the acquisition software; should not #need to specify no_freq below when printing raw data, #the size of the frequency dimension is 49, but when calling #the freqeuncy values, a list of len 17k is provided freq_vals = raw_data.h5_spec_vals[0,:no_freq] raw_data_pos_sizes = raw_data.pos_dim_sizes x_length = raw_data_pos_sizes[0] y_length = raw_data_pos_sizes[1] raw_phase = np.angle(raw_data[:, :]) raw_amp = abs(raw_data[:, :]) sho_fit = USIDataset(berelaxfit.parent.parent['Fit']) sho_phase = sho_fit['Phase [rad]'].reshape(x_length, y_length, -1) sho_amplitude = sho_fit['Amplitude [V]'].reshape(x_length, y_length, -1) sho_frequency = sho_fit['Frequency [Hz]'].reshape(x_length, y_length, -1) sho_quality_factor = sho_fit['Quality Factor'].reshape(x_length, y_length, -1) mixed_signal = sho_fit['Amplitude [V]']*sensitivity* np.cos(sho_fit['Phase [rad]']+phase_offset) mixed_signal_reshape = mixed_signal.reshape(x_length, y_length, -1) no_read_steps = berelaxfit.parent.parent.parent.parent.attrs['VS_num_meas_per_read_step'] no_write_steps = berelaxfit.parent.parent.parent.parent.attrs['VS_num_meas_per_write_step'] time_elapsed_per_step = berelaxfit.parent.parent.parent.parent.attrs['BE_pulse_duration_[s]'] tot_time_elapsed_read = (no_read_steps) * time_elapsed_per_step time_axis = np.arange(0, tot_time_elapsed_read, step=time_elapsed_per_step) all_dc_offset_values = sho_fit.h5_spec_vals[1, np.argwhere(sho_fit.h5_spec_inds[0] == 0)] # no of rs spectra is the number of times pulse repeats. 0 = start of new pulse no_rs_spectra = int(len(np.argwhere(sho_fit.h5_spec_inds[0, :] == 0))/2) total_time_steps = no_read_steps + no_write_steps dc_offset_nonzero = np.nonzero(all_dc_offset_values)[0] dc_offset_expand = sho_fit.h5_spec_vals[1, :] all_inds_split = np.array_split(np.arange(0, len(dc_offset_expand), step=1), no_rs_spectra) read_inds_split = [] if starts_with == 'write': for i in range(no_rs_spectra): read_inds_split.append(all_inds_split[i][no_write_steps:]) #write_dc_offset_values = [sho_fit.h5_spec_vals[1, np.argwhere(sho_fit.h5_spec_vals[0] == 0)]] write_dc_offset_values = all_dc_offset_values[::2] if type(write_dc_offset_values) == np.float32: write_dc_offset_values = [write_dc_offset_values] if starts_with == 'read': for i in range(no_rs_spectra): read_inds_split.append(all_inds_split[i][:-int(no_write_steps)]) write_dc_offset_values = sho_fit.h5_spec_vals[1, np.argwhere(sho_fit.h5_spec_vals[0] == no_read_steps)] if type(write_dc_offset_values) == np.float32: write_dc_offset_values = [write_dc_offset_values] raw_phase_reshape = raw_phase.reshape((x_length, y_length, total_time_steps, no_freq)) raw_amp_reshape = raw_amp.reshape((x_length,y_length, total_time_steps, no_freq)) if fit_method == 'Exponential': amp_fit_reshape = berelaxfit['Amplitude [pm]'].reshape(x_length, y_length, -1) tau_fit_reshape = berelaxfit['Time_Constant [s]'].reshape(x_length, y_length, -1) offset_fit_reshape = berelaxfit['Offset [pm]'].reshape(x_length, y_length, -1) if fit_method == 'Double_Exp': amp1_fit_reshape = berelaxfit['Amplitude [pm]'].reshape(x_length, y_length, -1) tau1_fit_reshape = berelaxfit['Time_Constant [s]'].reshape(x_length, y_length, -1) amp2_fit_reshape = berelaxfit['Amplitude 2 [pm]'].reshape(x_length, y_length, -1) tau2_fit_reshape = berelaxfit['Time_Constant 2 [s]'].reshape(x_length, y_length, -1) offset_fit_reshape = berelaxfit['Offset [pm]'].reshape(x_length, y_length, -1) if fit_method == 'Str_Exp': amp_fit_reshape = berelaxfit['Amplitude [pm]'].reshape(x_length, y_length, -1) beta_fit_reshape = berelaxfit['Beta'].reshape(x_length, y_length, -1) offset_fit_reshape = berelaxfit['Offset [pm]'].reshape(x_length, y_length, -1) if fit_method == 'Logistic': A_reshape = berelaxfit['A'].reshape(x_length, y_length, -1) K_reshape = berelaxfit['K'].reshape(x_length, y_length, -1) B_reshape = berelaxfit['B'].reshape(x_length, y_length, -1) v_reshape = berelaxfit['v'].reshape(x_length, y_length, -1) Q_reshape = berelaxfit['Q'].reshape(x_length, y_length, -1) C_reshape = berelaxfit['C'].reshape(x_length, y_length, -1) #first plot shared plotting calls font = {'family': 'DejaVu Sans', 'weight': 'bold', 'size': 18} plt.rc('font', **font) plt.figure(1, figsize=(18, 12)) plt.subplot(421) # if time index IN values of bias key if t_time in read_inds_split[bias_ind]: print('Time slice {} is in specified RS spectrum.'.format(t_time), 'Time was unchanged') plt.plot(time_axis, mixed_signal_reshape[x_col, h_row, read_inds_split[bias_ind]], 'ro') # if time index NOT IN values of bias key if t_time not in read_inds_split[bias_ind]: print('time slice {} was not in specified RS spectrum'.format(t_time)) t_time = read_inds_split[bias_ind][0] print('changed time slice to {}'.format(t_time)) plt.plot(time_axis, mixed_signal_reshape[x_col, h_row, read_inds_split[bias_ind]], 'ro') plt.title('Response at ({},{}) after {} V'.format(x_col, h_row, write_dc_offset_values[bias_ind])) plt.xlabel('Time Elapsed (s)') plt.ylabel('Response (pm)') # regardless of fit, parameter extraction and sho curve calc should be same params = (sho_amplitude[x_col, h_row, t_time], sho_frequency[x_col, h_row, t_time], sho_quality_factor[x_col, h_row, t_time], sho_phase[x_col, h_row, t_time]) sho_curve = np.array(SHOfunc(params, freq_vals)) if fit_method == 'Exponential': from ..analysis.be_relax_fit import exp a = amp_fit_reshape[x_col, h_row, bias_ind] t = tau_fit_reshape[x_col, h_row, bias_ind] c = offset_fit_reshape[x_col, h_row, bias_ind] plt.plot(time_axis, exp(time_axis, a, t, c)) plt.subplot(427) plt.title('Fitted Time Constant ({} V)'.format(write_dc_offset_values[bias_ind])) tau_fit = tau_fit_reshape[:, :, bias_ind] tau_fitstd = tau_fit.std() tau_fitmean = tau_fit.mean() ll = tau_fitmean - (2 * tau_fitstd) ul = tau_fitmean + (2 * tau_fitstd) for i in range(tau_fit.shape[0]): for j in range(tau_fit.shape[1]): if np.logical_or((tau_fit[i, j] < ll), (tau_fit[i, j] > ul)): tau_fit[i, j] = np.nan tau_fit = np.array(tau_fit) show(tau_fit) plt.subplot(428) plt.title('SHO Phase at time step {}'.format(t_time)) show(sho_fit['Phase [rad]'].reshape(x_length, y_length, -1)[:, :, t_time]) plt.axvline(x=x_col, color='k') plt.axhline(y=h_row, color='k') if fit_method == 'Double_Exp': from ..analysis.be_relax_fit import double_exp amp1 = amp1_fit_reshape[x_col, h_row, bias_ind] tau1 = tau1_fit_reshape[x_col, h_row, bias_ind] amp2 = amp2_fit_reshape[x_col, h_row, bias_ind] tau2 = tau2_fit_reshape[x_col, h_row, bias_ind] c = offset_fit_reshape[x_col, h_row, bias_ind] plt.plot(time_axis, double_exp(time_axis, amp1, tau1, amp2, tau2, c)) plt.subplot(427) plt.title('A Fitted Time Constant ({} V)'.format(write_dc_offset_values[bias_ind])) tau2_fit = tau2_fit_reshape[:, :, bias_ind] tau2_fitstd = tau2_fit.std() tau2_fitmean = tau2_fit.mean() ll = tau2_fitmean - (2 * tau2_fitstd) ul = tau2_fitmean + (2 * tau2_fitstd) for i in range(tau2_fit.shape[0]): for j in range(tau2_fit.shape[1]): if np.logical_or((tau2_fit[i, j] < ll), (tau2_fit[i, j] > ul)): tau2_fit[i, j] = np.nan tau2_fit = np.array(tau2_fit) show(tau2_fit) plt.subplot(428) plt.title('Amplitude at ({} V)'.format(write_dc_offset_values[bias_ind])) amp1_fit = amp1_fit_reshape[:, :, bias_ind] amp1_fitstd = amp1_fit.std() amp1_fitmean = amp1_fit.mean() ll = amp1_fitmean - (2 * amp1_fitstd) ul = amp1_fitmean + (2 * amp1_fitstd) for i in range(amp1_fit.shape[0]): for j in range(amp1_fit.shape[1]): if np.logical_or((amp1_fit[i, j] < ll), (amp1_fit[i, j] > ul)): amp1_fit[i, j] = np.nan amp1_fit = np.array(amp1_fit) show(amp1_fit) # show(amp1_fit_reshape[:, :, bias_ind]) plt.axvline(x=x_col, color='k') plt.axhline(y=h_row, color='k') if fit_method == 'Str_Exp': from ..analysis.be_relax_fit import str_exp amp = amp_fit_reshape[x_col, h_row, bias_ind] beta = beta_fit_reshape[x_col, h_row, bias_ind] offset = offset_fit_reshape[x_col, h_row, bias_ind] plt.plot(time_axis, str_exp(time_axis, amp, beta, offset)) plt.subplot(427) plt.title('Beta ({} V)'.format(write_dc_offset_values[bias_ind])) beta_fit = beta_fit_reshape[:, :, bias_ind] beta_fitstd = beta_fit.std() beta_fitmean = beta_fit.mean() ll = beta_fitmean - (2 * beta_fitstd) ul = beta_fitmean + (2 * beta_fitstd) for i in range(beta_fit.shape[0]): for j in range(beta_fit.shape[1]): if np.logical_or((beta_fit[i, j] < ll), (beta_fit[i, j] > ul)): beta_fit[i, j] = np.nan beta_fit = np.array(beta_fit) show(beta_fit) plt.subplot(428) plt.title('Amplitude at ({} V)'.format(write_dc_offset_values[bias_ind])) amp_fit = amp_fit_reshape[:, :, bias_ind] amp_fitstd = amp_fit.std() amp_fitmean = amp_fit.mean() ll = amp_fitmean - (2 * amp_fitstd) ul = amp_fitmean + (2 * amp_fitstd) for i in range(amp_fit.shape[0]): for j in range(amp_fit.shape[1]): if np.logical_or((amp_fit[i, j] < ll), (amp_fit[i, j] > ul)): amp_fit[i, j] = np.nan amp_fit = np.array(amp_fit) show(amp_fit) plt.axvline(x=x_col, color='k') plt.axhline(y=h_row, color='k') if fit_method == 'Logistic': from ..analysis.be_relax_fit import sigmoid A = A_reshape[x_col, h_row, bias_ind] K = K_reshape[x_col, h_row, bias_ind] B = B_reshape[x_col, h_row, bias_ind] v = v_reshape[x_col, h_row, bias_ind] Q = Q_reshape[x_col, h_row, bias_ind] C = C_reshape[x_col, h_row, bias_ind] plt.plot(time_axis, sigmoid(time_axis, A, K, B, v, Q, C)) plt.subplot(422) plt.title('Time Steps & Bias for Response Curve') plt.plot(dc_offset_expand, 'o') plt.axvspan(xmin=read_inds_split[bias_ind].min(), xmax=read_inds_split[bias_ind].max() + 1, alpha=0.1) plt.xlabel('Time Step (a.u.)') plt.ylabel('Bias (V)') plt.subplot(423) plt.title('SHO Fitted Phase ({} V)'.format( write_dc_offset_values[bias_ind])) # after applying {} V'.format(write_dc_offset_values[bias_ind])) plt.plot(time_axis, sho_fit['Phase [rad]'].reshape(x_length, y_length, -1)[x_col, h_row, read_inds_split[bias_ind]], 'ro') plt.xlabel('Time Elapsed (s)') plt.subplot(424) plt.title('Raw Phase') plt.title('Raw Phase at time step{}'.format(t_time)) plt.plot(freq_vals, raw_phase_reshape[x_col, h_row, t_time, :], 'ro') plt.plot(freq_vals, np.angle(sho_curve), 'g-') plt.xlabel('Frequency') if fit_method == 'Exponential' or 'Double_Exp' or 'Str_Exp': plt.subplot(425) plt.title('SHO Fitted AMPLITUDE ({} V)'.format( write_dc_offset_values[bias_ind])) # after applying {} V'.format(write_dc_offset_values[bias_ind])) plt.plot(time_axis, sho_fit['Amplitude [V]'].reshape(x_length, y_length, -1)[x_col, h_row, read_inds_split[bias_ind]], 'go') plt.axvline(x=t_time * time_elapsed_per_step, color='orange') plt.xlabel('Time Elapsed (s)') plt.subplot(426) plt.title('Raw Amp at time step {}'.format(t_time)) plt.plot(freq_vals, raw_amp_reshape[x_col, h_row, t_time, :], 'go') plt.plot(freq_vals, np.abs(sho_curve), 'b-') plt.xlabel('Frequency') plt.tight_layout()