Source code for

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Created on Fri Jan 27 17:58:35 2017

@author: Suhas Somnath

from __future__ import division, print_function, absolute_import, unicode_literals

from os import path, remove
import h5py
import numpy as np  # For array operations
from import loadmat

from sidpy.sid import Translator
from sidpy.hdf.hdf_utils import write_simple_attrs

from pyUSID import Dimension
from import write_main_dataset, create_indexed_group

[docs] class ForcIVTranslator(Translator): """ Translates FORC IV datasets from .mat files to .h5 """ def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): super(ForcIVTranslator, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) self.h5_read = None def _read_data(self): pass def _parse_file_path(self, input_path): pass
[docs] def translate(self, raw_data_path): """ The main function that translates the provided file into a .h5 file Parameters ------------ raw_data_path : string / unicode Absolute file path of the data .mat file. Returns ---------- h5_path : string / unicode Absolute path of the translated h5 file """ raw_data_path = path.abspath(raw_data_path) folder_path, file_name = path.split(raw_data_path) h5_path = path.join(folder_path, file_name[:-4] + '.h5') if path.exists(h5_path): remove(h5_path) h5_f = h5py.File(h5_path, 'w') self.h5_read = True try: h5_raw = h5py.File(raw_data_path, 'r') except: self.h5_read = False h5_raw = loadmat(raw_data_path) try: excite_cell = h5_raw['dc_amp_cell3'] except KeyError: excite_cell = [h5_raw['VS_amp_vec']] test = excite_cell[0][0] if self.h5_read: excitation_vec = h5_raw[test] else: excitation_vec = np.float32(np.squeeze(test)) try: current_cell = h5_raw['current_cell3'] except KeyError: current_cell = h5_raw['IV_dat'] num_rows = current_cell.shape[0] num_cols = current_cell.shape[1] num_iv_pts = excitation_vec.size num_cycles = 0 if len(current_cell.shape)==4: num_cycles = current_cell.shape[-1] current_data = np.zeros(shape=(num_rows * num_cols, num_iv_pts*num_cycles), dtype=np.float32) else: current_data = np.zeros(shape=(num_rows * num_cols, num_iv_pts), dtype=np.float32) for row_ind in range(num_rows): for col_ind in range(num_cols): pix_ind = row_ind * num_cols + col_ind if self.h5_read: curr_val = np.squeeze(h5_raw[current_cell[row_ind][col_ind]].value) else: curr_val = np.float32(np.squeeze(current_cell[row_ind][col_ind])) curr_val = curr_val.reshape(current_data[0,:].shape) current_data[pix_ind, :] = 1E+9 * curr_val parm_dict = self._read_parms(h5_raw) parm_dict.update({'translator': 'FORC_IV'}) pos_desc = [Dimension('Y', 'm', np.arange(num_rows)), Dimension('X', 'm', np.arange(num_cols))] if num_cycles>0: spec_desc = [Dimension('DC Bias', 'V', excitation_vec), Dimension('Cycles', 'number', np.arange(num_cycles))] else: spec_desc = [Dimension('DC Bias', 'V', excitation_vec)] meas_grp = create_indexed_group(h5_f, 'Measurement') chan_grp = create_indexed_group(meas_grp, 'Channel') write_simple_attrs(chan_grp, parm_dict) h5_main = write_main_dataset(chan_grp, current_data, 'Raw_Data', 'Current', '1E-9 A', pos_desc, spec_desc) return h5_main
def _read_parms(self, raw_data_file_handle): """ Copies experimental parameters from the .mat file to a dictionary Parameters ---------- raw_data_file_handle : h5py.Group object or dictionary Handle to the file containing the raw data Returns ------- parm_dict : dictionary Dictionary containing all relevant parameters """ parm_dict = dict() exceptions = ['Z_cell3', 'current_cell3', 'dc_amp_cell3', 'loop_area_rel', '__version__', '__header__', '__globals__'] for att_name in raw_data_file_handle: if att_name not in exceptions: if not self.h5_read: parm_dict[att_name] = raw_data_file_handle[att_name][0][0] return parm_dict