Source code for

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Created on Mon Sep 28 11:35:57 2015

@author: Stephen Jesse, Anton Ievlev, Chris R. Smith

from __future__ import division, print_function, absolute_import, unicode_literals
import numpy as np
from numpy import exp, abs, sqrt, sum, real, imag, arctan2, append
from scipy.optimize import minimize

[docs] def SHOfunc(parms, w_vec): """ Generates the SHO response over the given frequency band Parameters ----------- parms : list or tuple SHO parae=(A,w0,Q,phi) w_vec : 1D numpy array Vector of frequency values """ return parms[0] * exp(1j * parms[3]) * parms[1] ** 2 / \ (w_vec ** 2 - 1j * w_vec * parms[1] / parms[2] - parms[1] ** 2)
[docs] def SHOfit(parms, w_vec, resp_vec): """ Cost function minimization of SHO fitting Parameters ----------- parms : list or tuple SHO parameters=(A,w0,Q,phi) w_vec : 1D numpy array Vector of frequency values resp_vec : 1D complex numpy array or list Cantilever response vector as a function of frequency """ # Cost function to minimize. cost = lambda p: np.sum((np.abs(SHOfunc(p, w_vec)) - np.abs(resp_vec)) ** 2) popt = minimize(cost, parms, method='TNC', options={'disp':False}) return popt.x
[docs] def SHOestimateGuess(resp_vec, w_vec, num_points=5): """ Generates good initial guesses for fitting Parameters ------------ w_vec : 1D numpy array or list Vector of BE frequencies resp_vec : 1D complex numpy array or list BE response vector as a function of frequency num_points : (Optional) unsigned int Quality factor of the SHO peak Returns --------- retval : tuple SHO fit parameters arranged as amplitude, frequency, quality factor, phase """ ii = np.argsort(abs(resp_vec))[::-1] a_mat = np.array([]) e_vec = np.array([]) for c1 in range(num_points): for c2 in range(c1 + 1, num_points): w1 = w_vec[ii[c1]] w2 = w_vec[ii[c2]] X1 = real(resp_vec[ii[c1]]) X2 = real(resp_vec[ii[c2]]) Y1 = imag(resp_vec[ii[c1]]) Y2 = imag(resp_vec[ii[c2]]) denom = (w1 * (X1 ** 2 - X1 * X2 + Y1 * (Y1 - Y2)) + w2 * (-X1 * X2 + X2 ** 2 - Y1 * Y2 + Y2 ** 2)) if denom > 0: a = ((w1 ** 2 - w2 ** 2) * (w1 * X2 * (X1 ** 2 + Y1 ** 2) - w2 * X1 * (X2 ** 2 + Y2 ** 2))) / denom b = ((w1 ** 2 - w2 ** 2) * (w1 * Y2 * (X1 ** 2 + Y1 ** 2) - w2 * Y1 * (X2 ** 2 + Y2 ** 2))) / denom c = ((w1 ** 2 - w2 ** 2) * (X2 * Y1 - X1 * Y2)) / denom d = (w1 ** 3 * (X1 ** 2 + Y1 ** 2) - w1 ** 2 * w2 * (X1 * X2 + Y1 * Y2) - w1 * w2 ** 2 * (X1 * X2 + Y1 * Y2) + w2 ** 3 * (X2 ** 2 + Y2 ** 2)) / denom if d > 0: a_mat = append(a_mat, [a, b, c, d]) A_fit = abs(a + 1j * b) / d w0_fit = sqrt(d) Q_fit = -sqrt(d) / c phi_fit = arctan2(-b, -a) H_fit = A_fit * w0_fit ** 2 * exp(1j * phi_fit) / ( w_vec ** 2 - 1j * w_vec * w0_fit / Q_fit - w0_fit ** 2) e_vec = append(e_vec, sum((real(H_fit) - real(resp_vec)) ** 2) + sum((imag(H_fit) - imag(resp_vec)) ** 2)) if a_mat.size > 0: a_mat = a_mat.reshape(-1, 4) weight_vec = (1 / e_vec) ** 4 w_sum = sum(weight_vec) a_w = sum(weight_vec * a_mat[:, 0]) / w_sum b_w = sum(weight_vec * a_mat[:, 1]) / w_sum c_w = sum(weight_vec * a_mat[:, 2]) / w_sum d_w = sum(weight_vec * a_mat[:, 3]) / w_sum A_fit = abs(a_w + 1j * b_w) / d_w w0_fit = sqrt(d_w) Q_fit = -sqrt(d_w) / c_w phi_fit = np.arctan2(-b_w, -a_w) H_fit = A_fit * w0_fit ** 2 * exp(1j * phi_fit) / (w_vec ** 2 - 1j * w_vec * w0_fit / Q_fit - w0_fit ** 2) if np.std(abs(resp_vec)) / np.std(abs(resp_vec - H_fit)) < 1.2 or w0_fit < np.min(w_vec) or w0_fit > np.max( w_vec): p0 = SHOfastGuess(w_vec, resp_vec) else: p0 = np.array([A_fit, w0_fit, Q_fit, phi_fit]) else: p0 = SHOfastGuess(w_vec, resp_vec) return p0
[docs] def SHOfastGuess(w_vec, resp_vec, qual_factor=200): """ Default SHO guess from the maximum value of the response Parameters ------------ w_vec : 1D numpy array or list Vector of BE frequencies resp_vec : 1D complex numpy array or list BE response vector as a function of frequency qual_factor : float Quality factor of the SHO peak Returns ------- retval : 1D numpy array SHO fit parameters arranged as [amplitude, frequency, quality factor, phase] """ amp_vec = abs(resp_vec) i_max = int(len(resp_vec) / 2) return np.array([np.mean(amp_vec) / qual_factor, w_vec[i_max], qual_factor, np.angle(resp_vec[i_max])])
[docs] def SHOlowerBound(w_vec): """ Provides the lower bound for the SHO fitting function Parameters ---------- w_vec : 1D numpy array or list Vector of BE frequencies Returns ------- retval : tuple SHO fit parameters arranged as amplitude, frequency, quality factor, phase """ return 0, np.min(w_vec), -1e5, -np.pi
[docs] def SHOupperBound(w_vec): """ Provides the upper bound for the SHO fitting function Parameters ---------- w_vec: 1D numpy array or list Vector of BE frequencies Returns ------- retval : tuple SHO fit parameters arranged as amplitude, frequency, quality factor, phase """ return 1e5, np.max(w_vec), 1e5, np.pi