Source code for

import numpy as np
from scipy.optimize import curve_fit, differential_evolution
import pyUSID as usid

[docs] def exp(x, a, k, c): return (a * np.exp(-(x/k))) + c
[docs] def fit_exp_curve(x, y): popt, _ = curve_fit(exp, x, y, maxfev=25000) return popt
[docs] def double_exp(x, a, k, a2, k2, c): return (a * np.exp(-k*x)) + (a2 * np.exp(-k2*x) + c )
[docs] def fit_double_exp(x, y): """ Fit spectrum,y, to double exp using differential evolution :param x: values for x-axis :param y: values for y-axis :return: best fit parameters for a double exp. """ time_ax = x spectrum = y def cost_func_double_exp(params): a = params[0]; k = params[1]; a2 = params[2]; k2 = params[3]; c = params[4] double_exp_model = double_exp(time_ax, a, k, a2, k2, c) return np.sum((spectrum - double_exp_model)**2) popt = differential_evolution(cost_func_double_exp, bounds=([-100,100],[-100, 100],[-200,200],[-100,100],[-200,200])).x return popt
[docs] def str_exp(x, a, k, c): return a * np.exp(x ** k) + c
[docs] def fit_str_exp(x,y): popt, _ = curve_fit(str_exp, x, y, maxfev=25000, bounds=([-np.inf,0,-np.inf], [np.inf,1,np.inf])) return popt
[docs] def sigmoid(x, A, K, B, v, Q, C): return A + (K-A)/(C+Q*np.exp(-B*x)**(1/v))
[docs] def fit_sigmoid(x, y): popt, pcov = curve_fit(sigmoid, x, y, maxfev=2500) return popt
[docs] class BERelaxFit(usid.Process):
[docs] def __init__(self, h5_main, variables=None, fit_method='Exponential', sens=1, phase_off=0, starts_with='write', **kwargs): """ This instantiation reads and calculates parameters in the data file necessary for reading, writing, analyzing, and visualizing the data. It writes these parameters to attributes to be referenced. :param h5_main: h5py.Dataset object from pycroscopy.analysis.BESHOfitter :param variables: list(string), Default ['Frequency'] Lists of attributes that h5_main should possess so that it may be analyzed by Model. :param fit_method: fit_method for berelaxfit fit, can be 'Exponential', 'Double_Exp', 'Str_Exp' or 'Logistic' :param sens: tip sensitivity in pm/V. Default: 1, the data are not scaled :param phase_off: to apply to phase data. Default: 0, the data are not offset. :param starts_with: 'write' or 'read' , depending on whether the first step is a read or write step. Default: 'write' **Currently, the BE software does not consistently encode whether spectra start with a read or write step """ if h5_main == None: h5_main = self.h5_main super(BERelaxFit, self).__init__(h5_main, variables, **kwargs) self.starts_with = starts_with self.raw_data = h5_main.parent.parent['Raw_Data'] self.raw_amp = np.abs(self.raw_data) self.raw_phase = np.angle(self.raw_data) self.h5_main_usid = usid.USIDataset(h5_main) self.raw_amp_reshape = self.raw_amp.reshape(self.h5_main_usid.pos_dim_sizes[0], self.h5_main_usid.pos_dim_sizes[1], h5_main.parent.parent.parent.attrs['num_steps'],-1) self.raw_phase_reshape = self.raw_phase.reshape(self.h5_main_usid.pos_dim_sizes[0], self.h5_main_usid.pos_dim_sizes[1], h5_main.parent.parent.parent.attrs['num_steps'],-1) self.fit_method = fit_method self.no_read_steps = self.h5_main.parent.parent.parent.attrs['VS_num_meas_per_read_step'] self.no_write_steps = self.h5_main.parent.parent.parent.attrs['VS_num_meas_per_write_step'] self.sensitivity = sens self.phase_offset = phase_off self.no_time_steps = self.h5_main.parent.parent.parent.attrs['num_steps'] self.time_elapsed_per_step = self.h5_main.parent.parent.parent.attrs['BE_pulse_duration_[s]'] self.time_elapsed_per_spectrum = (self.no_read_steps) * self.time_elapsed_per_step self.all_dc_offset_values = self.h5_main.h5_spec_vals[1,np.argwhere(self.h5_main.h5_spec_inds[0]==0)] self.dc_offset_expand = self.h5_main.h5_spec_vals[1,:] #make list of indices of read/write steps self.no_rs_spectra = int(len(np.argwhere(self.h5_main.h5_spec_inds[0, :] == 0)) / 2) self.read_inds_split = [] self.write_inds_split = [] self.all_inds_split = np.array_split(np.arange(0, self.no_time_steps, step=1), self.no_rs_spectra) self.write_spectra = [] if self.starts_with == 'write': for i in range(self.no_rs_spectra): self.read_inds_split.append(self.all_inds_split[i][self.no_write_steps:]) self.write_dc_offset_values = self.all_dc_offset_values[::2] #if there is only one RS spectrum if type(self.write_dc_offset_values) == np.float32: self.write_dc_offset_values = [self.write_dc_offset_values] if self.starts_with == 'read': for i in range(self.no_rs_spectra): self.read_inds_split.append(self.all_inds_split[i][:-int(self.no_write_steps)]) self.write_dc_offset_values = self.h5_main.h5_spec_vals[1, np.argwhere(self.h5_main.h5_spec_vals[ 0] == self.no_read_steps)] # if there is only one RS spectrum if type(self.write_dc_offset_values) == np.float32: self.write_dc_offset_values = [self.write_dc_offset_values] self.no_read_offset = len(self.all_dc_offset_values) - self.no_rs_spectra self.write_inds_split = np.split(np.setxor1d(self.all_inds_split, self.read_inds_split), self.no_rs_spectra)
def _map_function(self, spectra, *args, **kwargs): """ Function that manipulates the data in a single pixel. This is used by self.test. :param spectra: relaxation spectrum to fit :return: array containing optimal fit values for the parameters """ x = np.arange(0, self.time_elapsed_per_spectrum, step=self.time_elapsed_per_step) y = spectra if self.fit_method == 'Exponential': scalar = 1000 popt_init = fit_exp_curve(x * scalar, y) a_init = popt_init[0]; tau_init = popt_init[1] / scalar; c_init = popt_init[2] popt, _ = curve_fit(exp, x, y, maxfev=2500, p0=[a_init, tau_init, c_init]) if self.fit_method == 'Double_Exp': popt = fit_double_exp(x, y) if self.fit_method == 'Str_Exp': popt = fit_str_exp(x, y) if self.fit_method == 'Logistic': popt = fit_sigmoid(x, y) return popt
[docs] def test(self, pixel_ind): """ This function manipulates the data within one pixel as defined by _map_function. :param pixel_ind: pixel index of the data we wish to test :return: array from fit of data to self.fit_method """ amplitude_to_reshape = self.h5_main['Amplitude [V]'][pixel_ind, :] phase_to_reshape = self.h5_main['Phase [rad]'][pixel_ind, :] mixed_signal = [] for j in range(self.no_read_offset): mixed_signal.append(amplitude_to_reshape[self.read_inds_split[j]] * np.cos(phase_to_reshape[self.read_inds_split[j]])) spectra = mixed_signal return self._map_function(spectra)
def _read_data_chunk(self): """ Reads and loads relaxation spectroscopy data files from V3 beta 2 acquisition software on Cypher into """ super(BERelaxFit, self)._read_data_chunk() if self._start_pos < self.h5_main.shape[0]: # The above line makes the base Process class read X pixels from the data set into amplitude_to_reshape =['Amplitude [V]'] phase_to_reshape =['Phase [rad]'] amplitude_reshaped = [] phase_reshaped = [] amplitude_write = [] phase_write = [] mixed_signal = [] mixed_signal_write = [] for i in range(self.h5_main.shape[0]): for j in range(self.no_read_offset): amplitude_reshaped.append(amplitude_to_reshape[i, self.read_inds_split[j]]) phase_reshaped.append(phase_to_reshape[i, self.read_inds_split[j]]) mixed_signal = np.array([amp*self.sensitivity*np.cos(phase + self.phase_offset) for amp, phase in zip(amplitude_reshaped, phase_reshaped)]) #amplitude, phase, and mixed signal for write steps if self.starts_with == 1: amplitude_write.append(amplitude_to_reshape[i, :self.no_write_steps]) phase_write.append(phase_to_reshape[i, :self.no_write_steps]) mixed_signal_write = np.array([amp*self.sensitivity*np.cos(phase + self.phase_offset) for amp, phase in zip(amplitude_write, phase_write)]) if self.starts_with == 0: amplitude_write.append(amplitude_to_reshape[i, self.no_read_steps:]) phase_write.append(phase_to_reshape[i, self.no_read_steps:]) mixed_signal_write = np.array([amp * self.sensitivity * np.cos(phase + self.phase_offset) for amp, phase in zip(amplitude_write, phase_write)]) = np.array(mixed_signal) self.phase = np.array(phase_reshaped) self.amplitude = np.array(amplitude_reshaped) self.write_spectra = np.array(mixed_signal_write) else: = None def _create_results_datasets(self): """ Creates hdf5 datasets for to-be computed results, writes parameters to the datasets, and links ancillary datasets. """ if self.fit_method == 'Exponential': self.process_name = 'Exp_Fit' if self.fit_method == 'Double_Exp': self.process_name = 'Double_Exp' if self.fit_method == 'Str_Exp': self.process_name = 'Str_Exp' if self.fit_method == 'Logistic': self.process_name = 'Logistic_Fit' # 1. make HDF5 group to hold results self.h5_results_grp = usid.hdf_utils.create_results_group(self.h5_main, self.process_name) if self.verbose: print('Results to be written to Group: {}'.format(self.h5_results_grp)) # 2. write relevant meta data to group usid.hdf_utils.write_simple_attrs(self.h5_results_grp, {'last_pixel': 0, 'algorithm': str(self.fit_method)}) # define all inputs to write_main_dataset # results shape results_shape = (self.h5_main.shape[0], self.no_read_offset) pos_dims = None spec_dims = usid.write_utils.Dimension('Bias', 'V', self.write_dc_offset_values) # 3. make empty hdf5 group to store fit information: if self.fit_method == 'Exponential': field_names = ['Amplitude [pm]', 'Time_Constant [s]', 'Offset [pm]'] results_dset_name = 'Exponential_Fit' results_quantity = 'None' results_units = 'pm' if self.fit_method == 'Double_Exp': field_names = ['Amplitude [pm]', 'Time_Constant [s]', 'Amplitude 2 [pm]', 'Time_Constant 2 [s]', 'Offset [pm]'] results_dset_name = 'Double_Exp_Fit' results_quantity = 'None' results_units = 'pm' if self.fit_method == 'Str_Exp': field_names = ['Amplitude [pm]', 'Beta', 'Offset [pm]'] results_dset_name = 'Str_Exp_Fit' results_quantity = 'None' results_units = 'pm' if self.fit_method == 'Logistic': field_names = ['A', 'K', 'B', 'v', 'Q', 'C'] results_dset_name = 'Logistic_Fit' results_quantity = 'None' results_units = 'pm' berelaxfit32 = np.dtype({'names': field_names, 'formats': [np.float32 for name in field_names]}) self.h5_results = usid.hdf_utils.write_main_dataset(self.h5_results_grp, results_shape, results_dset_name, results_quantity, results_units, pos_dims, spec_dims, dtype=berelaxfit32, h5_pos_inds=self.h5_main.h5_pos_inds, h5_pos_vals=self.h5_main.h5_pos_vals) self.h5_main.file.flush() def _get_existing_datasets(self): """ Extracts references to the existing datasets with results (if any) """ if self.fit_method == 'Exponential' or 'Double_Exp': self.h5_amplitude = self. h5_results_grp['Amplitude [pm]'] self.h5_time_const = self.h5_results_grp['Time_Constant [s]'] self.h5_offset = self.h5_results_grp['Offset [pm'] if self.fit_method == 'Double_Exp': self.h5_amplitude2 = self. h5_results_grp['Amplitude 2 [pm]'] self.h5_time_const2 = self.h5_results_grp['Time_Constant 2 [pm]'] if self.fit_method == 'Str_Exp': self.h5_amplitude = self.h5_results_grp['Amplitude [pm]'] self.h5_beta = self.h5_results_grp['Beta'] self.h5_offset = self.h5_results_grp['Offest [pm]'] if self.fit_method == 'Logistic': self.h5_A = self.h5_results_grp['Amplitude [pm]'] self.h5_K = self.h5_results_grp['A'] self.h5_B = self.h5_results_grp['K'] self.h5_v = self.h5_results_grp['v'] self.h5_Q = self.h5_results['Q'] self.h5_C = self.h5_results['C'] def _write_results_chunk(self): """ Writes computed results into appropriate datasets. """ if self.fit_method == 'Exponential': field_names = ['Amplitude [pm]', 'Time_Constant [s]', 'Offset [pm]'] if self.fit_method == 'Double_Exp': field_names = ['Amplitude [pm]', 'Time_Constant 1 [s]', 'Amplitude 2 [pm]', 'Time_Constant 2 [s]', 'Offset [pm]'] if self.fit_method == 'Str_Exp': field_names = ['Amplitude [pm]', 'Beta', 'Offset [pm]'] if self.fit_method == 'Logistic': field_names = ['A', 'K', 'B', 'v', 'Q', 'C'] berelaxfit32 = np.dtype({'names': field_names, 'formats': [np.float32 for name in field_names]}) # write and flush results results =, compound_type=berelaxfit32) results = results.reshape(self.h5_results.shape[0], -1) pos_ind = slice(self._start_pos, self._end_pos) self.h5_results[pos_ind] = results[pos_ind] #if double, make amp1 < amp2: if self.fit_method == 'Double_Exp': import copy amp1_copy = copy.deepcopy(self.h5_results['Amplitude [pm]']) amp2_copy = copy.deepcopy(self.h5_results['Amplitude 2 [pm]']) tau1_copy = copy.deepcopy(self.h5_results['Time_Constant [s]']) tau2_copy = copy.deepcopy(self.h5_results['Time_Constant 2 [s]']) for i in range(self.h5_results['Amplitude [pm]'].shape[0]): if self.h5_results['Amplitude [pm]'][i] > self.h5_results['Amplitude 2 [pm]'][i]: self.h5_results['Amplitude [pm]'][i] = amp2_copy[i] self.h5_results['Amplitude 2 [pm]'][i] = amp1_copy[i] self.h5_results['Time_Constant [s]'][i] = tau2_copy[i] self.h5_results['Time_Constant 2 [s]'][i] = tau1_copy[i] # update last_pixel and start position self.h5_results_grp.attrs['last_pixel'] = self._end_pos self._start_pos = self._end_pos self.h5_main.file.flush() def _get_existing_datasets(self): return