Utilities for static and interactive visualization of Band Excitation Scanning Probe Microscopy datasets

Created on Thu Jan 05 13:29:12 2017

@author: Chris R. Smith, Suhas Somnath


SHOfunc(parms, w_vec)

Generates the SHO response over the given frequency band :param parms: SHO parae=(A,w0,Q,phi) :type parms: list or tuple :param w_vec: Vector of frequency values :type w_vec: 1D numpy array

jupyter_visualize_be_spectrograms(pc_main[, ...])

Jupyer notebook ONLY function.

jupyter_visualize_beps_loops(...[, ...])

Interactive plotting of the BE Loops

jupyter_visualize_beps_sho(pc_sho_dset, ...)

Jupyer notebook ONLY function.


param h5_loop_parameters:

jupyter_visualize_parameter_maps(...[, cmap])

Interactive plot of the spatial maps of the loop parameters for all cycles.

plot_1d_spectrum(data_vec, freq, title, **kwargs)

Plots the Step averaged BE response

plot_2d_spectrogram(mean_spectrogram, freq)

Plots the position averaged spectrogram

plot_histograms(p_hist, p_hbins, title[, ...])

Plots the position averaged spectrogram

plot_loop_guess_fit(vdc, ds_proj_loops, ...)

Plots the loop guess, fit, source projected loops for a single cycle

plot_loop_sho_raw_comparison(...[, ...])

param h5_loop_parameters:

Dataset containing the loop parameters

show(img[, cmap, colorbar])

Displays image with colorbar.

visualize_sho_results(h5_main[, save_plots, ...])

Plots some loops, amplitude, phase maps for BE-Line and BEPS datasets.

viz_berelaxfit(berelaxfit[, bias_ind, ...])

param berelaxfit:

dataset from berelaxfit fit process class