A collection of 1D and 2D FFT based utilities for image and spectral processing based on the :module:`numpy.fft` module
Created on Tue Oct 20 17:42:41 2015
@author: Suhas Somnath
Builds a matrix where the value of a given pixel is its L2 distance from the origin, which is located at the center of the provided image rather one of the corners of the image. |
Downsamples the provided data vector |
Provides the real-space equivalent of the provided image in Fourier space |
Builds a 2D, radially symmetric, low-pass Gaussian filter based on the provided radius matrix. |
Gets the 2D FFT for a single or stack of images by applying a blackman window |
Calculate the noise floor from the FFT data. |
Builds a bandpass filter |
Builds a filter that only keeps N harmonics |
Builds a low pass filter |
Builds a filter that removes specified noise frequencies |