
Utilities for performing Bayesian Inference on Current-Voltage spectroscopy data obtained from scanning probe microscopes and visualizing results as described in [Ultrafast Current Imaging via Bayesian Inference ](

Created on Thu Jan 12 15:31:55 2017

@author: Suhas Somnath, Kody Law, Rama K. Vasudevan



Performs Bayesian Inference on a single I-V curve.


this function accepts a Voltage vector and current vector and returns a Bayesian inferred result for R(V) and capacitance Used for solving the situation I = V/R(V) + CdV/dt to recover R(V) and C, where C is constant.


Plots the basic Bayesian Inference results for a specific pixel :param bias_sine: Original bias vector used for experiment :type bias_sine: 1D float numpy array :param i_meas: Current measured from experiment :type i_meas: 1D float numpy array :param i_corrected: current with capacitance and R extra compensated :type i_corrected: 1D float numpy array :param i_recon: Reconstructed current :type i_recon: 1D float numpy array :param bias_triang: Interpolated bias :type bias_triang: 1D float numpy array :param resistance: Inferred resistance :type resistance: 1D float numpy array :param r_variance: Variance of the resistance :type r_variance: 1D float numpy array :param pix_pos: Pixel row and column positions or values :type pix_pos: list of two numbers :param broken_resistance: Whether or not to break the resistance plots into sections so as to avoid plotting areas with high variance :type broken_resistance: bool, Optional :param r_max: Maximum value of resistance to plot :type r_max: float, Optional :param res_scatter: Use scatter instead of line plots for resistance :type res_scatter: bool, Optional


Plots the basic Bayesian Inference results for a specific pixel :param h5_bayesian_grp: Group containing the Bayesian Inference results :type h5_bayesian_grp: h5py.Datagroup reference :param h5_resh: Dataset containing the raw / filtered measured current split by pixel :type h5_resh: h5py.Dataset reference :param pix_ind: Integer index of the desired pixel :type pix_ind: unsigned int