class, harm=1, bin_fft=None)[source]

Bases: object

Stands for BEPS (new data format) Pixel. This class parses (and keeps) the stream of data contained in a single cell of a BEPS data set of the new data format. Access desired parameter directly without get methods.

Initializes the pixel instance by parsing the provided data.

  • data_vec (1D float numpy array) – Data contained within each pixel

  • harm (unsigned int) – Harmonic of the BE waveform. absolute value of the wave type used to normalize the response waveform.



Compares parameters in this object with those another BEPSndfPixel object to tell if any parameter has changed between these pixels


Compares parameters in this object with those another BEPSndfPixel object to tell if any parameter has changed between these pixels


prev_pixel (BEPSndfPixel object) – The other pixel object to compare this pixel to


is_different – Whether or not these pixel objects share the same parameters

Return type:



Typical things that change during BEPS 1. BE parameters: a. Center Frequency, Band Width - changes in the BE_bin_w b. Amplitude, Phase Variation, Band Edge Smoothing, Band Edge Trim - Harder to find out what happened exactly - FFT should show changes c. BE repeats, desired duration - changes in the spectrogram length? 2. VS Parameters a. Amplitude, Phase shift - Changes in the AC_amp_vec / DC offset b. Offset, Read voltage - Shows up in the DC offset c. Steps per full Cycle - Changes in DC offset / AC amplitude …. d. Number of cycles, Cycle fraction, In and out of field - changes in the length of DC offset etc. e. FORC - should all show up in DC / AC amplitude 3. IO parameters : don’t change really 4. grid parameters : cannot do anything about this.